|| Be a woman who makes a difference ||

|| Be a woman who makes a difference ||

Men and women are human beings on this earth who have a brain to think. Men and women together make the universe continue to build and survive. Men and women together can spread love and humanity on this earth. Though it's a combined effort, the majority of the senses of love and humanity come as a responsibility to be fulfilled more by women. As we are on this earth in any country that we belong to, we talk about our motherland or our mother tongue. Respect for motherhood is highly appreciated. Though man equally participates in birth a human being on this earth, it's the mother (woman) who gives birth from her mind, body, and soul. Women play a vital role in this universe. As a responsible woman, I feel if we want to make a difference in this universe then we have to decide to glow differently in this world to be happy and make others happy.

Our Indian history and culture have such lively idols as women who are still ringing in all our hearts. A woman, Devaki (mother of Krishna) who sacrificed her motherhood for her child's growth. Another woman, Yashoda who loved being the mother of Krishna and fulfill her motherhood with love passion, and compassion. Radha, who sacrificed her love for humanity, and Meera who did bhakti with her mind, body, and soul. Saraswati Devi imparts education, Ambika Devi shows courage against devils. In recent history, Ahalya bai or Jhansi ki rani did courageous efforts to help their motherland survive. Mother Teresa taught us to do social service with selflessness. If you see any form of feelings if any woman decides to do it, she can make a difference. She only has to decide within herself. Nothing is difficult for her.

Just think about it, the intellect you, as a woman, have, has to do only little on the road of discovery. You, as a woman, have to develop a leap of consciousness. Call it intuition or determination. The solution will come to you very easily like how and why. Let me put it this way. I got birth on this earth as a daughter, but I never cry about being neglected or insecure. I grew from a girl to be a woman but I grew with confidence and stood for myself. Accompanied being a wife but I was never been deprived of my dreams and desires. I want to be a woman who is an equal companion. I want to be a woman with a career or be a woman housewife with my willingness. I want to be a humble woman to teach humanity to my kids and others. Now, all this is only possible for you as a woman if you decide. Life is very simple for all women but we, as women, insist on making it complicated with our restricted thoughts.

We have two genders on this earth that cannot be compared. One has to understand that each gender has its specialty and magic. The specialty of a woman is that she can be in the worst situation possible and the only words you will hear from her are I will figure it out! I promise she will find a way. While giving birth to a child however in pain she is, she will be happy as she is giving birth to a child. However, in pain, she is, she will happily breastfeed her child with warmth and happiness. However difficult the time to survive in a financial situation will be, she will find a way to feed her child. Whatever dreams she carries for herself, she will never compromise to fulfill her child's dreams. Whatever wrong things the child will do, as a mother, she will always show the right path to her child. In my 30 years of practice, I have seen so many mothers working hard for their children with everything they've got. They know that their child is special. I request and appreciate all the beautiful women on this earth. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. Keep striving to make a difference.

I feel any wisdom comes over a period of time. Understand that anything that annoys you is teaching you patience. Your child's mischiefs annoy you but don't you think it gives you happiness while dealing with it. Anyone who abandons you is teaching you how to stand up on your own feet. Though you go through your period cycle with pain, you stand to work for your routine like any other day. You, as a woman, only can bear this pain. Anything that angers you is teaching you forgiveness and compassion. Though during teaching your child, you feel angry. You find a way so that your child sits down to learn. Anything that has power over you teaching you how to take your power back. Though our motherland gets attack by others, our soldiers fight back to save her. Anything you hate is teaching you, unconditional love. Though you travel all around the world, you only love your motherland or you only feel secure in your mother's lap. Anything you fear is teaching you the courage to overcome your fear. A however difficult or special child you have, you try to overcome those challenges. Anything you can't control is teaching you how to let go. So, understand your potential as a woman and learn to make a difference.

I am a woman who believes that the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair but the beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where her love resides. A woman with her beautiful heart only will shower smiles on the lives of this universe; as a mother, daughter, wife, daughter-in-law, or in any career or path she chooses. The special elegance of an Indian woman lies in her pure heart. Today, in every spiritual or scientific way, our motherland is shining as it has a depth of mother India having a beautiful heart that teaches love, respect, and humanity for others. So we, as Indian women, have to feel proud as we have a strong base of humanity and the time has come where we have to stop focusing on our stress rather, we have to think about how blessed we are.

The best way to do it is on this Women's Day, decide when nobody celebrates you, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, compliment yourself. It's not up to other people to encourage you. It's up to you. Encouragement should come from the inside. You are the best role model for yourself. Nothing is so difficult not deceiving oneself. How others see you, as a woman, is not important. How you see yourself means everything. So, brace yourself as only you can make a difference if you decide to. Today, spare time for yourself and clear all your doubts from your mind, and hear your voice to spread the energy of positivity in this world.

It is said that a nation is raised on the laps of its women. If you're confident about yourself and your motherland, your child will also do the same. Our kids will follow in our footsteps. Depth of love, sacrifice, and humanity of the Indian culture only we, as women, can teach. It is said that what depth of feelings a mother carries while her child is in her womb, the same child carries it in this universe. So, let's analyze ourselves and learn to be better human beings as well as better women who can make a difference.

A simple yet true meaning of who a WOMEN is:
W- Wheel of family
O - Ocean of knowledge
M - Mirror of children
E - Address of love
N - Navigator of life boat.
Wishing every women out there a very Happy Women's Day!


  1. Very well Said Devangi!
    You are leading with your own example!
    Happy Women’s Day!
    God Bless!!

  2. Excellent. I liked ...the beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where her love resides.


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