|| Value is Valuable ||

|| Value is Valuable ||

Great values are built on a very strong foundation. Any human being born on this earth will be great when they allow these values to take their roots within their own souls and believe in it and live by them. Wow, what a statement! When I was analyzing this statement I was just thinking what do we believe and what do we value? In today's time, to live on this earth we humans believe that we need to have good education. I feel having just education is not enough, we need to value our education. We are born on this earth then we grow and become an adult, its a process, but how do we believe we were kids once upon a time? Nowadays, we have a facility of taking photos and memories and the whole social media which proves that we were kids at sometime. In earlier days, we had to just believe that we were a kid. All beliefs were on imagination and value of the person. We still have great imagination about our freedom fighters and today also people who supported these freedom fighters have lot of values and respect for them. A lot of literature and mythology has been proved to have great values with imaginations of our ancestors.

Just think about Lord Krishna. We believe he exists, but how do we believe that ? Like how when someone who is adult now was a kid sometime. But, if said that Lord Krishna exists you don't believe that specially today's youngster does not want to believe. I believe in Krishna because that has created faith and belief in me that someone is always there for me who believes in me and believes in whatever I do. The values of Krishna's stories may sound imaginery but that has taught me values and I find it more valuable than value. Respect for elders, respect for friends and family, fight for your own rights and fight for others. Believe in yourself and others and value your own self and others. Love yourself and love others. Love has no conditions if its true and done from heart. Whatever you love to do, do from your heart, enjoy what you do. Learn to laugh without any hesitations and many more valuable learnings. These real values taught by our ancestors is the best treasure. And is valuable for us.

We went for dinner and our family enjoyed the best italian food. Little food was left as we all were full. So we packed the remaining food. While we were coming home, we saw one poor lady with her baby begging for food on the road. I was just thinking I had delicious food with my family but this lady is struggling for food. I felt pity for her but at the same time this thought came to my mind that to get this delicious food my family did work hard. We educated ourselves. We worked to become better human beings and may be this lady's karma is not allowing her to get such food. If I give her the food, she will not work hard and she will keep begging as it's the easiest way for her to get food, but if I help her in someway to become self- dependent then she will never have to ask again and she will work hard to help others and her karma will have better life in future. I believe we should value what we have and have to see how we can make it more valuable. We should help others in such a manner that they don't have to ask again for help.

Recently, I saw one old lady. She had brain tumour and was hospitalized for almost 80 days and she is now at her home under nursing care. I was talking to her husband and came to know that she was very active socially, she used to love to talk and travel and was very good in cooking. She used to take care of everyone. As of now, she has high diabetes, blood pressure and many more physiological issues. Her weakness was not allowing her to get up also. Though she was understanding everything what I was saying to her. She was given food through rise tube and in aggression sometimes she takes out her rise tube due to that her hands were tied with so many bandages. I couldn't see her condition. Sometimes, if such a active person becomes helpless then what happens? I was just thinking in depth why this happened to her that in taking care of others she didn't take care of herself? She didn't take care of her life and her lifestyle? We sometimes don't value what we have with us either male or female, we all do misuse of our body, mind and soul.

Let me tell you in my 30 years of practice, I have not seen any hearing handicap person getting brain tumour or paralysis attack or has to under go a heart surgery. I have seen their parents who think about them a lot, and they get affected instead but not hearing impaired individuals as such. Sometimes I feel they are the most blessed individuals who does not think about other environmental parameters of life, their everyday challenges makes them so focused that they do better then normal individuals like us. They value each and everything in life. I have seen small kids who are benefitting with hearing aids, and if they hear well they take such good care of those hearing aids like as they are taking care of gold and diamonds. They value the people who work for them and help them. I get so many artistic pictures, chocolates and many more gifts from such beautiful souls and I really value their valuable presence in my life which inspires me to become a better human being everyday.

We had arranged a fashion show for specially challenged kids. It included mentally challenged, physically handicapped, hearing impaired and blind kids. We had invited few celebrities for this event. Wherein one celebrity couple came with their friends. While we went to invite them for this occasion, they said we will come only if we lift their footwears and give them food. We were so disappointed and frustrated with this behaviour. We instead requested them not to grace this occasion. And we continued this event, with our real stars and celebrities i.e. my hearing impaired kids. Similarly, I had many good and many disappointed experiences with celebrities so now I see that my deaf kids are only stars and celebrities as at least they value my time and appreciate what I do for them. I feel those inner beautiful souls are more valuable rather than normal people who demands value. Sometimes I feel this universe, this earth and our country should hear only these celebrities as they are so valuable. By giving importance to such high profile fake souls we reduce our values.

I believe faith and spirituality specially of our country is so valuable. All religious books have mentioned that the sun is the best medicine for us (i.e.vitamin D3).  Karma is real, it is the only best medicine available to run our life smoothly (hemoglobin) our prana is life force of our energy (our pure heart to help others), the moon which strengthens your physical abilities (the brain which looks for good) we all are connected to this universe as we are existing on this universe. We dream so we grow to make our own future better and it requires that we have a good soul. Healing is an everyday process which makes us learn from our experiences. We all vibrate energy in this universe with our body, now it is up to us to sense it and to release positivity or? and most important lesson is create happiness and have self love and love for others who needs your attention.

Value of air, water and food given by god, value our life (it is totally in our hand), value people who made us, helped us especially our parents and our gurus. Value of time which once goes never come back. One small candle lightens all the candles and everything becomes lighted, same way if we start valuing each and everything present around us then our life only will become valuable and will lighten the world beautifully.


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