|| Breathe in Between ||

|| Breathe in Between ||

We all know that breathing is very important for our life, especially in pandemics with Coronavirus disease breathing has been the most discussed topic. In normal breathing, we inhale air through the nose and send it to our lungs, and through the lungs, the air gets exhale and comes out through the nose when we just do breathing. But when we speak we inhale through the nose air goes to the lungs and it gets exhales through the voice box and through the mouth. Each and every breathe is so important for our survival and if it doesn't happen systematically we may land up having difficulties. Coronavirus affects the lungs the most and that's where we find maximum difficulty in breathing because the natural way to get oxygen to breathe is difficult we need oxygen cylinders as a support system. Why do I say we need to breathe in between as it's high time we need to try to understand the importance of breathing. To have fresh air to breathe we need to be natural, we need to have nature around, we have to keep a natural attitude, and also try to understand how breathing can affect us. Breathing in between helps you to analyze yourself. 

Lord Rama or Lord Krishna, if you hear the history from our ancestors though they were born to kill the devils or remove adharma and create the right path of dharma, they had a life like any other normal human being to breathe in between. Lord Krishna and Lord Rama used to play with their peers. Krishna used to go gazing at the cows and with their courageous efforts, they also killed devils and removed adharma. They also believed in spreading the love with their courageous acts, though they were God for them also getting sunlight from the Sun or getting fresh air from nature and food for survival was equally important. Curd which is good for digestion was Krishna's favorite food. To gaze in the jungle with cows, to get fresh air to breathe was equally important in his life. Every human being on this earth needs to breathe and they also need to breathe in between for themselves.

When we were learning about the voice we learned that breathing, digestive and neurological system is very important for a good voice. Good breathing means inhaling and exhaling air with relaxation but with that good digestion of food and having proper rest for the neurological system is an equally important way of breathing in between. Many a time singers to earn money use their voice extensively and they don't concentrate on their food and sleeping habits and then very soon they lose their voice. To have a good voice is good but to maintain it is also equally important. These days while running in a rat race we forget to breathe in between and we are struggling to maintain our good living for the future. While dealing with stammering patients I have observed that to cover their difficulties they try to speak fast and breathe later. Many a time they have breathing abnormalities than stammering and the biggest hurdle is fear of not breathing in between. point of concern here is, "Why one should live with such fear which is harmful to their own growth?" I always discuss with my stammering patients that stop creating your own storms from overthinking, clear your mind, and breathe in between you will see plenty more sunrises. 

Throughout the year we work but once in a year, we need a good break to breathe in between, a break from our routine. We can go to a hill station to get good fresh air or go to breathe in between to relax and think differently. Recently, I traveled to the USA and I found that I got so much time to breathe fresh air, to think about how people behave, what kind of food they like, what they enjoy the most, and the confidence I saw in them of getting vaccinated will keep away from coronavirus was the most admiring. The success of fighting against all odds and getting success much faster than us is their confidence. I also saw that all seniors were also enjoying sitting in merry go round which is usually designed for kids. Looking at them I also felt to be a kid again and decided to breathe in between and forget all the stress of being an adult who has responsibilities in life. I realized to breathe in between your own desires and enjoy every moment in life is also important.

Recently I heard about a 40-year-old man who was an engineer by profession and got detected with corona positive. He was a little anxious and was worried about his own health and his family which is again very natural. He did quarantine himself for 14 days and tested negative. He was feeling weak and he needed rest but because of anxiety and being concern about his work profile he decided to work not only work but he did overwork and he also did two overnight duties and wanted to work harder to make up on days that he lost during his illness. He never realized that without understanding his body he was giving stress to his body as well as mind and unfortunately this over-stressing took away his life. Now, who will take care of his family??? at times we don't realize what are we doing to ourselves??? I think self-knowledge of understanding your own mind, body, and soul is the first step of maturity and breathing in between.

In Psychology, there is a  terminology called Psychosomatic disorder which means a person who has strong willpower and understands their body, recovers much faster than those who have always anxiety and fear. Today's pandemic has taught us that we need to breathe in between to understand our own self and try to give justice or rather need to balance between health and economical condition. Anything done beyond strength breaks your own breathe. I always feel any individual who understands that even after the worst storm of the emotional, physical, psychological, or financial crisis, breathing in between and saying no matter what, however difficult the situations are the sun will shine again tomorrow.

The best example of understanding that we need to breathe in between I has learned from all the special children I have worked with. They taught me to love life, live each day without giving up. However difficult the path is, people accept it or not just fight with your own willpower. Accept what you are and if you want to make a change you need to fight for your own self. Frankly speaking in the last one and a half years I have seen very few specially-abled people dying because of coronavirus than normal people. Think about it???? You will know what is the correct formula to breathe in between. 

Now to breathe in between means to create happiness with an understanding of life with your breathing pattern which you have especially as compared to other creatures in this universe. Happiness chemicals can be generated in the body by eating food on time, achieving goals with stability in mind, getting enough sleep with satisfaction, having a bath for cleansing our own thoughts, exercising, laughing, and listening to music with a free mind. Socializing, having physical touch to get warmth and helping others, and lastly having sunlight, mindfulness with nature and nature walks with good breathing and time to breathe in between. It looks too much or maybe difficult but one can always try to breathe in between...


  1. Absolutely correct n I do support your wonderful, full of teachings n brilliant thoughts


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