Positivity in Sound and Images....
Positivity in Sound and Images.... Who understands this subject better than hearing- and visually-challenged individuals? I recently met one of my patients who has had hearing difficulties for many years. I have been fortunate to help her hear better for the past 20 years. She is now 91 years old and a deeply devoted follower of God. Every word she speaks is an expression of her devotion. I recently visited her at her request, as she wanted to meet and treat me with her kindness. She greeted me warmly and expressed immense gratitude for the help I provided to improve her hearing. She said, "The best part of the hearing help you gave me is that it has not only allowed me to communicate with my family, but it has also helped me hear my own voice. Hearing my own voice makes me feel I can sing better for my God. I also understand that I don’t make mistakes while praying because my pronunciations are correct when I pray to God." I was amazed by her devotion to God—our God. She c...