FEAR...according to spiritual belief fear means (F - faith) not reaching your (EAR). God has made this universe. He has provided earth, sun, moon, stars, nature, animals, birds and plants, or living things and us as human beings. Except for we humans, who have a brain, has FEAR and not any other living things on this planet, as all others have faith in God and they know their existence. We, humans, have made this color red as a sign which says stop on the other hand red blood in our body never stops flowing. Blood is the necessity of life. The red color is also the symbol of love which cannot be stopped. Now we have to decide whether we should look at the color red as a signal or the color red which flows and also resembles love. If you have real faith in God you will select the color of love as God has made us with love.

As stories of Krishna also have many stories that show the easiest way to overcome FEAR. Krishna as a child did a lot of mischiefs as he used to go with his friends to steal Makhan from all the gopis houses. Though he was a god and he could steal easily, but he wanted to teach his friends how to overcome fears with fun. He used to act as he was having fear while stealing Makhan and also he knew how to earn love from gopis. Hereby stealing Makhan he also used to get scared of his mother's scolding. But he was always prepared to overcome that, he was always ready with answers for all the situations and his mother's questions. How, when, where, why, and which way, and for what he did that. Five W's and one H mantra. W for well narrated and H for Hari Mantra.

I think from childhood we used to follow everything from our surroundings. We try to imitate or follow what others do. We set limits around us. Earlier in education, there were only branches like medical and engineering and now there are so many branches in education like soft skill management, art, and cultural management, event management, and many more. These all branches have only developed as a scientist, who thinks about 5 W AND ONE H mantra who felt that, in any person's individual development, you need interpersonal and intrapersonal skills which makes their mind most flexible. Talk about technology development and any other electronic gadgets we use as per our facilities. We use them extensively for scientific progress but not for our mind progress????

Fear to Loose, Fear to Fail, Fear to talk, Fear to fall, all this comes to mind only through the imagination of worry. Sometimes we just make misuse of worry. Nowadays parents having one or two kids concentrate only on their growth with a competitive world but forget that in this they will lose their innocence. The mother feeds the baby till five years as they may drop the food, fear that he may not eat food, or fear that whether the child will be healthy or not. But mothers don't understand that child eating on its own will make him/her think, hand to break the chapati, stir in dal, take a vegetable and put in the mouth and for this process, he/she will think confidently as he/she has to eat for himself/herself. Just read this again as it is very important for each and every individual. He / She needs to do their own activities for their growth on their own which is very good for individual thinking. That also includes the reading and writing of an individual. In this world of phone and electronic media, we have forgotten our reading and writing skills as well.

Life only begins when fear ends and right now we all are having fear of coronavirus. We only listen to the fear factor of life. But we don't listen about recovery. We don't see that taking proper precautions can overcome any fear. If you use 5W and 1H MANTRA you will know how to fight this disease called coronavirus. When I work with patients who have stammering, they have a fear of talking because that they feel guilty because of which they have to talk to someone suddenly or else they feel frustrated, so the root cause is FEAR. If the person is injured you cannot write all the time but psychologically you do work for someone and not do for someone with your hand, it's your own psychology. So if stammerers speak good with someone with whom they are comfortable or those who understand and with others they cannot so it's their mind psychology. So if you, as a normal human, have to remove fear then we must talk to people whom we are comfortable with and who will understand the sensitivity of FEAR.

The ultimate of love to our life is we enjoy what we do and for that everything you want to ask of life cannot be given by anyone else but your own self. So don't ask for a period. Get it by yourself. If FEAR of not achieving life exists then none of the disabled kids would have overcome their handicapped life. Blind would have not got Brail language or deaf kids would have not got the best digital technology hearing aids or physical handicap would have not got their automatic wheelchair. They got all these as they raised the questions of 5W AND 1H. Research only happens when we use this mantra, let's research our mind to overcome our fear.

Someone has rightly said worrying is a waste of time. Good and Bad things, Ups and Down keep coming in life, you just have to keep living and never stress over what you can't control. Though this pandemic has made us stop and we are restricted to do our activities but we all have found out the other creative ways, I have become a writer and many more other people have analyzed themselves differently. It says when there is a will there is a way. Will and a wish to get changed is only and only in our hands.

Working with deaf kids and doing Humanitarian work I have used 5W AND 1H MANTRA. While working with deaf kids if I get wonderful results it's a bonus for me and if I don't then there is no loss as I feel at least I gave a try to make a change. Self-analysis can only be done by our own self. Fear will not exist if you have Faith in your own EARS.



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