|| The best thing to Hold on in life is each other. ||

|| The Best thing to Hold on in life is Each Other ||

Do we need each other, YES? Then HOW? A relationship can only survive if two people know how to handle each other in life. AND IT'S not just about two people who are in love; it's about every relation we carry in our life. You as an individual can spread love and if you are loved by your loved ones then you can love life. In the relationship of love or be it any other relationship, relations need trust, warmth, and understanding with respect for each other. The sky shines the best in the morning with the sun and the sky looks equally beautiful during sunsets. It's their relation, trust, understanding, and respect that makes them look always beautiful. Similarly, in a strong relationship of love even if there are ups and downs in life, relations will always sound beautiful. Any corporate company can survive though there are ups and downs, because if employees love and trust the company and they are loved by management and if they have respect for their own company. It's the same with family relations, they can survive if that trust, warmth and understanding, and respect is there. In this pandemic, we all have realized that the warmth of family and close people is an important part of our life.

Lord Rama gave away Ayodhya Rajya for his brother Bharat and for the respect of his mother, Bharat kept Lord Rama's paduka and took care of the kingdom giving respect to his brother. Their understanding and respect for parents and trust in each other, their care for the people of Ayodhya always maintained their relations with love in difficult times. Lord Krishna's love for his Gokul vasi and for Radha was thick and thin even though there were a lot of obstacles in life. The desire of being with each other in difficult times was much more powerful than the desire of being with each other. Krishna and Radha's trust in their love, understanding, and respect for love is in our hearts though it has been so many years.

KRISHNA left Gokul and Radha never cried or uttered anything, but she took care of her love and have been the strength of Krishna for her whole life. Even Gokul vasi was taken care of by Krishna though he was not physically present. In our life we get many people who ask you for so many things, when you ask for help, it's rare you find a person who without you asking helps you and be there for you. It's our insecurity and the recent trend in society always makes us raise questions and we always have doubts. Even while doing prayers or having faith in God, we have questions. If something good happens in our life then only we believe in God but without you asking God made the arrangement of food, water, and nature for you then why there are questions? I remember once I spoke to someone about positivity in life and he with a depth of his expressions narrated that how he is going through a financially difficult time and he with his own self-respect could not explain that he needs help. I understood his difficulty and the next day indirectly I made him submit papers for help and deposited some money for the immediate requirement in his account. Here, I don't have any word to express his happiness. That day I really felt satisfied with helping that person. It was a very small gesture but it gave so much positivity in his life.

For our own partner or kids or family members what we need to do is, hold onto each other in good as well as in difficult times. Have trust in relations, the strength of relations develops a better life. Today in the rat race we have lost patience in earning money or earning relations, we want everything fast. Our relations in life should become a strength for each other, not weakness. I recently interviewed two couples, wherein, one couple both partners were hearing impaired (deaf) and in another couple, the wife was hearing impaired and the husband was normal. Both the couples were amazing and both had such a beautiful understanding and respect for each other. The couple where both partners were hearing impaired said, "our life has changed and has become very focused after the birth of our child also we need to help each other if we want to give the best life to our child." The couple where one was normal he said, "Though I faced challenges, in the beginning, to understand her love has made my task easier and now it's that we compensate each other’s fault." So, while talking to these couples I got so much inspired and understood that relations are best if you really trust them and feel them. Life is beautiful if you have beauty in relations.

My journey of working with hearing impaired has made me understand that listening is very important in relations. If you sit with patience just for a few minutes and try to listen to what other person is trying to say then that your patience of listening is only giving so much of strength to your relation. Someone who is there to listen to me is the highest level of security and satisfaction in life. Be it any relation, for instance, Grandfather with his old thinking may have something to say, maybe it is out of his experience and kid who knows technology might have another point of view, but you as in middle just sit with them, listen, and make them understand that between experience and technology many problems will get solved. I have one patient who is 71 years old and have lost his speech in a paralysis attack. His grandson is 5 years old and loves to talk and play with Grandfather, we just explained to that child that Grandfather has lost his speech and if you teach him with patience he will understand... Friends, believe me, the way grandfather has recovered and is having very healthy and positive learning from grandson. So, this shows that beautiful relations survive just with patient listening.

Sometimes just concern or little care from your own people works like wonderful medicine. Therefore, there are so many doctors in our society but we only go to the doctors in whom we have faith and trust or has the quality to reduce our pain, has an understanding of our mind and body, or has the understanding of our psychology, or has time for us and also has respect in our society. Just read this again and think, if we do the same thing in our relationship and become a doctor for each other then how beautiful every relation will be??? My so many hearing-impaired patients have become my students and now friends and they are now like family to me. It's only love and affection we carry for each other.

In this pandemic where we all were home for a long time and had enough time to understand each other, spend time with each other, have made us realize that love and respect for each other as a partner, for our family and for our society will only bring happiness. As Buddha said, "Radiate boundless love towards the entire world, above, below and across, unhindered, without ill will, without enmity." The world will only survive if we hold onto each other and it starts from your relations with relationship of respect, trust, understanding, and love...


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