Beauty Of Kindness

|| Beauty Of Kindness ||

Like the golden rays of the SUN, which reach every part of the universe, the time has come to spread the golden rays of the beauty of kindness in this universe. Like the sunrise, every morning, after sunset makes a complete day by removing the darkness of the night, the time has come to rise for good and spread positive rays of humanity after going through difficult times of life. This is only possible to understand if we have faith in God. For me, it's KRISHNA who guided me to spread the rays of positivity through my blogs. Today, 3rd December is International Day of Disabled Persons and the day of my 50th golden blog. It's also near the golden day of my life and I pray to God that every human on this earth wins over their ability to understand the beauty of kindness over the disability of their negative thoughts of misunderstanding each other. I hope that every human understands this idea of spreading positivity, which I have understood working with specially-abled children, just by looking at them. I'm happy that God gave me the vision to look at life differently and gave me the strength like them to fight for every challenge coming on my way.

Every human being learns from their experiences in life. God also understood human life by experiencing it, themselves. There is a snippet narrated in the Bhagwad Geeta that when Krishna was five years old, he wanted to take cows to graze in the jungle, like any other gval. The gvals, who were five years older, were taking cows to graze as it was a duty or way of life to survive so they used to tell Krishna that you can't do as you are very small and can't handle this. Krishna requested his mother to speak to the gvals and allow him to go. His mother said, "You can only go when you grow old like your dad." So little Krishna, one day decided to dress like his dad, putting on a mustache and got the feeling of being old and grown. It's a very small incident but I feel it has a deep meaning of learning to live the best of your own life. Even lord Krishna did that. Through this incident, Krishna made others realize through his emotions that he is just like any other normal human being. These sweet moments also brought him closer to all the people of Vraj. It's said that he was so close to every person of Vraj that every Vrajvasi was ready to leave their house and follow him to make a change.

What if you turn blind one day and feel the agony of what the blind go through? Turn deaf and see if you can communicate and hear the people who are close to you. How about a physical handicap and you can't travel where you want to? Think about a mentally challenged person who can't think beyond his limitations. I think, though we are going through a difficult and unimaginable part of our life, if we just go back through the journey of our life, compared to these special children, born with a disability, then we will realize how blessed we are to have abilities to enhance our own life. Time has to make a change in our thinking process. I think if we do so, we'll realize that "A change of feeling is a change of Destiny." We will make a change if we just understand the beauty of kindness towards these specially-abled children. The way I see it, my destiny has changed me to be a better human being and a better writer. Similarly, every human in this universe can.

There are 7.8 billion people on this earth. Out of which 6.3% have a hearing disability (which I know of) and maybe the overall average of people with all disabilities is a minimum of 10%. So, the remaining 90% population needs to look at how abled and blessed they are and if they just understand, together, the beauty of kindness to help this 10% then how different would the world be? What we need to understand deeply is that our strength does not come from winning. The struggles of our life, while overcoming the challenges of life, develop our strengths. When you go through hardships in your life, you should not surrender (again, learning from the specially-abled kids) rather, we should consider that as our strength.

Another story written in our shastra says- Valia, the criminal, the thief became Valmiki Rushi and then became Maharshi by moving with a change in his life. While doing the devil's work of snatching other people's food money and good deeds, once, he was asked why he did all the bad karma? He said, "I'm doing it to take care of my family and for the survival of my family." He was then asked, "All these sins which you are accumulating, will your family be a part of it?" He said, "Why not?" and to confirm that he asked each and every member of his family if they would share hid sins with him. They said, "NO," and that made a change in him and he went towards the depth of understanding God and his creations and with his focus and a complete dedication towards prayers to God, he wrote, "RAMAYANA" which is in hearts as the ancient stories of our dharma. This story, if you go in-depth in understanding, portrays that if our karma is good, it will help to change everyone's presence in our life with whom we are connected. What about our bad karma? No need to explain further. A small dot can stop a big sentence and few more dots of change can give continuity... Amazing but true, "Every ending can be a new beginning." Reading this, how about we decide to make a book of doing good karma??? It may start with a small act of kindness every day.

Today's youngsters ask their seniors if God exists? They say, "If yes, then we're so sorry that we are not able to focus on having faith that makes us feel that God exists." A senior and experienced person guided youngsters to do parikrama of a temple with a glass full of water. They were not supposed to drop any water while walking and doing parikrama around it. A youngster did that job perfectly and enthusiastically went to the senior. The senior person asked, "Did you see anyone in difficulty, on the way? How many people, on the way, needed your help?" The youngster said, "I just focused on not spilling my water so I didn't look around."

The same incident happened to me in my clinic. An intelligent boy came to my clinic. His parents were worried that he speaks very fast. He was not ready to sit and talk to me as he felt like he knows everything and doesn't need any guidance from me. I said, "I will ask you one question, if you answer that, I will not guide you for anything." He agreed. I asked, "Both your parents are doctors and if they need medicine and you are home alone, will you go and buy medicine from a nearby medical shop?" He never expected such a question and said, "I don't know which is the nearby shop and I don't have to do all this, I have servants to do all this." This is what today's youngsters focus on, education but not learning the education of kindness. Their focus on God will only come if they learn the act of kindness with their education and that only comes when you develop feelings and emotions for each other. You need to be Kind, keep working hard and rest will take care of itself.

My journey of writing blogs developed with 8 pictures of inspiration and positivity. I have been fascinated by Radha's Asta Sakhis as they were Radha's support and feelings. Asta Sakha, who narrated Krishna's existence in melodious songs, develops feelings of Krishna in every human's existence on this earth. My story of pictures of the blog describes feelings of kindness and love existing on this earth like creativity, the beauty of nature, and human psychology which needs positive direction which is possible with belief in Krishna within us. Every human being can make a change with a positive attitude. The world will aspire to the beauty of kindness if we make specially-abled children equally inclusive in our society. I have started my bit. I wish more people join to spread positivity with me. I have started this beauty and act of kindness which has made a change in my own life and I hope it changes for all my fellow human beings as well.


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