|| TRAVEL TO BE A BETTER TRAVELLER OF LIFE || The sun rises in the east in the morning and sets in the west in the evening and rises again the next morning. It resembles our time. We may have good days and bad days but there is the possibility of good days again. The moon in Shukla Paksha rises and shines totally to spread light in the darkness slowly over 15 days and then in Krishna Paksha, disappears completely and starts rising again. It’s said that days are passing but there is still a possibility of spreading light again. They say our stars change according to our birthday but like the stars, if we keep doing our karma with faith, we will also shine like them always. If you go to see the sun, the moon and the stars keep traveling with the earth but only show the positive path to shine like them. Let’s learn to be better travelers of our travel in our own life. We have the most beautiful clock ever made in the universe to follow. Start traveling before you run out of t...