|| Real Religion Transforms Anxiety Into Laughter ||

|| Real Religion Transforms Anxiety

Into Laughter ||

Real religion is the transformation of anxiety into laughter. As Mahatma Gandhiji said, ''The essence of all religions is one, only the approaches are different." Similarly, all humans are equal. Childishly, you explain that everyone has two hands to work, two legs to walk, two eyes to see, two ears to hear, one mouth to eat and talk, and one beautiful brain to think but everyone uses all these differences. It is up to every human brain to decide to use the senses to create anxiety all the time or to create laughter. In this difficult time, when the corona wave has come for the second time, we all have started sinking our brain more towards anxiety than laughter, towards negativity than the available positivity around us. High-profile people, print media, and electronic media are constantly talking about anxiety and making people more fearful. I don't understand why we can't talk about the good part of all situations. 100 years back, there was a plague of diseases but there was no technology. Medicines were limited and no possibility of vaccination was available so fast due to the limitations of the scientific revolution. Let's spread the message that we are much better than our ancestors.


At this stage, I only remember about our Krishna. In Bhagwad Geeta, it is written that when Rama was to conquer Lanka, Hanuman and his team collected stones and made a bridge in the water to reach Lanka. All the stones were arranged and only the Govardhan stone was left. The stone got upset for not getting utilized for dharma. Lord Rama promised that when he would take birth as Lord Krishna he would make a special arrangement for Govardhan, and will do in such a way that people will remember forever. During Krishna s birth, people were worshipping Indra but Indra’s attitude was enraged. People were not comfortable to worship him so Krishna guided them to worship Govardhan so that he will protect them from all the difficulties, will give them shelter in all the difficult circumstances of life. The Vrijvasis prayed to Govardhan Parvata and it did its best for them. Likewise, we all are running behind the magic to happen, we are waiting for all high profile celebs to do their best but they are all lost in their world. I think the time has come to believe and pray to God who has created you rather than running the rat race. I think if we all do that Lord Krishna will do his best. Let's convert our anxiety into laughter in being with our lord.


Recently, I got to meet one of my deaf students who is brilliant in studies. He passed his 10th from a regular school where he stood first- scored 88%. He did BCom from NM College and then MCom. He got a job in a good company two years back. Before lockdown, for progress, he shifted to a new job. People were taking time to understand him. While working, though he was hearing well with digital hearing aids, communication with a mask was difficult. He was the boy who, when young, had thought that we should work hard on this earth to prove our existence. I used to see him as an inspiration. Hearing only about the Corona virus all the time, about the negative impact of society, he started feeling depressed and in the last few months was not able to concentrate on his job. That depression reached such a level that he decided to leave the job.

Today, in these difficult situations, it's so difficult to get a job. His parents were worried so they came to me. I started talking to him and understood rather than his will power outside circumstances, the environment was making him depressed. I told him we get so many diseases but we fight. You have grown up with difficulty and you did your best. You are my inspiration. Your parents have worked so hard to get you to this stage, at least start enjoying work and make them happy. We all have to come together to fight how you fought as a child and on the brighter side, you have to work hard and earn in such a way that we can find a beautiful and smart girl for you. After one hour of positive discussion and laughter, he promised me that he would start enjoying his work and do his best. This is the story of one deaf child; I think so many young kids are going through these mental health problems. Media and social media activities are creating more difficulties with people by getting creating anxiety for every situation.


We need to change and talk about positive things around us. We need to create beneficial situations out of the ones that the virus has caused. The scientific revolution is saving so many lives. If we all work together we will come out of it if we are positive about everything. Rather than blaming each other, we need to create the right awareness, take precautions in spreading messages, and be concerned about people who are helping. Rather than concentrating on ups and downs about high profile people, let's take care of our ups and downs. Rather than thinking too much about our future, let's concentrate on our day to day lives and make them the best. enjoy every moment given by god and try to do our best.

I met one Ayurvedic doctor who is 77 years old. He is a very divine personality. I was discussing with him about Corona. He said, like any other disease it's there, we have to take precautions and fight and try to help people for the same in whatever way we can. I have met so many people but I have not met a doctor like him. The moment he gets free, he prays. He gets to connect to god. Even if he gets few minutes in between two patients he will pray and we spend time cribbing about everything around us. I think anxiety never gets you anywhere. Not like him but at least a few minutes in a day if we get connected to the almighty who has given us our life, I think the whole thought process will change and that will be the best religion for all of us.

We, Indians, have rich cultural values. We have blessings from gods and goddesses and have strong rituals and values of different religions. We have made difference in the scientific revolution and also created the vaccination for such virus. Rather than analyzing more and doing scrutiny of ifs and buts, let's have faith in God and think that "All is well". Let's work in unity and pray so that the real religion of our culture transforms the anxiety into laughter in every human life.

I believe that thinking every moment with positivity in our own life will not only transform anxiety into laughter but will create a positive cycle to think in the right direction. It is said, Jan Seva is similar to Prabhu Seva. Spreading positive vibes is also our real religion which will transform us towards a better world. 


  1. Excellent indeed , there care not be better inspiration than your such great thoughts .I feel blessed having been connected with you


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