Spirituality and Karma


       By Shri Gaurangdas Ji
We know that on this Earth many type of languages are spoken. Many types of human races live on Earth, but we also know that God is  one and we know him with many different names. In our  ancient books it is mentioned that when yogis did their yoga and austerity practice in Himalaya, through their commond chakra and inner energy they  had conversation with God. They didn't need words for this their all energy works with that divine source and through this they generate that much power which will keep them alive for so many years. When we meditate and think about God and keep our prays in front of God they travel so fast because they are free from any word and silent prays have better speed. As per psychology silence is also a language and to understand this one should have lots of experience and love towards human being and only God have these things.

Happiness and sorrow, assets, and liabilities are part of human life. When situations are according to us, we think that God is with us. But when we face an adverse situation we think God has left us and we are alone. However, this is not true. Everything which God do is for our betterment and in adverse situation as well somewhere our benefit is involved. When we face problem, we ask God "WHY ME", however our view towards the problem should be I have full faith in God so "TRY ME". If we have this thought in mind then we can pass through with any challenge in our life with the grace of God.

We know that human body has came into existence from other humans but first human was created by God.  Just like air we do not see God we can just feel him. While doing some difficult work, when we are not successful and did not get desired result, we get demotivated then an inner voice emerge and that guide us to the right path to do that work successfully. If we see from spiritual mind set that inner voice is of God, which gives us courage to do impossible work and guide us in tough times. We just need to understand that signs of God and those devotees who understands their inner voices , they reach their goal simply, easily and clearly.

Every person feels alone, helpless, demotivated at some stage in his life. If we are disappointed, but we have belief in God that one should trust that they will surpass any kind of disappointment, because Shri Krishna has pledged that if anyone takes 1 step towards him, he takes 10 steps towards them. You might have heard a famous illustration related to this, there is a person who had his belief in Shri Krishna. He feels at every stage of his life God is with him. One day that person was walking at the sea shore and he noticed that on the sand there were two pair of foot prints, he was happy as he thought the other pair was of Shri Krishna. After some time he tested some toughness in life, he again visited sea shore that time he noticed on the sand there is only one pair of foot prints. He thought in my good times Shri Krishna was with me now in my tough time he has left me. After some days that tough phase was over he again visites sea shore and noticed now like earlier there was two pair of a foot print. Then he screamed towards Shri Krishna that in my bad times you left me and in good times you are with me. Then Shri Krishna explained to him that in his bad time's foot prints which he noted at sand was Krishna's foot prints and not of that person. In bad time Shri Krishna carries us in his hands so that we do not have to face worse time alone. So we should always keep this faith that Shri Krishna is always with us.

When we ourself start practicing "Bhakti", we came to know about the power of "Bhakti" because on this spiritual path we should experience things ourself, by listening others experience we cannot feel those completely. At the time when "Bhakti" emerge in ourself we feel a great mental peace. In present time, due to lack of mental peace we wander here and there, feel depressed and caught by many diseases. We have so many doctors and cure if our body is ill, but for our mental illness only possible cure is lotus feet of Shri Krishna, with any other measurement we cannot get mental peace. Doctors advise yoga and meditation for mental peace so what is actually this mental peace and meditation ? Yoga and meditation is actually a tool to find our inner soul, who had a Perpetual bond with God which provide us mental peace. When we start keeping faith in God and with the time this is more developed in us, we start seeing God in every one. Due to this we help each other and from helping others as well we mentally  feel good. In current circumstance if in right terms we want to succeed in path of development then we must take everyone with us, which is only possible with the feeling of helping each other.

A teacher take exam of their students so that they can see whether students have properly learned or not the lesson which was taught them by teacher. If students understand lessons properly then they are promoted to the next class. The same way God takes an exam of us so we can measure our character development. However we got our life lesson based on our abilities and capabilities, which differ from person to person, anyone who has more abilities and capabilities will face a more tough exam of life compared to a person who had fewer abilities and capabilities. While testing us God increases both our abilities and capabilities. These life tests are important to track the growth and maturity of human beings. Through these, we know how far we can go to achieve our goal. In these life lessons, if we believe that Shri Krishna is with us then these tough times will become easier. "Kurukshetra" from Mahabharata is a very good illustration of this. Shri Krishna takes an exam of Arjuna and when he succeeded in that Shri Krishna himself becomes Chariot walker for Arjuna. We should also leave our all worries and tension in lotus feet of Shri Krishna and let him became Chariot walker for our life too, we will then see that we are using our capacities and abilities to the best extent.

As per spirituality "BHAKTI" has so much strength, "BHAKTI" is a way that leads us to God. But what does make "BHAKTI" such invaluable expression? You might have heard in Ramayan, Mahabharat and other sacred stories that many times people workship and please God, then God ask them to wish any material thing like money, asset, any material happiness but still, God didn't offer them his BHAKTI, what is the hidden reason of this. "BHAKTI" is a thread of love and devotion which is so strong so that it can tie even almighty God. When the emotion of "BHAKTI" emerge in anybody that person sets himself free from all kind of negative thoughts and disorders. Due to the pureness of "BHAKTI", no fraud or bluff remains in person and his mind and heart become crystal clear like purified water. His inner self becomes so clear that inside his clear mind reflection of God can depict. As and when "BHAKTI" emerges in one that person leaves anger, greediness, and other hurdles in a personal growth and he had just a feeling of love towards God. When he loves God he loves each and other creation of God and tries to protect and care for the same.

No one can prejudge what criterion would be brought by time in front of us. We do not know how long we live, but if one person lives after death, this is a sign of good deeds done by a person. I will share an incident in my life after which I believe completely that good KARMA is very necessary. Around three years ago my health started to deteriorate, I consulted so many docter and they provided me many different medicines but they were unable to find what was the cause of disease. Using so many medicines effected my immune and nerve system and side effect of that was some more issue and infection in my body. After all this, my belief was broken from this saying that Doctors are God and they are the savior of man kind. My closed ones said that you are a renowned and awarded astrologer, you have sorted issues from many person life, why can't you help yourself. My view in this situation was that even God Rama has to face much toughness in his life and due to our own KARMA, we get problems and solutions both. Day by day my health issues were raised then one day I was in the temple, through one devotee I came to know about one doctor named Dr. Vishal and his wife Dr. Sarita. I talked Dr. Vishal and through this guidance and treatment, my many health issues were cured. Due to their complete efforts and selfless behavior, this thing was possible. I used to the thought that why my health issue is not sorted, whether I have done so many bad KARMA in my life. Then after meeting with Dr. Vishal and seeing his efforts and dedication my belief in doctors was restored. It is our KARMA due to which we get problems in life and due to our KARMA as well we get a solution for those. I can never forget Dr. Vishal and Dr. Sarita because they are doing justice towards their profession and beyond that, they are doing their duties with full commitment and proving metal of their character. A person with his good KARMA life beyond time.


  1. Great and very nice ....Jai gaurang ji ki

  2. Waah ghazab ka explanation.Really wonderful expression.


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