"Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun." -- Mary Lou Cook said which is just true. If you observe greenery on the ground from the flight. You go through so many thoughts, first of all someone through the scientific revolution invented flight which is flying above this greenery at a particular height, you grow in life at such status that you can fly in the sky, you keep trust in the captain who makes you fly, you also trust the company in whose flight you are flying. Though you are having thoughts in your mind in day-to-day life, you still fly because others are flying so you can also fly. You break rules of your own sometimes. Sometimes you fly and you have a bad experience of flying, like the flight getting delayed or flight was not comfortable or the flight is for many hours. But you need to fly so you fly. The same way is creativity in your life it takes courage, it is unique, it needs to be different so it makes you different at the same time being different and courageous you enjoy life journey better. 

I like to visit temples, like Nathdwara, Mahakali temple at Pawagadh, or Mathura, Vrindavan. Now if you see every temple you visit any time of the year you will never see God’s clothes (vastra) or ornaments similar. Though in books certain descriptions are written for everyday to be dressed but whatever happens it comes out to be different and that’s why all the devotees love to pray and enjoy being with God. Say in Nathdwara though vastras (clothes)are fixed, ornaments also more or less written but it never looks the same because God has created that art in the real devotees who pray for them. In Mahakali temple, there are fix colors for nine days but the still overall shine of goddess feels different. Why is it so? God created this universe with we all people, he never made two individuals the same so that it creates confusion. He wants us to also be creative like how he created humans on this earth. So, god also believes to be courageous in being creative, I have seen pictures of god created by human beings with similar thought processes but still, it looks different. Even the same music melodies sang by devotees sounds different as god also has given different voice pattern every individual.


If we think positively then our life is beautiful but for that, we need creativity in life at every stage. If that attitude continues at every step of life then it so happens that you automatically become courageous. I remember one of my deaf students was very good at drawing. she makes lovely paintings and is very creative. she has started her own business; she holds exhibitions and from bringing materials to getting delivered, she only handles everything single handed. Once she was driving the car and had some difficulty driving. She cleverly organized everything and got her work done. Seeing her I feel so inspired that how smoothly she handles her work and we normal people crib for everything. Do not react to situations but learn to respond courageously I have learned from these special people.


There’s another example I always give to my client who has stammering. I have software that analyzes an individual’s voice and it also tells you how you are different than normal people. It sounds similar as far as speech or voice is concerned but when need to implement, we do it differently. You as an individual need to understand that and you need to work on that. Though you have the same speech articulation and a voice as normal people. Your presentation of speaking is normal which people find abnormal. You need to work on that consciously and courageously without any hesitations then you achieve the best results. I always make the stammering patients meet my hearing-impaired star kids and show them the brighter side of life that your all sense organs are intact like any other normal people so just work hard consciously you will achieve the best results.


Creativity takes courage I have learned from my special kids. If you go to see maximum creativity these special kids have. They don’t communicate or express like us but when they do any artwork or craftwork or any vocational training, they generate better results than us. These kids are more focus than us. We spend time in competition and criticism whereas these kids spend time in creativity. They don’t even think how we normal people will react to it but they will do their best. When we did the fashion show for especially abled kids, one of the blind girls who walked with me on stage for ramp walk, I ask her how she felt? she said “I hear about fashion shows and walking on the ramp wearing fashionable clothes. We would have experience this in reality. wearing these clothes was dream for us. I don’t know how people saw me but I just felt great and I did my best. I hope got to see my confidence!”


The best part of my life is that positivity has taught me creativity in life. Every day I spend time to think differently. I spend time in imagination, thinking outside the box specially with my writing, working with special kids and getting inspiration from them has made my mind clearer on my vision of working. I have developed a new concept of working for them, this innovation and thought will change lives of many people who are in need. Not only this helps me to grow but this imagination and creativity keeps me away from gossip, competition, criticism and confusion. I only have focus to work for the people who are really in need. Creativity only helps you to be positive in life.


If we spend some time in creativity every day, there will be no time to be in fear or do wrong things. We can only spend time doing right things. I have taught my daughters all the possible creative activities like drawing, painting, sports, reading, and writing skills. Wherever and whenever they are alone it keeps them occupied with activities. Even special kid’s parents I guide to make sure their kids occupy themselves in creative activities and teach language with those activities rather than emphasizing more on education. This thought process in kids to imagine and to be creative we can change the world. We can make this world more beautiful. Today on youth day I will just request all youth to learn to be creative in the right manner that will help them to be more courageous and that in reality will help our country to grow faster.


In today’s scenario the best imagination is that we are alive. We are god’s creation, how we dress all the god and goddesses creatively, in the same way we become creative. Seeing God in different creative attires makes us happy while we pray the same way. We humans, being creative and courageous in right way god will make him happy to see our survival on this universe. New motto of life is to make a revolution be creative and develop courage for the same. “Creative Ideas are no one’s monopoly. Think big, think fast, think ahead.”


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