Creativity is the Need of the New World

 Creativity is the Need of the New World

The best creativity of God is we, human beings. We are different, unique in every way. 430 million human beings on this earth addition to that so many other living creatures all are existing with their own unique qualities. Unbelievable creativity of God. None of the living creatures are similar, all the creatures have their own recognition. They have existed on this earth having some or other commitments to fulfill. Creativity is at its best from the time this earth and world have existed. I adore and pay gratitude to that God who has created this beautiful world. I feel great that I am one small part of this beautiful world. Changes happen over the years, human revolution, the scientific revolution, fast pace world, creativity at its best to turn human work into robots. Feelings turn into a practical world. Transportation is making the world small and people apart, physical and mental health getting imbalance, small world getting connected with technology and getting depart in warmth. Negativity is giving restriction in the growth of an individual in that I as an individual getting opportunity of creating ripples of positivity in this unique world with my creativity of writing is making me feel so grateful to the creator of this creative world.

Lord Krishna was narrating 18 chapters of learning to Arjuna, he said I am the creator, I know and I only guide all individuals to execute their responsibilities on this universe. I give birth and be creative in making every individual, but notice that my creation is their perspective. Many human beings on this earth feel that they have the power to change the world but they don't understand that power I only create in them. Those who understand my power and pay gratitude for the same gain their individual potential to do real Karma, but those who don't understand create the world of Adharma, and then I have to create such situations and people that they work to protect Dharma. Good Karma and following real pure positive Dharma should be the new creation of the world. Humility and humanity are the best ingredients of this creativity. All human beings are navigated to do from the time the universe exists and still continue in different and innovative ways. Lord Krishna and its creative world exist for so many years it's just a change in different creativity.

Today creativity is not required to do more scientific revolution, creativity is required to understand life better. We teach kids about our environment, concepts, feelings, emotions, and education but all this needs to be done in an innovative way. Now here innovative doesn't mean giving gadgets but using gadgets in such a creative manner that they learn to value them. Just using technology will make a person mechanical. We don't need future robots we need human beings who lives beautiful life and make a beautiful world. Today young generation mothers are using gadgets to make kids eat and learn. Mothers are feeding kids but they are on gadgets because of which they don't even realize what they are eating. They are eating like robots get fed. Today to maintain physical and mental health you need to use all the sensory organs in an effective manner then only your thinking skills will be well developed.

Recently we organized a workshop for kids, our psychologist did such a wonderful job with kids to understand their sensory organs using technology. We have sensory organs which need to be used with alertness. They need to be followed through instructions, they need to be trained in such a manner that in life whenever we face any situation we can face it confidently. For instance, she made some pictures and after that she made other pictures and kids had to find missing pictures like a puzzle game. Kids were so observant they did respond quickly to what is missing through their alertness which we use in our day-to-day routine. Think about it, if anything is missing in our day-to-day life, we should learn to notice immediately. This way one can work on all sensory organs. Today's kids with technology should be taught such things. They need to be given the freedom to think and fly, how animals and birds do to grow their kids.

Sometimes I think those educated young generation parents are doing good making their kids dependable by pampering them as with a lot of creativity and thinking low socio economic parents are working hard to grow their kids. I recently met one rickshaw person, I had gone for some work in my car while coming back there was heavy traffic, I was just stuck at one place for half an hour wherein I had to reach home to go out for dinner with kids in one of the fancy restaurant. I was so anxious as I never wanted kids to wait for me, so I started walking and after walking for half an hour to still save time further I hired a rickshaw and somehow the conversation started. He said, "We work so hard for our kids, I have three sons and one daughter, through driving this rickshaw and working for kids I could make my one son join Indian Navy Service and feel so great to see him as a Navy officer in a tight uniform. My other son is a doctor and has gone to the USA once he comes back I will leave driving rickshaw. He has a dream to make me ride in car and see the whole world. My other son is in boxing and my daughter is studying to be a Chartered Accountant." I don't think so any of his kids would have had gadgets to study. Now is the time for low socio economical people to be geniuses by taking risks in life. See the creativity of God.

Like how a drop of water cannot show us the depth of the ocean, similarly, just the spoken words cannot measure the depth of feelings unless it's felt by the heart. The same is with the depth of creativity, it cannot be measured unless you feel and analyze it. Scientific revolution and a lot of issues of competition have reduced the feelings of warmth and security. Mental health issues have raised and the negativity circle has increased. The time has come we need to take a 360-degree revolution, need to be such creative that positive revolution starts happening.

Many times parents come to me and say that we can't handle our kids, they are too smart to fool us. Generation is too fast. I just ask are you educated? Have you learned? Do you have experience of life? If yes, how many years? Is it more than your kid's age? then why don't you have a creative way to handle your kids? Why don't you think in advance about the intelligence of your kids and be prepared for it? Why do you give up? If you give up then don't blame your child if he or she gives up. Your innovative idea of teaching them will cm by planning and then by practice, try it.

I have tried to write my articles in a creative way and it has changed the thought process of many people. Many writers have asked me, how are you able to write so simple straight-forward and yet effective. I just say that it is my creation and it's working. I don't want people to follow me but i want them to be aware about themselves. todays world only will become beautiful if we all use our inter and intra potential in best of the manner in whatever we do ,and that also in positive manner and to grow without harming anyone. i feel my efforts should never be to undermine another's faith but to make him or her a better follower of his or her own path I love this creativity...will continue...


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