Recently we experienced eclipse created by earth, moon, and sun coming in coordination and creating light for us to visualize. I feel it bought us a chance. "Change for Good". According to spiritual gurus, it was very important as it got us a lot of positivity.

If you see, visualization may be different from country to country and different from person to person. But it got us beautiful light, a light of hope. Let's understand however difficult situation comes in a path. "We need to spread the light of hope."

Here when I think about an individual I always remember my Krishna, he did a lot of kridas in his life, did with commitment, dedication, honesty, to help others and understand the difference between what is right and what is wrong. He did every possible thing to make a change with one thought of love, Radha being there. Radha was a hope and love was his strength. Somewhere we all are missing that strength. We work hard but do we do that with all love and affection? 

We should start loving our selves and others who are important for us with commitment. It relates to our profession.  Also, we should enjoy what we do. I really like one poem written by this deaf person who totally believes, I am proud to be me. I am really inspired by him. He is teaching us through his poem that as a human being what he needs, what he desires, what is his values for his life.

I still remember this incident. I was in Phoenix to present a paper and I had one hour in my hand and from the place where I was reciting, the venue was half an hour away. I was supposed to travel by train and it so happened that I missed my station.  I realized that I missed it so I got down at one station and there was someone like a god for me at that time. I was panicking to miss the station and to reach my place as soon as possible.  This person seeing my panic feeling first made me comfortable and very nicely explained the route to go back and guided me so well that it gave a light of hope. Similarly, if we all decide to be professional or befriend, someone comes to you with difficulty if you show the right path then you will be happy as you guided someone for better, and also another person will receive the light of hope.
"Work as you are working for God and not the people."

For that you need to be connected with people to make you see the world differently, who helps you without any excuses. I will never forget that person who helped me when I was really lost. That person who helped me may bring him a lot of happiness in his life.

We are in the rat race of earning money and running to have all the best facilities in life, but the real happiness is in having the patience to get the best and more than that happiness in lighting a correct way of hope and for others.

|| We cannot change what we are not aware of and once we are aware we cannot help but change. ||


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