Friends, you have heard from me about the language of smile and language of speech; today, I'm going to narrate to you the importance of the language of the eye. The language of the eye is how you see, perceive and have a vision for your life. Let's talk about the language of the eye. I feel proud to be an Indian. I have taken birth in this beautiful universe and in this universe, there is the earth; on this earth, there are so many countries, in which, my country, India, is rich in heritage, full of cultural values and deep spiritual values. I'm part of it and it's my duty to maintain its dignity. I see it as a part of my soul and perceive it as one of the best assets of my life. My vision is to do my best to make it shine on the earth. How about every Indian starts thinking like this?

Krishna, in Bhagwad Geeta, taught us that though we all are powerful in our own way, we need each other's strengths to work together, conquer and make a difference or a change. In Mahabharata, there were 100 Kauravas who were very powerful but the only problem with them was that they only understood the language of "I" and felt that no one could defeat them. They also had the support of all the intelligent and powerful people but they wanted to use their qualities in a destructive and wrong manner i.e. called Adharma. On another side, there were only five Pandavas. Each with a unique quality. Yudhisthir with his intelligence, Bheem with power, Arjuna with a unique quality to fight and Sahadeva and Nakula with the unique qualities to understand, analyze and implement. Above all, they had the support of Krishna who knew how to make people realize dharma. Though the Pandavas had also committed some mistakes in life, they had the versatility to understand and change with the guidance of Krishna. It helped them to fight and make the right path for dharma. Now, give it a thought, do you want to be a Kaurava or a Pandava? It will depend on your language of the eye how you perceive it.

 Today, we talk about so many people that have done so many wonderful things to make our India proud but we're also busy looking at people who have not done well for our country. Our rich culture tells us to appreciate the good qualities of others. Even King Akbar, a powerful king, used to take the mighty clever Birbal's help to understand various work strategies towards people. If you hear their stories, in none of them has Birbal made other people feel bad or down. He has shown the right path, to overcome any challenges faced by King Akbar, in a very tactful manner. Today, instead of appreciating the good qualities and cherishing the goodwill of our freedom fighters like Gandhiji, to show ourselves to be better or to promote ourselves, we try to prove them wrong. They at least took efforts, dared to fight, stood up for their people, didn't bother about their lives and sacrificed themselves. Do we have that strength? Try to analyze your way of the language of the eye. You will visualize the pride of those freedom fighters in a different manner. Gandhiji once stated that "You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it." Hence, your vision, your perception and your reaction towards people is important and it shows how you just don't appreciate yourself but others too.

I understood the language of the eye differently, working with special children and being a professional in this field. Earlier, we had a lot of myths and misconceptions about all disabilities. Especially when we see deaf kids, we talk in gestural language or few words or we don't talk at all thinking that they will not hear and understand. But the scientific revolution in technology and studying human psychology of understanding language, I understood that if you want them to talk like you, we need to change our perception.  By understanding the language of the eye, we need to talk to them like normal people with little more effort and with the use of the right technology, can achieve results which can reduce our liability. We need to make them inclusive in society. It is only possible if we become flexible to understand that, also if you aspire to be powerful you will have to educate yourself. Think about it! Although we know everything, we become rigid about such issues. We follow the herd mentality (quantity) without understanding the quality of people who can create a difference or make a change.

In my day to day life, I have seen so many women who are lovely mothers, especially who are fighters, no matter what difficulties they face in life. They are ready to fight as their vision is that their child is taken good care of. All mothers take care of their child in their womb for 9 months and then they go through the pain of delivery but the moment the childbirth happens and they are ready to breastfeed, the only perception is to nourish her child that doesn't know the pain she has gone through. That feeling of love and warmth to the child is the most valuable feeling which every individual needs to understand. Why does that feeling go away over time? Why don't others notice these valuable moments of life? Mothers, please embrace those moments when you have to face challenges in life and teach that feeling and warmth to your kids as well. One should always keep in mind that if you are making action without vision its only a way of passing time but vision without action is also merely day dreaming, hence to bring change in the world always have vision with action. Doing that, your perception and vision towards life will change.

I recently met one of my friends who lost her husband. She had faced many problems earlier in life and she was doing her best in all difficult circumstances. Even though she lost her husband, the next day she was ready to work as a fighter and became a strong woman in front of her child. I saw the fighter quality in her whereas other people perceived her as someone who lost her husband and yet started working! It is perception- how you look at the situation. I feel we all have to start thinking differently. Being positive and understanding the psychology of people, I feel we all have to work towards understanding the strength of each other. As to see the change in the world that we wish for, we will have to be that change first.

Another language of the eye is how we express ourselves. Many times we don't express our feelings to each other. Working with specially-abled children, I feel that expression helps you to connect with people. Music and dance are the best forms of expression. We do events through JOSH every year, and we see the talented kids. Though they are special, they express themselves so well. They observe us so minutely even if they don't have all the senses. We should learn from them. We need to come out of our Myths and Misconceptions and need to learn to perceive life differently. Our cultural values and technology need to be balanced. By expressing in the best and right manner to ourselves, our family, community and country, we will come out of so many hurdles of life.


Let's start understanding our language of the eye, how we perceive and then how we think about us and the people around us. If we think in the right manner and look at ourselves in the mirror with our eyes like we are courageous, we can express ourselves in the best possible manner. We have the determination to face any situation. We are compassionate to see others' pain and will be able to help them with kindness. Our self-love and positively seeing ourselves will give the courage to dissolve any difficult situation and resilience to be a better person. Our imagination gives us the picture and our vision gives us the impulse to make the picture of our own. Apart from all this, it will help us appreciate God, who has given us birth in this beautiful universe. So what we need to do is just think about... the language of the eye! 



  1. I completely agree with you Devangi! Our eyes actually communicate- when we are upset or feeling sad it cries, when we are angry it becomes wide when we are happy or in jolly mood our eyes shine differently!!

    And of course our eyes are our window towards outside world! It’s often said that we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are!!

    So eyes are reflection it ourselves! A negative persons sees faults in everything where as a positive person see good in everything!

    Thanks for another beautiful article! God Bless!!


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