Psychological safety: A trend or need

|| Psychological safety: A trend or need||

In the recent world of social media, we have become familiar with this new word, i.e., "trend." The word "trend" is trending. People's highest trend is using Apple products or Android products, or the trend of following Google for everything, or the trend of following Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube, and many more. All over the world, people are following the flow of the trend. Recently, I was trying on some clothes for one of the designers who was styling me. They asked me the first question, "Ma'am, which brand do you follow for your pants? Which brand do you prefer for wearing your watches? I have this brand; which one do you prefer?" I said, "I'm a simple person; I don't follow any brand. I wear clothes that make me feel comfortable and a watch that looks nice and shows me the correct time." The recent market trend has created so much in our minds that our own psychology of comfort we have forgotten. Rather than thinking of need and comfort, we are flowing in the world of trends. There are so many advertisements that come which force you to follow the brand, but in reality, they don't carry the worth of that value. But our psychology has become such that we live in a superficial world and a world of show-off, and we don't even go deep into our thought process to understand.

The trend of following celebrities, politicians, big industrialists, and big-name companies is on the rise. However, in this trend, real heroes who genuinely work for society, such as soldiers and individuals ready to fight for their country or for everyone, often get lost. I've been pondering when the trend will shift towards people following quality products rather than just trending ones. When will we begin to appreciate the true quality of individuals instead of following those who are trending solely because of their financial power? For instance, there's a trend where people rush to study abroad because their friends are doing it, regardless of whether their parents can afford it or not. Similarly, many follow the path of seeking jobs in foreign countries just because their friends have done so, even if they have a natural inclination not to live alone.



Psychology all over the world has become so narrow and competitive that it values patience and cultural discipline less. Our ancestors always spoke about unity, sacrifice for others, and instilled in us a belief in hard work. However, today's youngsters want to attain everything quickly, and, as a result, they are unwilling to put in the necessary effort. They aspire to follow trends set by others but often neglect to focus on their own qualities, culture, or understand their own potential. Psychology suggests that the world is moving rapidly, but I believe that the world is actually slowing down because individuals are losing their own identity and thinking capacity. If they can discern the difference between trends and genuine needs, they may also understand the distinction between respect and loyalty.

Lord Krishna gave us the trend of sacrificing love, family, and fighting for people who believe in him. Lord Rama gave us the trend of sacrificing his own kingdom for family and working hard to change the lives of people who care for him and who also needed real help. This trend helps them survive humanity in this universe. In today's selfie world and the competition of brands, and that too blindly, imagine where it will lead us. Humanity can only survive when there is love, compassion, understanding the needs of each other, loyalty, recognition of one's own potential, spirituality, and many such aspects. Just imagine, following certain spiritual gurus has become more of a trend than a personal need. Think about whether you have a human brain. Think with a positive attitude, see the pros and cons of following trends versus following what you truly need. You will understand the reality.

In our profession, we work with hearing aids and cochlear implants. We also collaborate with many companies that manufacture hearing aids and cochlear implants. However, there is very little awareness about the technology that can make a difference in the lives of people who have hearing difficulties. Those who are knowledgeable about the technology often do not prioritize good quality or reliable services. Instead, they tend to follow recent trends, even if those trends involve discounting or mass-selling. This approach focuses on selling the product and then forgetting about the need for ongoing services. Another prevailing trend is that cochlear implants are expensive but perceived as magical. Consequently, whether one can afford them or not, people often opt for them simply because it's the trend everyone is following. I am not against any particular brand or the decision to use hearing aids or cochlear implants.

I believe that if parents cannot afford it, and if a child can benefit from a hearing aid, why spend so much money and struggle throughout life for survival? Instead of blindly following a particular brand in either hearing aids or cochlear implants, one should consider who provides good services. These services should be tailored to an individual's day-to-day needs, potentially transforming their life. But how many of us actually think about this? We often desire a revolution without truly understanding what is good or bad for us. There is a psychology that drives us into the whirlpool of trends, and we find ourselves drowning. When will we realize that we just need to swim and enjoy the water?

There is a very thin line between what is trending and what you truly need. This depends entirely on an individual's mindset, which is a global trend in itself. I believe that after the ISRO Chandrayaan 3 project, where a country that is not highly developed or economically strong, with limited access to education, technology, and resources, achieved remarkable success. When people around the world see this, they will begin to understand that any successful endeavor requires hard work, dedication, and humanity, rather than blindly following trends set by powerful individuals or countries. The real need was to work with limited resources and still land on the south pole of the moon, proving that humanity's best potential can still achieve incredible feats.

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to find ourselves constantly chasing after the latest trends, whether it's the hottest smartphone, the trendiest fashion, or the most popular lifestyle choices. These trends often dominate our thoughts and actions, sometimes leading us away from what truly brings us happiness and fulfillment. While there's nothing wrong with staying up-to-date and enjoying new experiences, it's equally important to pause and reflect on what genuinely matters in our lives. Authenticity, kindness, and staying true to ourselves are some of the fundamental values that can bring us lasting contentment. So, as we navigate the exciting world of trends, let's remember to keep our feet firmly grounded in our core values, recognizing that it's the timeless principles of love, compassion, and hard work that ultimately enrich our lives.


  1. Very nice Article

  2. Very nice relevant article, wish to share one book I had read "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau,In "Walden," Thoreau chronicles his experiment in minimalist living, during which he lived in a small cabin he built near Walden Pond in the woods of Concord, Massachusetts, for two years. He aimed to live deliberately and reduce life to its essential elements, seeking to find the true meaning of existence. And he said that two years was the most happy and peaceful years of my life ! So it is thought provoking and we should review our materialistic and consumer-driven approch towards life.

  3. Very nice article and meaning ful
    Young generation must read this
    I am sharing this with my children
    Super writing

  4. V nice so keep it up


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