|| CAN WE TALK? ||

|| CAN WE TALK? ||

"We are living in a world where communication is very important.

The world is becoming small due to telecommunication and social media. Earlier to connect to any other country it used to take a lot of time and now within seconds, we get connected. Today I see a beautiful picture of a rainbow in the dark sky and within a second I can share pictures with my friends in any part of the world. But if you think about two birds sitting on the branch of a tree and observing rainbow in the sky, they just cherish those moments because they don't think much and for them still, the nature is natural and we who only believe in scientific revolution and technology we do share a picture but we forget to cherish those moments. Life is beautiful around us but we are not observing it. We talk at distance but we don't talk to a person who is sitting next to us. Can we start talking???

If you really observe, communication is only possible if we talk through our words and through our feelings. We exchange words but feelings are getting lost in this fast pace of the world. If you just think about Radha Krishna then see their communication and thoughts, they were so strong with words and feelings. Though they loved each other so much by talking out they resolved so many issues and added values and gave so much respect to their love and about their relationship and their concern about society's responsibilities towards people. Do we talk about our feelings??? Talking with comfort can resolve so many issues. Those two birds sitting on the branch observing nature made by God are so lucky??? We are also on this earth sent by God but with the brain, we have got lost.

If we people decide to visualize, to talk about an activity, their chances of success of an activity, of talking to improve, it's called mental rehearsal and science shows it works. I see so many kids having primary hesitancy in learning a language in an early stage of life and later it becomes a habit to stammer. They generally avoid to talk and that makes them more guilty, adds frustration and that gets even worse with fear of talking. Unless they don't try to talk, the sensitivity towards the problem will not reduce. If you keep someone in the darkroom and suddenly you take that person in bright light that person's eyes will feel sudden drastic change and sensitivity, in the same way, many times we don't talk and over the time it becomes so difficult to handle as fear arises more and you just can't handle. We need to talk at every step of life as small things get sorted easily.

Many times we get so many thoughts which we keep holding don't share with others thinking about other person's reactions and maybe sometimes due respect or sometimes you are not confident about that person and situation. But talking out may hurt or disturb the other person for a few moments and then it may be a happy moment forever. It's just that one fear which we need to remove. As a speech therapist, I feel each and every person on this earth has capacity and potential to talk it varies because of an individual's psychology. In a real manner, if we change our psychology to think positively and talk it out can give amazing results.

We have myth and misconceptions about deaf kids, not talking but doing correct diagnosis and best rehabilitation and correct stimulation of talking they achieve language and speech and achieve results like near normal then why we normal humans can not try to talk and achieve the best results. We normal people made my God (as God does not play favoritism) he bestows the seed of the highest possibility within each of us. It is up to us how we allow this seed to blossom by talking out.

Here we talk about ourselves, about our relationships or our thoughts or our profession just talk it out. Talk about those who really work for you, those who keep relations with you, those who guide you, those who care for you, appreciate them, acknowledge them and pay gratitude to what you have. In any relation appreciate each other's strengths, not weaknesses. Life is too short, make it best right now. Don't wait for things to get better and than talk. Learn to be happy at this moment, ups and downs will keep coming and going.

Listen to God as he has given breathing time to change. Listen to nature as nature needs to be natural. Listen to your parents as they have worked hard for you, they need respect and their experiences only will help you to overcome the hurdles in life. Listen to your teacher who is giving the education to be a better human being. Listen to your community and country that needs you. Don't ask your community and country what it can give rather talk and convey what you can do for your community and country. Listen in such a way that others love to speak to you. Listen to yourself about what you need from yourself and from others and for that, you need to TALK.

The best solution in this fast-paced life is love and care for each other, talking with respect through your words and feelings earns you the best possible respect and comfort and life with the pleasure of good positive memories.

"So let's start talking positively...with flavorful of love and care for us and for others."


  1. Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world


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