Why do I say so? We live in this universe which has the star, the moon, galaxy, planets, and we humans live on the planet earth. Birds, animals, and mammals, everything has its value and existence. Day and night happen, though there is the problem of a solar eclipse or moon eclipse (Surya Grahan or Chandra Grahan). Though humans have gone on the Moon, Mars, still Earth keeps functioning the way it wants to, though different seasons like monsoon, winter, summer, come still everything works in the same systematic way. Problems like thunderstorms or rain cannot change day or night. We may function slow or life in this universe become slow but it does not stop. It moves on. Similarly, the problems in our life can come from thunderstorms or heavy rainfall, we may become slow in earning money or doing normal routine life activities but we cannot stop, we have to move on. The universe itself gives a message to us that your problem is not the problem, how you react to your problem is the problem. During this pandemic, many stopped worrying and stopped really working and some worked with enthusiasm to overcome all the challenges. Results of passive and active people have been seen. This pandemic only narrated the law of the universe to us.

Lord Krishna was born and it was predicted that he being the eighth son of Devaki will kill the devil Kansa, so Kansa, the mama of Lord Krishna created all the possible problems for the parents of Lord Krishna. Though Lord Krishna knew and he was lord, he knew the problem but he didn't do magic, he created another way for his parents to make him survive from the jail where he was born. Through the jail, the way was created so that his father can get him out and give his son to his friend and in another place. Same way when Lord Ganesha was born Mata(mother) Parvati knew that lord shiva will be a problem for his son to survive on this earth, lord shiva did create a problem but it has also given the solution when he got a face of an elephant, that though he has a face of an elephant, different than any other human being on earth he will be worshipped first by every human being on this earth. Another description hirynaykashyap who was creating a problem for Prahlada who was a devotee to Lord Krishna, and hiranyakashyap had special blessings that he cannot be killed in day or night or killed by a human being, so Lord Krishna took half human and half animal carnation and killed the devil during sunset time, neither a day nor night. Our Lord in this universe says that every problem is not a problem and every problem has a solution.

In my earlier blogs also mentioned and my recent song for lord Krishna which I got also inspired to write after reading Bhagwat Geeta which narrates stories of Lord Krishna and the values of our life. When we fight for any case in court for real justice, we do keep our hand on Bhagwat Geeta here in India and other parts of the world in other countries we do keep our hand on holy books and we do commit that we will speak the truth as that book has a vibration of any solutions to problems and has the energy to come out of the problem. Learning law education also teaches that any problem on this earth has solutions like solutions of the universe. Word impossible says itself that I m possible. Just think about whatever is written in this para and how we can relate to our own holy books which have solutions to our all problems.

A few months back my josh kids were invited to sing jingles in one of the shows with one of the well-known singers. We had to select five kids for the same. There were 4 kids who were very confident and they had participated in jingle competition before and they had a sense of rhythm as there were compulsory activities in the special schools where they were going. Now this fifth one she was going to normal school and she never participated enthusiastically in a normal school, but the best quality she had was being confident. She was studying in normal school so she used to find problems every day to overcome the challenges to be like normal people. I still remember when I made her jingles first five minutes she had expressions on how I will do but after five minutes after a deep and quick thinking process she told me "no problem" I will learn. If I can talk like normal people why I can't sing jingles like normal people and she sat with me and learned within an hour. That was the day I learned and accepted the fact that Never give up on hope; never quit; life has unexpected ways to learn, shine, express, and moreover have faith and confidence in yourself rather than focusing on your problems.

Her confidence also inspired me to sing. As I was having faith in Lord Krishna, it made me write few lines about Lord Krishna and thinking about it. I spoke to my friend who has knowledge of music, he created life and rhythm in it, and then the music director did insist me to sing. He said as you have written for Lord Krishna so you will be able to create the best feelings in this song for Lord Krishna. I paused for a while. I saw the problems in front of me as I don't know much about music, I had no experience in it but I do have some knowledge about voice modulations. At that moment I recalled one of my deaf children and I said 'no problem'' I will try even though I don't have any knowledge but I have confidence like my student to do it, and then I never looked back. I practiced, did work hard for it, and on Janmashtami day. I could release on all music platforms my song "Radha Chali" I don't know how people will react to it, but I did my best for my Lord Krishna and the blessings which I received from him to overcome all the challenges of life.

It is said a man or woman matures when he no longer believes that discomfort is uncomfortable. Today we have witnessed, representatives of our country have won the medals in the Paralympic and have made us feel proud. They are much more mature individuals as compared to we normal people. There were no excuses for them they had to just learn to move on. Their problems never remained as their problem, as they have enough confidence and maturity to think and to be better human beings. Their discomfort of not having sense organs like ear, eyes, or legs never remained uncomfortable for them, and we normal human beings keep complaining about our small-small discomforts, not having a good house, good car, or good family. When will we all mature enough to deal with our problems?

I feel it is important for all of us to know that our problem is not the problem, our reaction to a problem is the problem. Just a small example pandemic arrived we have scary situations spread across, our work is getting affected, the financial crisis may arise, we may lose our routined special life. Rather than understanding and facing it and moving in the positive direction, we are getting lost in calamity. Nature is made to nurture us but we also don't have confidence in it. Those who have confidence are finding their ways and moving on and those who don't are still struggling with their own thought process. Let's learn from the law of the universe that whatever problem arises we need to move on.

Our country who has the blessing of so many god and goddess, why we need to worry about a problem or rather a universe has all the solutions, why we need to worry? what we just need to learn is we don't have to fix for whatever comes in our life rather we have to fix our life in such a way that we can fix all the problems and be fine in our own life. I feel if we can solve problems of mathematics like summation, subtraction or multiplication, or division then we can solve problems of our life as well. Mathematics may not teach you how to add happiness or how to minus sadness but it teaches us one thing, Every problem has a solution.


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