Conceive + Believe = Achieve

|| Conceive + Believe = Achieve ||

A small seed with enough water and soil and enough sunlight grows into a big tree. A big tree which generates enough oxygen for human being and also believes only in growing. For a big tree, success is??? How many fruits grow on the tree and also give enough warmth of love through its shades which give shelter to people who are in need of shelter. This blog I dedicate to all the women on this earth who conceives a child in her womb and believes that she can take care and will give birth to another beautiful human being like her on this earth and make and grow her child in a manner that a child can prove his or her existence on this earth. lets respect "A woman who gives shelter in her shades however the child is! A motherland who gives shelter to her citizens however, they think about their motherland." there is an old proven and beautiful saying "However difficult time is? you get peace and best sleep in your mother's lap and you get the best comfort, peace and warmth on your own motherland."

Expressing love was thought to the human being through Radha Krishna's love. Radha (a beautiful woman) who is remembered all these years by her amazing 32 names and all of them express only love. It is written in Shastras that, Radha didn't open her eyes till Krishna was born. She created and spread her fragrance of love for Krishna and sacrifice her love for her motherland and people in this universe. She thought that love is to be felt and experienced even without possession. A mother who gives birth to a child, her feelings will always remain for the child but possession for him or her never changes. A woman who knows her love is confident and her warmth is so strong that a child always remains secure in those feelings. As Krishna was not able to be with Radha but, her love was secured and strong. Radha is one who conceived love on this universe and believes that through love u can achieve the best success.

Radhaji also thought that with prayers you be stable and also you lose all your thoughts of anger, ego, greed, depression, insecurity, and fear. Prayers are not about gaining or losing, ultimately what she gains is that she has been remembered by all of us all these years. A woman named Mother Terasa also thought us, that you need to smile and serve for those who are in need. She conceived a thought process of serving humanity with the belief of love and her success is, she is also one such personality who will be remembered always. A woman has a power of love to keep everyone connected and have stability in whatever they do.

I admire all the women in this universe because whenever a difficult time comes, they know how to take care of when their child in their own uterus. My mother and many more mothers that includes me as well have tried to read best books with the positive and good thought process that their kids also develop throughout the positive thought process. Women also try to eat the best nutritious food during their pregnancy and they also desire to be in the best health condition so that their child remains healthy. That trust and guidance come within from your own soul as a mother. My dear women friends, now onwards this same instinct from our soul should remain throughout our life as they will help us to create the highest minds. We should always remain with good health and have nutritious food and read positive and good books of thought throughout our life due to which we will be able to conceive the best thinking in our children. Frankly speaking, during Pandemic, this thought process has become more strong within me as I really enjoyed making food and hot chapatis and also enjoyed having good and healthy discussions with my two daughters. A difficult situation as taught a new way of thinking.

Today in this pandemic however difficult times, we women have been the most stable and flexible. We have learned to handle our house and also other activities around us. I have seen so many mothers who never knew technology so well, now they have learned the impromptu method of learning so that the kids can study online. "My helper at home who lives in chawl she said, I have learned through mobile how to make my child study." isn't that amazing? We, women, have the potential to be flexible according to situations and also have the power to make a change. I have seen so many women who have developed so many different recipes to cook or have developed different small businesses with their routine activities of responsibilities. I think we women should challenge our selves every day to be better than what we were yesterday. Let's conceive that thought with beliefs that we can do it!!! Your success is going to be between you and yourself only.


As a woman, you are the creator of your and our world and the power of creation is in your thoughts. I see so many deaf kids mothers, who come and cry that they have a difficult child but on the other hand I have seen some mothers who come and say we have come to know that our child has difficulty and you as a doctor let me know what best way I can work on the child so that I can help in overcoming his or her difficulties... Here the thought process plays a major role in a child's growth. I know one mother who sacrificed her own life behind her deaf child, though she didn't have any cooperation from her family and today that boy is a Masters in Engineering and working for government firm and earns more than Rs 75000 per month and today that boy is taking so much good care of his mother who has sacrificed her life for him. A  big salute to her hard work. I get so much inspiration from women with such dedication for their own child.


I as a woman, who believes that we women, have to come forward and conceive the idea to make a change. A change that whatever difficult situation comes, we are ready to face it. Let's believe that if we are confident our kids will also become confident. Let's teach them to be alert, educate them to be kind and humble. Let's play as a woman and man, an equal role in the growth of kids as well as have an equal responsibility to run our own home as well as our country. We see so many women now coming forward to fight for our country. We all women not fight but at least develop soldiers who can make our country better, economically, and socially. If we conceive those beautiful thoughts to be better than what we are, than with faith and belief we can achieve sure success.

For the strong mental growth of an individual, we mothers play an important role, and it is our duty that apart from the education we need to develop the best thinking process in our kids. In this rat race of competition of percentage and social status, we have forgotten to teach values to our children. respect, commitments, responsibility, understanding, and dedication are equally important other than education, which comes through a feeling of love. The best feeling a child can learn from her mother. With the learning of facts, learning to think is also equally important.


I again salute all women, all mothers and our motherland who believes that, if we conceive love in our heart we will achieve the success of having a beautiful world around us.


  1. Amazingly put up I loved each and every piece of this blog .


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