The loyalty switch needs to be on from within. The Statue of Liberty stands in Upper New York Bay, a universal symbol of freedom. Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the people of France and the U.S. and a sign of their mutual desire for liberty. Over the years, the statue has become much more than a sign of liberty. In my recent visit to the statue of liberty, I found that it is a symbol of loyalty to the USA. In fact, it is said that her most significant torch and flame, symbolize the truth and justice enlightening the world. Her crown's seven rays represent a sunburst spreading enlightenment and reason throughout the world. When I think of pandemic and the kind of monitoring and health issues we are going through, I found a lovely message from this lady who stands still and silently "give me tired, your poor your huddled masses yearning to breath free, I lift my lamp beside the golden door to show you the right path. Isn't it an amazing message ???? just think about it??? to start, switch on the switch of loyalty is the need of the day.


History of the statue of liberty says its skin is made of copper and when copper is exposed to oxygen in the air, it undergoes a chemical reaction called oxidation. This crust is green in color. This layer protects the original metal underneath copper and bronze. It took almost 30 years for the statue to turn from her original copper to the green color you see today. It was made by a french sculpture artist having 300 thin sheets of copper, each sheet was 3/32 inch thick and metal was hammered and shaped within large wooden and plaster molds. Why I am going into detail about this sculpture?? because I see the positivity of symbolic gestures to change and shape up ourselves. Though the one who thought about displaying this sculpture, his imagination took shape but to make it a real symbol of freedom, it took 30 years to feel. Though the relations between the two countries made this special statue it took time to strengthen it. Loyalty starts from within and takes a lovely beautiful shape over the years.


If you go through the ancient stories of our Indian culture loyalty towards our king, towards our elders, supreme or leaders were very well appreciated. in Ramayana, Hanuman was loyal to Lord Rama or in Mahabharata, Karna was loyal to Kauravas and Birbal was loyal to part of Akbar's royal committee, Tanaji was loyal to Shivaji and those loyal people made history. They symbolize that however difficult situations arise you need to be honest, loyal and need to think about what helps society to grow. As Krishna said, "Each of your actions will have an impact on your future." Similarly their loyalty brought a lot of changes and revolution for people to look up to. They also taught us that by being loyal you can do good karma and that the good path of karma only will show you the real path of dharma. It says "Loyalty is the first law of God". We need to switch on that...

Today the corruption, cheating on each other, creating a panic situation, blaming each other has become so common that we have forgotten to notice that what actually loyalty means. The fast pace of this world has made us forget the feeling of loyalty, either running for name or fame, if you don't have a feeling of honesty and loyalty then it doesn't last long. Today relations are also not lasting because there is no existence of Gratitude and Compassion between two people wherein, gratitude and compassion can alter fortunes. Be it any relation or business many a time it is not surviving because of few people who do not believe in the word called "loyalty". Now, here a question arises in my mind that over the years so many people who believe in the scientific revolution, who wants the robot to work for them, they accept loyalty from the robot but they cant be loyal to other humans.??? when are we going to switch on this thought of being loyal???



Loyalty is a decision and resolution of the soul. It starts from within. It starts with your relationship in the family. Loyalty in the family helps you to enhance loyalty for your community, loyalty towards the nation, and then loyalty towards mankind. If one decides to start, nothing is impossible. Today any business or relation gets attracted by the vibration of the energy of characteristic, competency, comprehension, and connection but what only survives the best or leads you towards success is the feeling of loyalty. If that light of loyalty you will ignite then success is in your hand. Today in my 30 years of practice, 95% of clients come again to me whenever they need any help or service, as I feel confident about what I do and I am loyal in giving my services to my clients. Many professionals, organizations or communities, and countries are doing extremely well as they do have the quality of being loyal to themselves and for the people for whom they work. They are determined and focused towards goal because you can do anything if you think you can.

While working with the special kids I have realized that they are true and clean by heart and they show the best quality of loyalty. I had one of my deaf students who did try a lot of products supported by different professionals of different companies but somehow the best quality of being loyal to my work at the end of the day brought them back to me to purchase hearing aids. They were getting hearing aids at cheaper prices from other country and they were rich but were conservative about spending money, they said by saving money on these hearing aids we will help your organization or trust who are supporting deaf kids. I said by doing this you are not doing charity, I will be doing it, as you want to make the foreign company earn money and hard work you want me to do it. The clarity of thought with my clients and confidence in what I do brings back my clients to me. I strongly believe that knowledge gives us power but our character gives us respect. I always mean to do that is possible with all of us.

In today's scenario, the time has come where we need to analyze the value of being loyal to our country, community, and our own family. You don't earn loyalty in a day, you earn and learn day by day. Loyalty cannot be blueprinted or manufactured it originates from the human heart and it's totally based on the center of self-respect and dignity. The symbol of the statue of liberty taught me to be loyal to myself and to mankind around me. What about you all???



Today my writing about spreading positivity is helping me to do or think differently. I feel my writing represents my loyalty switch on to myself and to people who read my articles. How about we all switch on this?? Don't you think the world will be more beautiful around us?? The sun being loyal to shine, the moon being loyal to remove darkness, the stars being loyal to twinkle at night to show the sky more beautiful, the same way, if we humans are persistent we will get it but if we are consistent we will keep it. We humans need to be loyal to our own selves and to be loyal to people around us, to be loyal to this universe where we are born in.



  1. Very well written block Devangi!
    Our Loyalty to others starts with loyalty to self.
    Thanks for drawing our attention to this!
    God Bless!!

  2. Definitely , positivity will automatically lead one to Loyality .Having read the blog I get a great satisfaction n the thought process changes towards positivity by itself . Thanks to you


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