The art of expressing through writing


|| The art of expressing through writing ||

Many people observe paintings by painters and try to understand what the painter is trying to establish. Is it about pain, love, crime, happiness, or any other emotion? We express so many feelings through our dancing or music. Similarly, there is a beautiful art of expression hidden in writing. Today, you must have heard so many newspapers in print media or magazines or digital media where there is talk of sympathy for people who are poor, specially abled, or senior citizens. Or there will be writing on people creating crime or using abusive language or about cruelty or many such issues which feel sensational though they create a negative impact on society. I'm yet to see a magazine or print media or digital media that only talks bout positivity, positive attitude, or positive which creates change in human life. The change in writing should be such that it empowers others.

The Constitution of India or many religious books, which are written by our gods, goddesses, and ancestors, still exist in our society, our minds, and our values because all of them are written for people to follow the right path. Like how when there is darkness in life, we search for a ray of hope or light, how when we are in financial crisis, we look for a loan from a bank or a person who can give a loan, like how when there is loneliness, to pass time, your TV or smartphone or the best friend of life becomes your support system, these books have helped us to show light, especially like the Bhagavad Gita or Bible or Quran. These special treasures of life given by our ancestors have started vanishing, and books of horror or crime and emotional drama are taking over.

The other day I was talking to one of my clients that writing is very good for mental health. He said a lot of thoughts come to mind, but I never took that opportunity to sit and write. If I had written, I think I would have become wiser. "Which is true, I can assure you from my own experience," I replied promptly. A research person does all his work for his research, then he puts all information and data on paper so that there are authorities who convey that your research was meaningful and you get a doctorate for that. Something similar we need to do for ourselves, put thoughts, analyze, and discuss either with our loved ones or our seniors or with our own self and gain a doctorate in search of ourselves.

When we upload anything on social media or on our stories or any reels, we always write with content, and we see that content is small but yet meaningful and connects with our uploads. If it doesn't connect, then people don't show interest and it loses its value. Visual-motor coordination always gives the best results as it coordinates the activity of the brain. Just as physical, mental health, and emotional health are coordinated well from the brain, reading, writing, and speaking are coordinated well with each other from the brain. The more the better harmony among them, the more balanced life you develop. People ask me how well you do multitasking, I feel my writing plays a major role in it because it makes me write what I feel and then helps me to analyze and work better. Just as you have account books to keep track of your finances, my writing helps me to keep the finance of my thoughts. I believe in trusting your hard work. It unlocks your door which you can't see.

My dad used to tell me if you have good handwriting, the teacher will enjoy reading your writing. He used to make me write and rewrite, but I never thought why he is giving so much importance to my handwriting, but today it makes me realize that writing in a good way is an art and it helps you to express yourself better. I remember because of my good handwriting and no rubbing or scribbling or canceling, my writing used to be a clean chit. One of my professors had written, "I enjoyed visualizing your writing than I never paid attention to any other negative content in your writing." Just as positive thinking ignores negative, the same way good writing ignores negative content.

When your friends visit your house and in gratitude write a small message on your WhatsApp, how your hard work you receive has the award of your appreciation in an oration format, or a father leaving a warm love content with his hand before she gets married, how a mother receives a note of love from her child as a letter of love, how a good lyrics writer can feel love in the song, how happy an employer feels when he receives a good appreciation, written note from his or her boss, how a loved one sends a small note of missing you makes energetic vibes in your mind and body soul, that much important the art of expression is!!

How plain drawn picture, you sit and feel colors the same way it is said in your communication skills of your day today to life, 45% is your verbal communication, 15 % is your feelings and emotions, and 20% of reading and 20% of writing feel the colors of communication skills. I have one of my clients who is a senior citizen like around 88, Jain, and very devoted towards her god. Once she was discussing with me about god and how to do prayers and what important it is how you pray to your God. She wrote such beautiful lines for me to pray, which has the true meaning of life and the correct path to being human.

Today I take pride in my writing, and I am going to celebrate my writing like any other occasion to celebrate in life. I feel people reading my writing is later, but I feel to celebrate my writing it's big energy vibes in my life. If my art of expression of my writing you also enjoy, then please do join me in my celebration of writing.


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