|| Ethic is Epic ||

|| Ethic is Epic ||

Ethics and Principles in life are difficult to describe and follow. When we consider education there is fix curriculum. In religion, there are some confirmed rituals. In society, there are certain accepted views of dealing in each situation in life. I see this symbol of ohm it is fixed which creates a lot of vibrations in the body and it resonates so much energy and also connects you to god. Ethics is like a symbol of an ohm. If you follow it correctly it resonates so much positive energy in your body and it keeps you connected to earth as well as generates energy in you to reach to god.

Scientifically when you narrate ohm it generates resonance in your oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal cavity. With the body vibrations of muscles that are connected to all the muscles of your body, it generates your real inner voice. It is also the best to exercise to mediate your body to become free from all the bad thoughts or tensions in your body. Ethics is something similar to that. Your ethics in your life resonates with you as a person. Ethics keeps you humble and down to earth. It also calms you to deal with any situation.

Even Krishna in Mahabharata taught he was god and did all the kridas (lila) with ethics.
Though he knew Kauravas were not giving respect to Draupadi and Yudhishthira was playing chess, he could have avoided all this but Yudhishthira had requested him to come only when he will be called. Krishna was with Pandavas only because of their good deeds in life and they were taking care of dharma. Krishna said you will exist in this life happily if you do good karma and that comes with ethics of life.

To do fast work or earn money fast or to shorten the way in doing routine things in life sometimes we compromise our ethics. Our ethics is nothing but our responsibility towards ourselves our family and our society. Ethics gives you dignity and a good stand-in society. Ethics comes from within. Ethics of life are those which does not harm others. Ethics are the ones that differentiate between what is good and what is bad. All animals and birds though they don't have thinking brain like us they work with ethics and don't interfere in each other's territory. They cover and protect their own houses and have unity among themselves.

I have an aunt who comes regularly to my clinic. She is very hard working. She comes with a lot of materials to sell from my native place. Though she struggles to earn money she works hard and with total ethics. She will only take money for which I have to pay. Once I gave her Rs.100 more as she travels from a long distance so the next time she got prasad for me. I have faith in Krishna so she got peacock feather for me. She got food which I like so she compensated more than what I gave her. She also comes with so much smile on her face as she is running around and earning money with so much pride and happiness. Whenever she comes to my clinic I get so much inspired by her. I feel as she is a God soul who knows what makes others smile. So somewhere those people who believe in ethics are so much spiritual and have so much faith that nothing will happen as God is there with me. Her spiritual maturity and her humbleness is her real success.

Recently she sent me parcel on her own for materials which I needed to worship the god. I said let me know the amount I will deposit in your account.she said you only deposit after you receive my parcel. Such a wonderful soul, isn't she? Likewise, there is a deaf boy who was just 15. He came to my clinic to receive his new hearing aids. He was receiving a donation of hearing aid from us. That day it was my birthday and he saw everyone wishing me with flowers. I went to my room to get his hearing aids. When I came out suddenly he disappeared. He went down to get me flowers and wished me. Though he was small, he had ethics of gratitude. There is no age for maturity. It's the way you learn from your environment. The way you thought the basics of life are. Your ethics are what you learn and make a habit in your life.

I feel those people who work with ethics are always the one who generates positive energy and who are always happy. Whatever they do in life they do it with love. They are passionate and motivated and also motivate others. They are supportive, calm, and trustworthy as ethics are their morals. You can trust them. They are creative and believe to see and work with the system. They make sure that they don't harm anyone. Responsibilities are their priority and loyal selfless and kindness is their only agenda. They are proactive and productive.

If we all work with ethics and generate such energy will have an epic of blessings from god. Our life will have so much happiness like this big tree of hope. We only will create an epic of the tree that is planted by us. Quality of our work and ethics of our life is the best way to spread positive energy.


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