Species and Space

 Species and Space….

Today, it's the 8th of June, and I feel proud that I have completed four years of writing blogs. In the last four years, I have written more than 215 blogs on spreading positivity. I would like to thank my readers for encouraging my efforts in writing.

This attitude of positive writing has created a lot of space in my mind and around me to think differently and in the right direction, which helps me as well as the environment around me. As a human being, like any other, I have created a lot of positive energy in and around myself. I like to travel and explore the world and always try to understand how different human beings are from each other. I have learned and felt that God's blessings are always with you, but apart from that, as a human being, you need blessings from your parents, support from family and friends, and an understanding of other natural species on Earth. If you feel so, then you have enough space in yourself to deal with things, as well as a lot of space around you.

I love traveling, but I was never fond of doing safaris. Recently, our friends insisted, and we decided to go on an African safari. When I decided to do the safari, I learned that African safaris have more than 100 species living in a space that is unimaginable. All these species travel around this gigantic space with freedom and without any fear. Apart from this, I also learned that the species that living human beings belong to, Homo sapiens, evolved in Africa 300,000 years ago. Today, these species, called animals and birds, live with all the freedom of space. And what are human beings doing?

"During our travels, we saw more than 35 lions in different situations. They were relaxed, stretching their bodies, loitering, playing with each other, searching for food, cuddling their siblings, giving warmth to their kids, protecting their kids, killing other animals, sharing food with their family, staring at humans, roaring loudly, and many more such expressions. One thing I felt or observed was that they were doing all these activities at their leisure, not thinking about any other animal species or human species. They were enjoying their own freedom of space. They were not getting distracted by any other species, including humans. What do we learn from this?"

"During our 7-day trip, we saw more than 65 species in our 10 safaris. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it, but I went with a positive attitude, eager for a new experience. Every safari rejuvenated us and filled us with positive energy from these species. We saw many animals in groups, such as giraffes, Wildebeests, Elephants, Buffaloes, Deer, Horses, and Zebras. We saw more than 70 Lions and overall more than 75 species. They were always in groups, searching for food together, without fighting for food or interfering in each other's work. Everyone created their own space and did their best for their loved ones, protecting themselves and their families. What a valuable lesson from these beautiful species."

We were all so fascinated by the animals and their activities that after each safari, we eagerly awaited the next one to observe and learn more about these creatures. Even though we traveled many kilometers each day in search of animals, we never felt tired. Instead, every safari became more challenging and exciting as we tried to spot more animals and birds. We saw many hippos just lying in the water. These are species that live around 45 to 50 years, always staying in the water. They have a male-dominant community, and sometimes while searching for food, they fight with other males. The winner becomes the king of that community. These kinds of species don’t add much to nature; they only create muddy water around them. Such species create unpleasant spaces. Reflect on this: do we need to be like such species?" 

This whole thought process also reminded me of Lord Krishna's love for all species, whether humans, animals, or birds. It is written in his teachings in the Bhagavad Gita that every species, including humans, animals, birds, and other creatures, can only survive through love. If love exists, then humans and nature will thrive. Just look at the animals and birds in Africa, living harmoniously in the same space. And where are we humans? We are not content with the space meant for us; we always need more. After seeing these lovely and self-disciplined animals and birds, I feel I need to create much more space in my mind to change my mindset.

What I also observed is that these animals and birds don’t have houses; their home is the forest. Whether it's hot, cold, or rainy, they know very well how to survive. They know where and when to migrate, how to be in groups, how to rest, and when to travel to stay safe from other species. We saw that all species are very protective of their young, always providing warmth and making their babies feel secure. The energy and lessons I learned from them are that security and warmth are very important in raising your kids, regardless of whether you have a large or small space.

My journey during this safari was amazing. I observed that 100 species have so much space to survive and the freedom to do what they feel, while we humans, due to our brains and our focus on science and technology, have started living in smaller spaces and have a limited understanding of the world around us. We also have limited space in our minds to perceive the universe around us. I am happy that African safaris and many others like them still exist in this world. The people living around these safaris also understand the value of their survival. I hope my positive thought process will also create space in all humans. Just as I created more space in my mind by observing these species, I hope it will do the same for you."


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