|| Safe Listening for a better future (Part 1) ||

|| Safe Listening for a better future || 

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” The time has come we all need to change, change with better listening and safe listening. Now, why do I say so??? The earth moves and makes a round circle around the sun and moon and if the circle of Adharma increases there is a need for someone to come and show the right path of Dharma. If the circle of negative energy increases then it needs to break and positive energy needs to flow for our better future. This is only possible if we take a break from the scientific revolution and think from the time of evolution and think about what exactly matters in our life. Is it to earn money with wrong deeds or to earn money degrading others or achieve success hurting other human life? If you see only Indian history wherever ego if there's pride or greed, the end is near. Wherever kindness humbleness exists, it lasts forever. Be it Krishna and Rama or recent historians like Gandhiji, Swami Vivekanand or Ambedkar, or Mother Teresa, they are still in our hearts. Revolution is needed in humankind at each and every small place on this earth. Listen to the time it says to change environmental actions against global warming, to change human kind's positive approach in life and to save other creatures and ourselves, we need to save water to drink and water as tears flowing from humankind who are in pain.

Kansa knew he will be killed by the 8th son of Devki, that is, Kansa yet he didn't listen and kept on chasing for all the possible distractions and noise to make people understand that he is more powerful and the destiny which is created for him he will prove wrong. He made all the possible arrangements which we describe as a scientific revolution in the form of weapons at this moment to win the hearts of people with his ego, power, and evil thoughts. Ravana also knew that Dashrath Raja's son Rama will kill him still he kept doing Adharmas to prove himself right. But as the end result, both of them got killed as they were destined to be killed by Lord Krishna and Lord Rama. Listen to those stories that convey that however powerful you try to be with your thoughts when you give pain or discomfort to others, you need to pay for it. Listen to the traffic of noise coming from all directions of bad thoughts and while you're stuck there, rather than ignoring, pay attention to those bad noise thoughts to keep them aside and give away to positive thoughts that'll show you the right direction to move.

We were noting down the points of Safe Listening parameters and I thought of correlating them with life. I was thinking how amazing it connects. First, it says, "Honk only when required and educate others to do the same." I think, in life, we need to go loud only when it is required. If your going loud is changing someone's life then you must. Just for the sake of shouting to show, doesn't help. It becomes irritating like honking. Also, shouting the correct message which creates awareness works the best. Like just now so many humans have come forward to help in this difficult time. Their silent work is shouting for humanity and that is appreciated by all. Those who are shouting to make people panic and fearful in the long run, are now being ignored by people. The time has now come that with both, listening to people to understand what is good or bad for them and listening from good humans with a positive approach, we will improve our future. Another thing is to avoid shouting and yelling at others during traffic. Rather be silent and work to find the correct solution which benefits all.

I read in the Bhagwad Geeta that Krishna was such an efficient strategic planner that however many times the Yadavs were attacked by other territory people but in all the wars, none of the Yadavs died. The planning was done in such a way that none of his own people got affected. In today's time, you are surrounded by such bad traffic noise of negative thoughts that you get carried away and though you are an excellent planner, it doesn't work. You flow in the flow of unnecessary noise traffic, so from the beginning, you need to be systemic and an efficient planner and create the right awareness that without affecting anyway, you find the best possible way. For that, every human being needs to keep their eyes on the road of life. Listen through your eyes. The path of life, with listening and visual effects, gives the best results that we have observed in working with hearing-impaired children.

Whenever you are lost in your music of life while paying attention to the environment around you, you miss the awareness about your surrounding environment. One of my deaf student's mothers is very caring, alert, and smart in dealing with all the problems faced by her kid. Her daughter-in-law was about to deliver her child a month before her parent's negligence of the place so they visited the doctor. That pregnant, deaf girl got covid. The moment her mother-in-law came to know about it, she took her son and ran to pick her and got her back at their house, and with all proper planning, she took care of her for 14 days. She kept all the hospitals, doctors, and all the possible things ready if her daughter-in-law delivered early or during Covid time. She was also ready with a kit if she had to take care of her. Luckily, after her Covid test came negative after 20 days, she delivered and all went well. I really admire the kind of awareness she had and her preparedness to face any situations of her two deaf kids who were about to become parents. Today, many of us are busy with our own selves, not observing the environment, panicking, losing hope, and even lives. I think we all need to take the lesson of listening from these efficient parents of deaf kids.

Ensure that your vehicle is in appropriate working condition and isn't making unpleasant sounds. Majority of the time our unusual reactions come out if our body, mind, and soul are not functioning well. If you don't get enough food to desire and you are an unsatisfied person, you end up committing a crime. If you are at a fast pace of getting everything in life, you end up getting into accidents or pause as life's teaching lesson. If you don't look for your satisfaction, you avoid or ignore certain situations. If your child doesn't get a good percentage, you feel ashamed or don't feel like talking about it. I can mention many such situations. Basically, we don't accept what we have and we are also not happy with what others to have. Somehow, comparison creates lots of difficult situations in life. Listen to those cars' unpleasant sounds and compare them with your life. If you create such an environment with others, will they like it or will you like it? Remember that the first purpose of life is to live it! Now you decide how.

It's better if you turn off your vehicle in heavy traffic to save your petrol as well as control noise pollution. Many times when there are a lot of people together in one organization, everyone ends up giving their point of view and creating, so-called, "politics" which only creates chaos. Rather, if we listen to each other to try to find one solution and try to work together, it'll save a lot of time as well as money to generate fast and best results. I remember visiting one institute in the USA where only 7 people work together in the research of making hearing aids but they generate wonderful results. Though I was the first one from India and only a graduate whereas they were all specialized in subjects with PHDs, they were so humble to teach me everything, and today, I can fit hearing aids to 50 kids efficiently because of their devotion to teaching me. Today, I have already changed the lives of over 1300 people and will change many more. Listening humbly and with respect, generates the best results.

During heavy traffic, talk directly rather than talking on headphones. If you really want to reduce the traffic of the negativity and emotional imbalance then it's best to talk one-to-one. Talk heart-to-heart with your parents, your children, your employee, your friends, your spouse, and people who are in need. Listen to them, see their strength, explain with an emotional touch. Try to find a solution that generates the best communication to make a change and create a better future... (continued in the next blog)


  1. Wonderful indeed .it make a great reading with lots to learn to be positive for a better life .Many thanks to Devangi Ma'am.


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