I was just thinking, if you consider the vision of universe, it is to glow and flourish with the sun, moon and galaxy of stars. What is the vision of earth? It is to shine with nature, creatures and human beings. What is the vision of a country? It is to be the country which is economically and educationally powerful, and from tourism point of view more cultured, beautiful and approachable. What is the vision of a community? It believes to be united, people follow rituals, connected and helpful to each other. What is the vision of an organization? It is employees should work with dedication and help in the best way to grow the company. What is the vision of parents or family? Children should grow with good education, manners and work together to keep family united. What is the vision of you as a human being??? Above all, vision is possible only when you as a human being contribute back to this universe in your best possible way. Someone rightly said "Don't ask what can universe DO to make you shine rather ask what best you can do to exist on this universe???"....for that just "BE YOU BE REAL."

Radha and Krishna were two God but they believed to be just normal like any other human being on this earth. But they left behind the legacy of love, sacrifice and humanity. They believed that whatever the situations is, you have to give your best. They were prepared to fight any difficulty coming their way. They also believed in humanity with love is the only solutions for any human problem. The simplicity and beauty of their love still exists in every picture made by a painter or artist and their innocence's exists in every sculpture made by any sculptor. The beauty of their love only talks about positivity of progress. Over the years, negativity, comparison or bad influence have never touched their stories....just think about this?? It's because, "they both were natural and they were REAL WITH REAL HEARTS."

I read a story of one devotee of Krishna who always use to carry milk to the temple for offering it to Lord Krishna. It was her daily routine. She used to carry milk with her then go to the lake and add some water in it, but this was not from the intention to cheat, it was because she believed this will be easily digestible for Lord Krishna. Her heart was very clear. Like always, one day she went to the lake while mixing water one fish got added in milk, she was not aware about it. Panditji took that milk to offer  and saw a fish in it, he got very angry at the devotee and told her not to come for offering milk. Many days passed, she kept crying and regretting for her mistake but always kept praying to God for forgiveness. Friends, in Bhagwad Gita it is mentioned that, "God himself visited her hut and had milk he also appreciated that woman's efforts to pray and work with dedication. Panditji also felt the absence of God in temple and that made him realise that his behavior with devotee of Krishna was not correct. Now here its clear that even God believes in people who have REAL HEART AND WHO ARE NATURAL. 

In this fast paced world we have just forgotten, what is original ''WE' as human being. When we take birth on this earth we immediately start getting compared with other children for talking, education, tuition, classes, behavior, physically and mentally how much behind or ahead we are. When you grow up then you are compared for your growth be it financially, physically or mentally how much are you strong and then in older age how much you have achieved. So many angles to think and so many responsibilities to fulfill. All twist and turns of life and still we are not sure how much is done and how much more is to be done. The Psychologist who studied human brains said, "two kind of people on this earth, one who wants name and fame and the other who wants money, both at the end of the day needs family, warmth and social connections." Then why to think so much in life? Why can't we just be what we are and with REAL HEART JUST SPREAD REAL LOVE then other things will automatically start falling in place. It is said "GRACE of life is having a relationship only with touching someone's heart"

Frankly speaking this pandemic has changed my life. Though my profession encouraged me to do social work for underprivileged deaf kids but in addition to that I learned so many things in my life which I thought to share with others. I had fear, no not actually fear, but a constant question on how many people will like my thoughts?  But after looking at the responses by my family, gurus ,writers and general readers I was motivated to write more and now I am about to complete my 50th blog and readers have encouraged me to convert my blog into a book, which will get published soon. What I relate here is, in my all the blogs I have only and only given my real life experiences with faith in Krishna and that reality of life only has helped me to overcome my fears and created miracles of growing my brain to think and to be better human being.
Today in pandemic when so many families have got affected by Corona virus and looking at their difficulties we get worried. Though they are not related to us we want to know what difficulty they had and how they fought with it, as we want to learn from their mistakes and want to take precautions. Even though they are not connected but if they have fought and survived as warrior we feel to wish them and want to interact with them. This reminded me that I have so many live examples of hearing health warrior as deaf kids in front of me why should I not learn from them how they fought for their REAL life. I recently interviewed one of my deaf student {hearing health warrior) on a talk show. She was amazing and was more confident than any other normal child. I felt that a little drop of love and showing the correct path through profession, warmth and love from parents can create miracles in these kids. love to implement this formula of life "BE A LITTLE DROP OF LOVE IN SOMEONES OCEAN OF PAIN." If all of us start doing our bit we will have ocean of love with may be a drop of pain which will be negligible.
To make ocean of love we all need to contribute. The space between you as an individual and the rest of the world is not empty, "its full of the vibrating energy of love." Why do I say this? just think about this vicious cycle. You are born, you are loved by your parents, given warmth by your family, you are secured and allowed to grow with your thoughts and freedom.You are compared and criticized in healthy way, you work with passion, compassion and dedication. You do what you desire and you work together with taking everyone in confidence. "Have faith in god, respect parents ,be happy with what you have and be responsible, there are so many things to do, but it's never so difficult. This all can be done very easily if you just decide to "BE REAL BE YOU."

I as a normal human being feels that every individual on this EARTH IS UNIQUE IN THEIR OWN WAY. In a different and beautiful way, what we just need to do is appreciate each others potential and qualities. if we do this it will be a wonderful and REAL world around us. Simple and magical formula of life is "BE REAL BE YOU."




  1. Excellent Article Devangi!
    I agree with you, God has made each one of us unique and we are responsible to bring out our uniqueness. Its is this uniqueness of individuals that has made world so beautiful to live!
    It's better to be true version of ourselves rather than first copy of someone else!
    God bless!!


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