|| Music is the best language of expression....||

 || Music is the best language of expression.... ||

It is said that Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything. Today any kind of disease whether you talk about cancer, paralytic attack, or language learning for autistic kids or even teaching language to normal kids everywhere music has played a vital role to recover. How offering a flower to God or to your beloved person brings fragrance and smile on your and their face, in the same way, a piece of melodious music played as a prayer to God and playing music for your loved ones gives out best expression towards God and your loved ones. From ancient times in our culture music has been given a prominent place because it is believed that life expressions come out in the best possible way through music only. It is also said that "Music once admitted to the soul, becomes a sort of spirit and never dies." While going through the rich literature and poems written by Ravindranath Tagore i came across a beautiful quote written by him wherein few lines he explains what connection our music and soul have, he says, "The world speaks to me in colors, my soul answers in music."


Many languages are driven from our ancient Sanskrit language but the first expression of the word that we learn is through offering prayers to Saraswati Devi who is the Goddess of music. In educational institutions or institutions where music, dance, and singing are learned, at all these places first prayer is offered to the Goddess of music Sarawati Devi. Lord Krishna used to play melodious music through his Bansuri (Flute) which used to make all Brijwasi mesmerized and this used to make people forget their pain and change their minds to see the world towards happiness through music. It is said that Krishna's bansuri is just an empty stick of wood that has small holes that create melodious music, similarly, on this earth, we come with an empty soul but with learning experiences and rhythm in our lives, we create the best music from our own self. My favorite story of 8 pictures relates to Ashta Sakha of Krishna and Ashta Sakhi of Radha, who created miraculous music to be closer to Krishna. So if we want to be closer to Krishna we need to get lost in the music of his love for us. Even today we pray to God through Bhajans and Kirtans, these rituals have taken different directions but their existence is still the same.

MUSIC is related to every beat of our body, mind, and soul. it is the first music created by God in the form of our heartbeat and is the world's best music which can't be compared with any other music. The music of the heartbeat modulates according to the energy of our body, mind, and soul. Some individual's heartbeat goes faster and someone's slow or in a rhythmic pattern according to their nature. A study was done by scientists that reveal that music gives good listening skills and these listening skills give good positive thinking to the brain. At an early age, if you make children listen to rhythmic poems and they learn it in intonation pattern of language and speech faster but as the brain starts thinking more, those rhythmic intonation patterns get vanished in some people, as they get surrounded by many non-melodious situations. Those who enjoy and cherish music come out of agony and worry about life much faster as "Music is the best positive expression of our life."


I remember a few years back I visited one of the deaf schools in Gujarat and the children there had prepared a welcome song and dance on a piece of melodious music for me. Though they were not hearing the rhythms of their body, mind and, soul created good vibrations in their expressions. They expressed their feelings for me through their dance but the other best part is to encourage them I also started singing and dancing with them on music which made them closer to me much faster. They developed faith in me that I will do something for them. Music created confidence in our relationship. It developed a hope in them that someone is there to help them. After that whenever I used to visit them they all used to be awake till the time I work with them. As I was staying in a hostel with them they used to sleep when I used to sleep and they used to wake up before me and in the morning we used to play games with music and do yoga as well. So I have experienced that music creates the best expressions towards each other. Today I feel music has made me closer to these deaf kids.

Once through our Josh foundation, we had arranged dandiya ras with singer Falguni Pathak and we invited all the special deaf schools of Mumbai. We planned this event two months in advance and it was during the Navratri festival. These deaf kids who now wear good digital hearing aids and hear well did the practice of dance and music on Navratri songs and they just enjoyed the best during that event. Some kids also did live performances on songs performed by her. It is a great saying that ''After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music,'' this is just so true. I feel these deaf kids expressed the best of their feelings through music as for them it became the best language of expression. Somebody has rightly said that "we can't always choose the music life play for us, but we can choose how we dance to it." Every time when I work with these kids my perspective of looking at life changes and it encourages me to always choose the right moves on the music that life gives me then it doesn't matter what the situation I am into, as music helps us to express what words can't express.

The wonderful melody of our life is how well we understand the melody of music. The world where you can think with freedom, where you understand the real rhythm of love, where you enjoy doing what you do, where your soul feels the satisfaction of being there in this world, that's where the place where God exists and that's the time where you have the best expressions of life. All these parameters are ingredients of our Indian culture for so many years but it's just that slowly and with the fast pace of this scientific revolution world, the melody of music is getting lost. How about we get those melodies back???? So, today to revive those feeling for our world or country or community or God, the best way we choose is through music, so music is a very important language of expressions of our life. I have understood this in-depth working with my deaf kids.


As I think Spreading Positivity is important at the same time I feel music is the best way to lead towards it. When we pray to God we perform music in the form of Bhajans and Kkirtans, when a child is born we enjoy music with them through poems, in schools we do prayers to learn the language and also while performing on stage as an individual or group, when we party with our friends or when we are in relaxation mode we play music. When we do celebration of marriage we express our happiness through music, and the celebration is no celebration without music, even a soul rest in peace rituals are performed with respect through music. Music is in every heartbeat of our life. If we think in the positive direction and with the music then we can live a life not only to be lived but will live with the celebration of each and every moment of our life.

With this thought process, I wish everyone let this pandemic and difficult time of our life go away and the bells of happiness, the rhythm of music always ring in our life and we learn the best language of expressions to celebrate our life. 



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