
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Art of Happiness - 2

  The Art Of Happiness - 2 Someone says happiness is enjoying the life you live. Recently, I met parents who have two sons. The elder one, who currently lives in the USA and is in his second year of college, came with them. He has very sensitive ears; he gets disturbed by loud sounds and finds it difficult to understand when too many people are talking together. The mother was always on her toes for both kids. Due to some problem, the parents couldn't go when he first went to the USA. That particular time was very crucial and difficult for the child, as he had to cope with challenges like getting into college, finding a place to stay, dealing with bank work, and many more. Parents take such good care of their children here and then suddenly send them abroad with all their financial efforts. But do we try to find out if the child really wants to go? Will he manage there? Will the child be happier here with them or there? Today, the boy is not happy there since he had to face many ch

The Art of Happiness

  The Art Of Happiness. Recently, we met a girl who is in the 9th grade. She was very good in her studies before the pandemic. She is in her adolescence, and with the sudden shift to online schooling and digital learning, she lost her grip on writing for exams. She has more interest in sports, so now she has practically given up on studies. She is now barely passing with grace marks. Her parents got worried and started meeting with counselors to find out exactly what was wrong. They came to me as a counselor suggested getting her eyes and ears tested, thinking she might have a learning disability. When she came to the clinic, she had a blank expression on her face, no smile, as if she was forced to come for these tests. We did her hearing test, and it was absolutely normal. I did another test and found out she doesn't have a learning disability either. Somehow, we still don't know what is wrong with her. I did a bit of counseling from my side. I said that even my younger daught

Transform your lives.....

  Transform your lives..... Transform your lives... I was surprised to read somewhere that 40% of companies in the business world will not be able to sustain if they don't undergo technological transformation. Is it true? This raised a question in my mind. Applying my logical thinking, I do feel that it is possible. For example, in the Western world, there are dishwashers in households that clean dishes automatically, eliminating the need for a maid to do this task. Here, even the low socio-economic groups are gaining good exposure to technology, like smartphones, and they feel there are better job opportunities available for them to survive. I had a conversation with a journalist about the films I made to create awareness, and he said that I provided straightforward solutions. He mentioned that people prefer to see pain and disaster before believing that something can be done. Especially in India, people tend to need to see the extremities of disaster before they are willing to ch
  Hope is waking dream.... My positivity starts with my dream to do something. Sometimes, I want to organize events for deaf kids, expand my professional work, write, publish books, travel, go on pilgrimages, or take on new and innovative assignments that challenge me or fulfill my desires, such as making films, dancing, or engaging in physical exercise like boxing, and many more activities that bring me pleasure. Being creative always affects the people around me—sometimes my family, friends, and professional acquaintances. They often ask, "Ma'am, how many dreams do you have, and how many do you want to fulfill?" I promptly answer that I have come to this universe with a purpose. I have one life, and I want to utilize whatever skills I have in the best possible manner. All my dreams may not get fulfilled, but at least I can try. If I don't succeed, I will learn from it. I believe there should always be hope and a waking dream every day; then you can find happiness in