These days during pandemic we realized that sitting at home also we can visualize the sky so clean. We can see things at long distances also very clearly. Least pollution makes things so clean and neat. We read that people could see Himalayas' also very clearly from almost 200 km. This was only possible because of no pollution in the air. Just give a thought if we have clarity in our thoughts without any pollution of negative thoughts what will happen???? We will be able to see everything so clearly in our life and life will be so beautiful.

Every activity in life has some process like planting seeds of humanity, kindness positivity, love, understanding, growing them with soil and water of good thoughts and hard work, and to grow in the right direction for a better future. It results in growth and blossom with the fruits of beautiful human life. Yes, I am talking about Radha Krishna's love. They planted the seeds of humanity. They worked hard to unite people, remove adharma, and guided people and sacrificed their lives to grow and support better human life. God had a magic wand with him but still to make people understand the difference between dharma and adharma god also had to go the big process in life.

Due to the scientific revolution and the fast pace of our life, we also have less patience and want everything to be done fast. Whether the child is born and learning speech or child getting an education in the best possible circumstances or earning money or getting fame or many more other things. But we forget that though there is a revolution for everything but still has to go through a process that may be slow or fast depending on our hard work, environment or facilities. We still don't have a scientific revolution in doing magics. Still, to make curd you need to boil milk and add little curd and need to give time. To make curd or to make ghee it also has process though we have so many machines to do that.

Plants grow only in the upper, means in right direction sunlight, water, soil in the proper manner makes a lovely tree. But one more thing is from the time it gets planted gives oxygen to human life to survive and takes carbon dioxide from humans. From roots, plants believe to help but we humans once start running in life forget our roots and start looking at other branches of humankind and start comparing. Sometimes in doing that we also lose our confidence, self-esteem, and recognition of our own soul.

Research says that process of speaking kindly to plants helps them to grow. So imagine what the process of speaking kindly to humans can do? Research says speaking to kids at in early age where the child has the most flexibility he can learn 20 languages and also a child can learn to speak around three million words, whichever economical background child is born. The process is giving the best stimulation at an early age. How about the same way teaching values, sharing, kindness, and spreading love from the time child learns to perceive from the environment. Let's be the from root level only child start learning the language of love and kindness??

Whenever I see deaf child's parents and talk to them and see their worries for their child I feel first that I don't have worries as I have grown normal children with normal processes like how other parents do but I also talk to them that though you have a difficult child. You work so hard to overcome your child's difficulties. You are a more efficient parent than me. You prove the world that hard work does give results. If god was kind than with a magic wand every person on this earth would have grown magically without any difficulty. Galaxy of god and goddess would have existed no need of humans. So everything is one with the process and hard work of an individual.

I also see technology has got mobile phones, computers, and many more electronic gazettes but when it comes to having disabled child one does not want to accept and even if they accept, parents run here there to run for magic rather than working behind the child and not losing the time duration of their flexibility of brain and early stage of life where maximum progress can take place. When you work with the deaf child's first digital hearing aid invented and then costly cochlear implants, so parents start running and waiting for the magic to happen with spending more money. But whether you go for less money hearing aids or expensive cochlear implant child has to undergo the process of learning parameters of language.

 So what it proves that whether you are poor or rich everything in life has a process and needs a language of hard work. You need to put effort to reach your goal in whatever you do with your hard work. We have seen so many people growing and being successful
 Take the example of Google CEO, coming from a poor family, and worked hard to make his and other people's better future.

What I have learned seeing these successful people with a humble heart. I see Mother Teresa as a role model that their positive thinking is about creating possibilities in doing their work and they were able to assess which ones are realistic and achievable in this fast-growing world. Friends, let's work hard so that our work can create a magical pill in changing the lives of our and others. Also, let's work hard on making life more beautiful.


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