Excellence is all about Self-Purification
|| Excellence is all about Self-Purification ||
There is an electric fire in human nature tending to purify - We humans have the power to create heroism in every birth and for that, we should purify our innate well of contentment, and then external things will be in harmony with us. In deep forest when water flows, it has steep ways but it never loses its purity. Our body is made up of around 70% of the water, you know the universe is also 70% covered by water in form of 5 ways i.e oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and canals. We also have five senses in our body i.e see, smell, taste, feel, and hear. What we need to do is with all these 5 senses with our brain we also need to maintain the purity of water in our body. These senses make us go through a lot of ups and downs in our life but we should maintain our purity. That will indirectly help our universe to be better.
Exploring spiritually as I have read Bhagwat Gita, I can say it is a spiritual guide to purify our soul. Other religious books may also be having a similar guide. Krishna Leela narrated in Bhagvad Gita has each and every aspect of life. You can say it has solutions to all your problems. It helps you to understand what is good and bad, What are Karma and Deeds, What is Dharma, What is Faith, and Which are the practical ways you can solve problems in your life. A simple narration, if you have a flood in your country, come together, pray together and help together, come out of those difficult situations and have patience till you overcome it. (which we heard in Govardhan Leela by Krishna.) Let me tell you friends, these difficult times of pandemic rather than losing patience and panicking we should just read Bhagvad Gita and get inspiration and try to have a positive approach towards life. I recommend Bhagvad Gita to all of you, it’s a must-read. I read this "Obeisances to you from the front from the behind and all sides. Unbounded power you are the master of limitless might!" You are all-pervading and thus you are everything, Krishna" described in Bhagvad Gita.
Once we are born we learn the language and to feel from our parents then, we learn education from our teachers and gurus then once you start working you learn from your fellow workers, learn to live life with your friends and family, and learn to love from your parents, then your partner and then from your kids. You learn to observe and explore by traveling and understand to compete and grow from your environment. You know to admire the beauty of nature around you. You do physical exercises and develop your mental strength also from the world around you. Now if you read all these learning aspects of life then you will understand that all this will depend on how you learn, which way you learn. I feel the more you see things in a positive light the more you see positivity in everything you do.
The different styles of learning in a scientific way we start from our birth and then it makes our learning for our whole life. Learning verbally with writing to express ourselves confidently. Physically we use our senses to touch, see, feel, hear, and smell with our best potential. Logically we use our skills to reason, relate, and recognize. Auditory, we prefer music to learn and listen. We see pictures and images to visualize, observe, and watch things around us. Socially we prefer to do activities in a group or learn to share and to communicate and above that one we have a special potential which makes us different than others. All this we can use in our best way if we decide to reach our own excellence.
Apart from this all functions of our body we also have the heart which needs to learn how to implement in our life. They are crucial but not difficult. The past which is gone, cannot be changed you need to move on. Everyone's journey is different, opinions don't define reality you need to experience it to understand, things always get better with the time you give. "What goes around comes around", "if you give you get". Judgments only need to understand with a confession by character, you and only you can find your happiness, smile — it is the best contagious medicine. Kindness is free, you can do it in the best possible manner, you only fail if you quit, no need to think too much and above all positive thoughts creates positive things for you and around you.
Beautiful narration by our father of nation Mahatma Gandhiji:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words,
Watch your words, for they become actions,
Watch your actions, for they become habits,
Watch your habits, for they become the character,
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny, it is just true...
We can achieve excellence in our life. It’s just we need to analyze ourselves, think spiritually. Learn practically, be humble, and feel purity. Excellence is all about self-purification.
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