We’re all aware, that necessity is the mother of invention, any invention which has happened on this earth with nature, it is always for our good. If you really analyze there are no rules in the invention. If you see any artwork especially of nature you go against the rule or ignore the rule and work with imagination, it brings better results. It makes it look unique. I was looking at one of the pictures where you can see water very transparent that you can see yourself very clearly. no dent or no movement or no haziness only clarity of picture with beautiful colors. How about we create our picture like this? very transparent clear ??? is it possible to do? Yes, if we reinvent ourselves? how? by analyzing ourselves this difficult time of pandemic has made us think that. rat race, the scientific revolution, competition, religion fights, running behind money nothing has value once natural calamity happens. So now it's time to reinvent ourselves. 

If you hear a story of Meera who was a great devotee of Lord Krishna. She was the daughter-in-law of one of the royal family. She was a great daughter, wife, daughter in law but she was not like normal people, she had that extra energy with which she was spiritually very connected to her God, Lord Krishna. She was not accepted as a great devotee of God, she came across many challenges in life. But her faith in Krishna kept her going. She always used to get lost in her own thoughts and used to feel, "when I am alone God is my comforter when I am nothing God is everything for me. When I am sad and lonely, God is my song and my joy, when I am weak and helpless God is my strength." I think why not we take this positive energy of Meera and her faith in God and try to change our life. The kind of strength she had in her God, similarly if we understand the strength we receive from God and from our own potential our life will be so different.

Recently I visited one of the temple for darshan, there were so many devotees who worked with their hearts in making preparations for God. I generally love to go to all the corners of the temple and see the preparations which they do for the Lord. There is one aunty who is working in the temple for almost 40 years. She works every day except the day if she has something very personal or social commitment otherwise she will be there in the temple at 5 am and will do all the preparation for God in only one system which is created from past so many years. I remember once she gave me one vegetable to cut and I couldn't do it well, she sat down with me and explained in detail that this is the only right way and if not done well Lord will not like it. Though she is a very simple woman her attitude and behavior towards me was so good. She always remains humble. So many people who are head in the temple will come to shout or those devotees who visit show their attitude but she remains calm and only concentrate on what she has to do for her God.

While in discussion with me, she very softly said in this pandemic not many people are visiting the temple and she gets very little pay she is finding it difficult to run her house but she never uttered that I need money rather she said one and half year passed in the pandemic, I survived, my family survived, God is there he will take care of us. At that moment I just said aunty I have only Rs 500 with me right now, is it possible that I can support you with this. First, she refused but later when I insisted she took and then with a little smile on her face she said I will go to the shop today and buy some groceries for home. My family will be happy to see that. After  listening to this I felt, we cry for so many little things and see this one lady who has so much faith in her God and strength given to her by God. I really love to observe and especially love to meet real devotees of God, for them their faith is the highest strength. They don't get carried away or influenced by people who show their strength by scientific revolution or their hi-fi attitude. I actually learn to reinvent myself and try to learn that humbleness every time when I visit such temples.

While working with specially-abled kids I also realized that those who really have faith in God , they accept their specially-abled kids very fast, and with faith they work very hard for their child. I met one parent who has three daughters and one son. They belong to very poor background. Father works as a peon in one office and has one child deaf among four. Though the other three kids were normal and financially he was not so great, still he did all the possible things for his deaf child. He said God has given me this child and it is my responsibility to take care of her and do all the best possible things for her. He made the child explore everything and this child mastered UCMAS. She not only compete at National level but also participated at international level and solved 114 sums in less than three minutes. Through our josh foundation, we supported her for digital hearing aids as per her requirement and she literally spoke so well and the moment parent heard her speaking he instantly said, "my faith in God has made me reach you and it has made wonders for my child, now I will work hard with my child and will see to it that she speaks like we normal people."

By observing and listening to such stories I just feel that when we look at the palace of great people we feel inferior and worried thinking when are we going to have a palace for ourselves, I believe rather we should hear such stories or look at people who are going through a lot of challenges in life and are still smiling, being humble, and having faith in God who has created us. They be what they are and also they are the people who are always ready to help others. I feel working with devotees of the Lord and specially challenged people I reinvent myself every day to be a better human being.

The positivity will be achieved at best if we take a look at the years that passed by. We got so many experiences, learned from mistakes, worked hard to achieve every day better than before. We need to analyze our strengths and work hard with focus so life becomes more meaningful. Someone just told me, stay kind, it makes you more beautiful, I say, "why not? we all stay kind and make our lives more beautiful and that is only possible if we reinvent ourselves as we are created by God in this universe." Why do we need the recantation of God to change the scenario, why can't we only reinvent and change the scenario in this universe.

By the positivity of reinvention, there will be a shift in your life. You will be ready to receive blessings in your life. You will be thorough enough and will be ready to break through enough and your actions will help you to be what you want to. Also for that just sit down decide what you want from life, write it down, make a plan and work on it every single day for your own self.


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