|| IQ + EQ + SQ = SUCCESS ||

Indian culture and history say or rather show a path that if someone does wrong things in life then one must go to well-known river GANGA which is spiritually powerful and take bath in it. It is said that taking bath in the river Ganga will remove all evil thoughts from your mind, body, and soul. Now think logically about the power of nature in our life. River Ganga was asked that many people come to you and bury their sins and evil thoughts in you but where do you release them? Ganga replied, "I release them in the ocean which gets connected with me." Then the ocean was asked, where do you release these sins and evil thoughts released in you by humans? the ocean said, "I pass it to clouds by evaporating them. Now clouds were asked and they replied, "I shower them as blessings or sins according to the thoughts released by humans." Imagine, nature also manages its intelligent quotient weighing the emotional quotient of humankind and acts accordingly. Our life is very much connected with nature around us. If we have to live in this universe and with nature created by God then we don't have an option but have to balance our education and our karma to get better or to have success in life or else nature will send the results in the form of natural calamity or in the form of dangerous disease like coronavirus.


The most intelligent character in Mahabharata was Yudhishthira. He was humble but was stubborn about his thoughts. Though he had immense trust in his philosopher, guide, and friend Lord Krishna but he always requested his friend Krishna that you only come to our rescue when we call you. Once to prove the strength against Kauravas and in saving the kingdom Hastinapur as their territory they land up having a game which was an evil thought created by Kauravas. Though he was intelligent to understand the conspiracy created he flew into emotions in the wrong way. Apart from that Lord Krishna knew that his friend will have defeat but he was also given instructions by his friend that you only arrive when we say we need you. Though Lord Krishna was aware that his friend Yudhishthira is intelligent but he knew that he also needs to understand the value of emotions is equally important and it plays a very important role in our life. Our history has proven that with an intelligent quotient, emotional quotient is equally important to achieve the best results in our life.

Today's leaders who are educated but in the race of winning power are losing so many opportunities of winning the hearts of people, at the same time there are leaders who are not so educated but they successfully win the hearts of so many people with their emotional power of helping others. Their simple gesture of kindness, being humble change so many lives, and those leaders who are using their intelligence for destruction destroys so many lives. There are so many characters and leaders in our world history who with their high intelligence and ego have created so many incidents of destruction. There are so many people with high intelligence using their emotional quotient means having 50 % ego have made a difference but they are not cherished by people permanently, those who have used their intelligent quotient with emotional quotient and with spiritual quotient having no ego have won the hearts of people forever like Radha, Krishna, Buddha, Swami Vivekananda, Mother Teresa and many more. Now, you as an individual have to decide which is the best formula you want to implement in your life. Only IQ or IQ + EQ or IQ + EQ + SQ to achieve success or to lead a better life.

In my 30 years of practice, I have seen so many kids who have a very high intelligent quotient but have also seen those kids getting frustrated much faster especially while dealing with their own emotions. I have seen many intelligent kids having primary hesitancy to talk in early years and that gets converted into stammering because of higher expectations from oneself. Today's education system emphasizes more on academics and those kids who are intelligent don't enjoy their fixed and routine education. They need creativity, think out of the box, need more physical activity to maintain a balance with their mental strength. I have seen parents who have helped their children utilize their intelligence in the best possible manner. They have become extraordinary in their performances and those who are not supported have land up having many behavior and psychological problems. So to have IQ is good but with that, you need to have emotional and social support as well. Today's education system needs to support kids not just for IQ but also for EQ AND SQ (SOCIAL AND SPIRITUAL) to get the best out of the kids. A revolution is to bring on change, technology has evolved but with technology, there is a need to bring spiritual change. It might sound odd but the fact is economically, technically we have evolved but mankind's spirituality has not evolved and for that revolution is needed.

I have a story to share with you all. We were doing a camp for hearing screening in Mozambique with an NGO from Mozambique and from the USA. I had to send 4 professional audiologists from here to do the hearing screening. We had one professional who was Ph.D. from Sweden who was heading this group with three other junior professionals. They had taken this task and they had to visit hospitals in interiors and do the screening of people with hearing impairment. On the first day, they divided work and they screened around 200 people all 4 worked together. The same evening they were treated with food and drinks and this professional who was a senior relished it so much that the next day he couldn't get up to do the work, and apart from that people were already scared to go out as they can get shot anytime, he heard this kind of stories and in that fear, he took drinks beyond his capacity. Rest of the days other three really worked hard and compensated for his work as well, as they had to handle him. Even for me, it was a difficult time to handle him from here on phone and I had to give an answer to the organization who had invited us. Though he was intelligent he couldn't overcome his fear. Today it has become very important that we parents teach our kids how to face situations in day-to-day life with their intelligence.

One of the writers says the human brain has thinking power, if that power is so-called intelligent then it correlates with their positive outcome of life means, they have higher income, increased longevity, greater general health as they are attentive, more degree of satisfaction, body symmetry better memory, fast learning rate, higher job performance, and many more academic qualities. But all these intelligent people have their emotions in control and if their social connect or spiritual connect is also equally good then those people create wonders like the best example is Ratan Tata. Now it is up to us what kind of people we want to follow in our life. In this difficult time, Ratan Tata has promised his staff that they will be receiving their pay continuously and this humbleness has made him win the hearts of people.

There is one more philosophy I was going through, if you consider IQ as an ignorance quotient apart from the intelligent quotient and with that, you add CQ means curiosity quotient then it creates wonderful results. And to this, I totally agree, if one enjoys creativity then it adds so many colors to life. I have seen so many kids who are intelligent and if they get the warmth and support of their parents they are efficient enough in almost all the areas of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills then be it art, leadership qualities, or academics. When we studied the importance of communication we realized that for any person physical, psychological, emotional, and behavioral with spiritual touch gives wonderful results and success.

Pandemic has taught us that intelligence has created technology, through technology we have come closer to each other, the world has become smaller, but closeness has also created panic emotions which are driving us towards negative thoughts. The time has come, we need a 360-degree revolution in emotions to spread happiness with love and affection for each other, and having a social and spiritual connection to understand the need of each other than only positive thoughts will create the positive universe. Let's try our best to combine IQ (intelligence quotient or say inner soul quotient) + EQ (emotional quotient or say empathy quotient ) + SQ (social quotient and spiritual quotient) than only we will be able to create success and will overcome all the challenges of life.


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