
|| The Science of Smiling ||

 || The Science of Smiling || Smiling is a simple way to enjoy life. The science of smiling suggests that if you keep smiling, you not only improve your physical and mental health, but also connect with the good souls around you. As you all know, we smile when we see our newborn baby give his or her beautiful smile. We smile when our child does silly things by imitating us or tries something new, fails, and comes running to us for help. We smile when we recall memories of doing silly things ourselves to trouble our parents, teachers, or friends. We smile when we remember how we used to annoy our siblings—whether it was by trying to wear new clothes first, eat first, or get our parents’ attention first, and many more such moments. We also sit and smile when we think about how we used to make our spouse jealous just to get his or her attention. We even make silly excuses just to get a seat in a train, bus, or car. All these instances that make us smile actually help to re-energize our bo


ABSORB GOOD FROM OTHERS The scientific world has led us to influence others to follow. Social media has become such an aggressive tool that we blindly follow celebrities, influencers, politicians, models, and perhaps a few high-profile relatives and friends. While it’s good to follow people, we also need to differentiate between what is good and what is bad for us. Every individual in this universe is unique, with their own mind, body, and soul. I see ordinary individuals as well as specially challenged children, including those who are hearing impaired. There is a tremendous difference in their capacity to absorb information. Recently, we went with friends and family to the theater to watch a movie. We all had popcorn, cold drinks, and samosas. A lot of things were dropped on the floor, and it was noticeable that we were not disciplined at all when it came to maintaining cleanliness. A few days later, I took more than 200 hearing-impaired underprivileged kids to watch a movie in a sim

Keep going, Keep growing, Keep glowing

|| Keep going, Keep growing, Keep glowing ||  There was one statement I learned from the actions of deaf kids at a recent event: "Believe that one day you will." Recently, we held a special screening of the film "Chak De! India" for over 200 kids from various special schools in Mumbai. Most of them were wearing hearing aids, and the majority were supported by the Josh Foundation. The screening was done with English subtitles, as most of the kids came from Hindi and Marathi medium backgrounds. When we were planning, many questions arose: Would these kids understand the film? Would they need an interpreter to explain it to them? Would they follow the language of the film? I have been working with them for the last 33 years and have come to understand that, although they may not have one sense organ functioning efficiently, their other senses are incredibly powerful. They possess unimaginable inner potential. Whatever comes their way, they appreciate, analyze, and work

You always Gain by Giving Love

  || You always Gain by Giving Love || Lord Krishna, the creator of our universe, in his eighth incarnation, depicted that the love in our hearts is the best medicine to heal the world. For our physical health, we run, walk, exercise, and eat nutritious food. For our mental health, we may express our emotions and feelings for our loved ones or the environment around us. However, if our souls do not release love into the universe for ourselves and for others, then our efforts toward physical and mental health will be in vain. I was reading a poetry book about Lord Krishna that narrates how one can become lost in Krishna's love. In it, I read that Radha, who was closest to Lord Krishna, channels her vibrant energy through her imagination to support him in all his endeavors, whether it be running the kingdom, feeling alone, or helping others. Such vibrant energy exists in this world, but we humans, in this scientific revolution, are losing it every day. Radha never loved Lord Krishna

Disability Doesn’t Stop You

  Disability Doesn’t Stop You.... The human spirit has the power to rise above physical or mental challenges, proving that determination, perseverance, and hard work can overcome almost any obstacle.  Disability is often viewed as a limitation, but countless individuals worldwide have shown that it is not a barrier to achieving greatness. Disabilities, whether congenital or acquired, do not define a person's abilities or potential. In fact, some of the most inspiring stories in history come from those who have turned their disabilities into opportunities for success. One of the greatest examples of overcoming disability is the Paralympic Games. It was established to offer athletes with disabilities a platform to compete at an elite level, the Paralympics demonstrate the incredible feats the human body and mind can accomplish. Paralympians compete in a wide variety of sports, from athletics to swimming, showcasing their strength and resilience. These athletes train just as hard as t

Devotional Service is a Privilege....

  Devotional Service is a Privilege.... I read somewhere that devotion is love with wings. So, to engage in devotional service means spreading love, and if we get such an opportunity in life, it is truly a privilege and brings immense satisfaction. In India, from August to September, there are many festivals like Janmashtami, Ganpati, Navratri, Diwali, and more, which people celebrate with great preparation. Some do it because it has been a tradition passed down by their ancestors, some because others are doing it, and some to have a reason to invite people to their homes. Some celebrate because their children or parents demand it, while others do it in groups to celebrate together. Everyone in the house, family, community, and country comes together for these devotional activities to pray to God and celebrate the spirit of divine connection. But I wonder, why is this connection only for these three months? Why not every month, every day, every minute, or every second? I believe we, as

Age is Just a Number...

  Age is Just a Number... We get many senior citizen clients in our clinic, and they come with a variety of perspectives. Some say, "Now that we are retired, it's time to communicate with our friends and especially with our grandkids, so please correct my hearing." One client was so lively that she said, "I live alone and do a lot of spiritual activities, so to participate in that, I need to hear well. Please do your best to make me hear." Some say, "My age has advanced, and I have difficulty, but I don’t want to be a burden to my kids, so it’s okay if I can hear a little; one-on-one communication is fine." Others say, "I can hear a little; people around me speak loudly to me, and I can manage." Everyone who comes to us has a different perception of hearing. For some, age is precious; for others, age is a burden. For some, age is a celebration; for others, it is pain. When I meet such senior citizens, I remember our legendary singer, the late