Recently I visited Coimbatore and also visited Connor where the Madras regiment army camp is based. They have a motto called "IN PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE" and outside the camp, in lighted words, it was written, "Its glory to die doing one's duty." In clear words our army who is protecting our country has only one focus, for them, the pursuit of excellence is to sacrifice their life doing their duty for their own country with their brave heart. Those who just think of joining the army or parents who allow their kids to join the army, they are so brave, have courage !! for them, it's so easy to think about serving the country and we people other than them always think what country can do for us??? Going through the panic situations like Coronavirus never affected our army officers, they were always there to protect us in difficult situations they have learned to be alert, positive, and ready for all the challenges of life. Writing blogs on positivity has also made me think in a direction like them. Seeing army officers has given me the inspiration to learn to pursue excellence in life. It will help me to be a better human being and also will help me to pursue excellence in specially-abled kids with whom I work.

In Bhagwad Gita there is mention of a conversation between Arjuna and Lord Krishna which I believe very much relates to this topic " pursuit of excellence." How??? Arjuna asked Lord Krishna, who is more important Karmayogi, the one who does good karma, or Gyanyogi the one who gives good education to others. Lord Krishna replied both are equally important. The one who taught and made you ready to fight is also important and the one who fights with you to win over adharma is also equally important. In Ramayana Lakshmana who was also educated like Rama sacrificed for his brother's love and Hanuman who never learned any Vidhya or had any education he sacrificed his life for Lord Rama. Radha who was also very intelligent sacrificed her love for people. Many stories are there where our ancestors have taught us that Karmayogi and Gyanyogi both pursue excellence in their own way for others who are in need. Our country is blessed by many Karmayogi and Gyanyogi we just need to search for them. Inspiration from them will help us to pursue excellence in our life.

Recently we heard one old man who was just 7 grade passed sacrificed his whole life for the people who can receive education who were living in his village. An old lady who is not having an education but learned from her inner strength by seeing increasing global warming, that for people to get more oxygen one needs to plant, and without thinking much she planted almost 30000 plants. Today they got recognized by our country. Similarly, there are so many unsung heroes among us who need to be recognized by us. They are the hero's awakened and they have chosen to awaken. They chose to believe and act. There is no conscious or subconscious mind for them, they are just people who work from the heart. They don't count by doing services how much they will earn rather they just believe how many will benefit by their act of humanity. They are the real people who are in the real pursuit of excellence. I am really grateful that they exist in our world.

I had a discussion with one of the principals of a college that what does he feel about these last two years of the covid19 pandemic that has affected education for the kids. In the conversation, I have realized that kids have become directionless. They don't know what to do in life, how to proceed further, and though in recent times through social media they are getting so much information but they are still confused and don't know whom to follow. On another side, I heard 14 years old girl from India who spoke in front of world leaders that I as an environmentalist I think we have to feel and act. We don't have to think about global warming we have to act for it. If after 10 years I don't know I will be able to have good breath or not or after 40 years will I survive with technology or not?? She at the age of 14 gave such a beautiful explanation that what I will face after years for that if I don't act from now, I will be responsible for my difficult future, so I need to act. Hence, I feel we need to make our young generation understand that for our better future we need to act today. It's not that the young generation doesn't know it's just we generation today need to show them the right direction and for that, we need to be role models for them in the pursuit of excellence.

Today our cultural values, understanding of morality, working for humanity, being humble are the qualities we as an individual need to understand and make others understand. Having a moral compass takes on the right path to the pursuit of excellence. My younger daughter asked me mom what is your future after 10 years, where you would like to be? she knew my answer but still she asked me. My reply to her was I want to be a better human being and I want to help more and more deaf kids for whom I am hope and they feel that I will help their lives to become better. Sometime back we had met two young fashion designers and a similar question she had asked and that entrepreneur replied I want to open my factory outside India and I want to be remembered as a designer who knows everything happening in the world and I want to be part of fashion change in the world. Now both the thinking are different but the process to make a change is the same. You earn money or you earn humanity both should be done with morality if you want to really pursuit excellence. orality is in-depth in our Indian culture we just need to awaken it.

The symptoms of humility will come from those who love God, who believe in faith. how the sun never forgets to shine, the moon is always ready to give shine, stars shine, plants grow, winter gets you fresh air, summer gets you beauty and rain gets you water to survive. Darkness desires to get you light and positivity gets you light in life the same way having faith in God gets you humanity and to pursue excellence in life it is very important to act with humility for humanity.

I get to meet every day new people. Every day I meet parents who are working hard for their kids. I see kids who are specially-abled and want to overcome their life challenges. I see also kids who want to do many things but don't have the right path to follow. I myself want to do so many things but am not sure when will I do it but working and communicating with them has taught me to find the ways, which you all see is reflected in my blogs. I feel we all have all solutions with us, we all can pursuit excellence like any other army officer or like our dynamic leaders who believe in helping others. What we just need to do is just explore our own self and we need to act on what we know to change the world. I have started doing what about you all?

This Diwali has brought light for us. Light of hope, the light of love which we need to feel and spread so that throughout our life we can spread it like spring of colors with our pursuit of excellence which will be cherished by all human beings for years to come. Let the legacy of our ancestors, our culture continue.......


  1. Very beautiful blog .
    Keep it up , you deserve applause indeed


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