I recently received a picture on WhatsApp. It's a picture of a lady who has too many wrinkles on her face. There was some magic being created that if you constantly see the picture for 20 seconds then you can see the face of each age and even of when she was young. Here it's a game of perception. We perceive everything around us as we feel and that is reality. Though you become old, you always want to look young. I think your perception should be, you grow old by age but by heart, you should always feel and be young. Many a time you see people who are young but very matured in whatever they do and at the same time you see people grow old but never have the heart to help or feel for others, they always think about themselves because they only perceive about themselves. They feel everyone will take away everything from them. We only perceive what is taught to us. The way we see things around us. While trying to understand the life of many parents I have observed that major perception of people depends upon their security and the warmth of people around them. Also, their perception majorly gets affected these days because of money and fame which no one wants to leave. The perception of an individual is today's reality. Today people are suffering due to their perception towards insecurity around them, doesn't matter what type of insecurity it is, it can be insecurity about life, money, fame or even relationship.

In Mahabharata 100 Kauravas were there, when united they had a lot of power but they lost because of their perception of people towards them. They always felt that why Pandavas should run the kingdom, they the have power so they should be in power. Pandavas were intelligent but the power of Kauravas also influenced them and made them do things that they were not supposed to do like playing chess(chaupat) due to which they lost their respect and even dignity. When Lord Krishna their friend, philosopher, and guide made them understand that why Kauravas are playing with their emotions still they refused to understand. Sometimes we perceive only what we want to. Here, Pandavas just did as they also got mesmerized with the power of the kingdom. When we perceive things with only looks and then when it comes to reality, it is more or less painful. Looks are deceptive. Hence I believe you should always perceive from your heart, your inner instinct.

One old man was sitting at the river. He was asked, "why are you sitting here for so many days? "he replied, I am waiting for water to get dry, I want to cross the river and go to the other side. The man who asked was his son he said it is not possible that the river will dry and you are waiting unnecessarily thinking that the river will dry. He instantly replied to his son, I am sitting here for you and to make you understand everything flows with time. You can't wait for the opportunity to come to you, you need to go for it. Though you are educated and intelligent but still from past so many days you were sitting at home without doing anything. Work is not going to come walking up to you, you need to go for it. "your self-belief and hard work only will earn you success.'' Today all the youngsters are following social media and watching/observing what others are doing. They want to copy them, follow them but don't want to follow the way they work. In fact, even some well-known personalities show only the rosy pictures on social media but they don't understand that how badly it affects youngsters' minds. One has to show real reality.

I know one deaf child who is into depression.  Due to not receiving correct treatment at an early age, now it's not allowing him to cope up with his age people. He is just at home doing nothing. Sitting at home he just follows social media and sees what his friends are doing. How normal people are traveling, dressing nicely, enjoying a party, and many more such posts. Since he is not working, he isn't able to cope up with normal life, which is taking him into more depression. and now that depression has become so bad that it had made him violent. He has parents and a sister at home and his behavior towards them is not good. No one wants to marry his sister as they also observe that what is happening at home. Here, not having the right path, perception of life has made this family life miserable. As parents, to give the right perception about society is our prime responsibility and also one needs to teach kids how much concentration should be given to social media, and those who use social media should also know what kind of information they are giving out. As your perception is your reality. Understanding the perception of values in our children is more important than the "valuables " we have for them.

Today at every step we are fearful post the effect of coronavirus. We have been made to perceive it in a way that has created havoc. We read news, here in media or in-person also people are just talking about the negative impact of this disease. This has created a very bad impact, especially on kids. I am right now treating one boy who has mild autism, he doesn't communicate but only runs in the house and just does the work of sanitizing the hands of people in the house and those who visit their house. This is his only communication with people. So many parents are in panic and have forgotten that they have to divert the minds of their children and make them occupy concrete things so that we all come out of the perception of fear of coronavirus very fast. Those people who are creating havoc are not realizing that it is going to create many mental health issues in the future among the youngsters especially. And, if they will not understand the reality of challenges then how our future will improve?? reality, who will face it???

Time has come we need to define our perception of our happiness. We need to replace TV shows with workouts. We need special influencers' on social media who are creators of a better future, friends who are our soulmates, who think alike and only think positively. To grow, we need to replace complaining about discipline. If we will have discipline in coronavirus to go then everything will fall in place. Replacing failure with learning is very important for youngsters who give up very fast these days. Replace dreaming with traveling, through traveling you get very good exposure and you start perceiving life differently. Replace overthinking with actions, so unwanted things don't come to mind. Replace magazines that do only show off, start reading books, replace ego with gratitude, especially to God who has given us such wonderful life. Lastly, replace dying with the only perception of living which will become your reality. Love Life.

I only see the possibility of our life. Perception will change when we have our own self-responsibility, rather than judging others we need to judge our own attitudes. Instead of criticizing others, we need to be quiet, let people realize their own mistakes. Instead of complaining about everything around, if you have suggestions share, people may or may not appreciate but at least you will be happy that you tried. Instead of looking for culprits try your best to find solutions, instead of playing victim, strive to work hard to achieve your goals and be a winner. Instead of justifying your mistakes learn from them and perceive that whatever happened was for good and for your benefit to grow.


Over the period of time, while writing on positivity, I as an individual have understood that money = joy but only when you start perceiving life with a feel-good factor when you have the pleasure of doing everything in life. When you are at ease and have the freedom to think and you believe to prosper only with positivity with playfulness and with enjoyment then in reality you start feeling it. I have tried what about you all???



  1. Superb, very well written. Actual day to day examples and experiences in daily life,which really brings awareness into a person about the rights and wrong bringing up their children and how the world is turning out to be.
    Wonderful placards. Enjoyed readi g and the article has enlightened me a lot on walks of life.
    Keep it up Dr. Devangi.


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