Maturity is a mindset, not an age....

|| Maturity is a mindset, not an age ||

I was walking on the Juhu beach in the afternoon. It was the hot hour of 12 noon so very few people were walking on the beach. The majority of students bunk college and school and roam around with friends on the beach this time. Suddenly, I saw a bunch of pigeons coming down in search of food for themselves. There must be around more than 100 pigeons and all were looking fresh as their energy to fly from one place to another was very high. Everyone was hungry and wanted to have food but none of them were fighting with each other to snatch the food. Some of them were feeding each other with love. I saw one pigeon picked from one end and went to the other end to support other pigeons. Apart from this, there was also one unique pigeon which was white in color but it never made others notice that he is different and it was making the same effort as other pigeons were doing. What a wonderful sight? Their actions made me raise so many questions and their actions also answered so many questions of mine. These pigeons don't have human brains but they look so mature with their actions. No comparison, all are equal and have no age limit, and are happy with what they have and what they do!

In Mahabharata, there was one incident I read about the time when Karavas Pandavas and Lord Krishna were gaining education from their gurus. During this learning process, one of the gurus said that let's have a competition and see who is best in learning all these skills. All the pupils learning there were like princes. Among all these princes, Arjuna was the best in dhanur Vidhya and no one could compete with him. Even Kaurava's powerful prince Duryodhana also couldn't compete and he knew that. During their competition, Karna arrived who was not the son of any king so everybody made fun of him saying how can you compete with us? Kaurava smartly said he is the son of one of the kings and helped him as a friend. Due to his help, Karna started doing all possible things which were not good for dharma. Just because he did one favor, Karna forced himself to do all the possible things directed by Duryodhana. Where did his maturity vanish in order to understand what is wrong and what is right? Later he had to pay for his own karma. And in Mahabharata only, at a young age, so many people came to kill Lord Krishna under Kansa King's direction but he never got scared, he fought and also helped those enemies understand what is the reality and right thing and what is dharma. At such a young age, what is this maturity?

Recently, I met one boy who has written Ramayana and Mahabharata at a really young age. He took my interview a few months back and from that time every day, he shares updates. While going through all the updates, I see that in each and every post his talk starts with showing gratitude either to people who appreciate him or to the people who are connected with him. At such a young age, what maturity? and I guess all this must be taught by his parents who are helping him to choose the right direction. So many deaf kids till now i.e. around 1500 kids that were helped through Josh Foundation or other deaf kids in my practice, whenever I have attached the hearing aids to them and the first time they start listening they convey wonderful gestures through their words or expressions such as ''thank you" and at that moment I feel so blessed. Parents literally teach kids to pay gratitude. I feel maturity at any age comes if parents guide them well.

I am never against anybody, be it politicians, dharma gurus or educationalists or community leaders, or media people. Today we all are surrounded by so much negativity, fear, and panic situations. Who are responsible? We all are responsible. Though we are mature, though we know what is right and what is wrong we flow where all the people go or we do what we feel like or where we earn the best money and fame but somewhere we are not realizing that vicious cycle just moves all wrong deeds, deeds that are done without doing any mature thinking, and everything will come back to us. Once wrong things are done it keeps adding and we all have to pay back like how Bhishma Pitamaha and Karna had to pay back in Mahabharata. When I watch the news or any other big things happening around me, I feel compared to those so-called big people my deaf kids are more mature.

Having faith in Lord Krishna and being in a profession where I can be a changemaker for deaf kids, the first thing comes to my mind is that how I can use stones that are coming in the way to build bridges instead. Today revolution has taken place in hearing technology, deaf people can hear like normal beings using technology in form of hearing aids or cochlear implants. Both provide sound hearing. People feel a cochlear implant is expensive and has magic but I rather feel in both ways, you go for hearing aids to an individual's requirement or a cochlear implant but we need to work hard for their rehabilitation then. Now in many places, though parents can't afford it or there is a donation available, people with a low socio-economy also tend to be stubborn to go to get a recommendation for a cochlear implant. Later, because of financial difficulties they can't maintain it and have stress working for the kids. Now I feel at this stage, we need to be mature as a parent and as a professional that what will be the right decision to help kids for a lifetime. Spending more money increases stress or with less money, you will have to work hard with the child. I try my best to economically balance so it helps parents in a long run. For those who can't afford I tell them to go for hearing aids and show them the right way and only for those who can't hear with hearing aids, I recommend them to go for the cochlear implant.

It is not only in my profession but also's in every area of work we need to be mature to make decisions so that we can reduce the financial burden and improve our mental health and if we start doing these small changes at every end then the whole universe will turn towards positivity and our mindset will change. Our mature thinking and every act of kindness towards others will raise the vibration of the entire universe. I am yet to see a place where every individual is treated equally likewise I saw the pigeons on Juhu beach. We differentiate people with our own mindset towards them, we forget we have age and experience and we know how it can affect other people still we do this because of many reasons.

Recently, I met a lady who was from a very well-to-do family. She had every facility but still for once, she was not happy, not comfortable, and had a major issue with her voice. Being in a rich family is very dominating. She was very hyper-natured in whatever she did and also she was having a lot of faith in God but she had a very fixed idea in whatever she did. She use to read fast, think fast, talk fast, and be very stubborn about her approach, her voice was not very sounding. Apart from that, to prove herself she was giving so much stress to her body, and over time stress was so much that when she was sitting and literally posing towards the right side and she was also having back issues. At that moment, I made her sit straight and made her speak without stress, and then she was totally different with her voice. Sometimes in day-to-day life, we become so stubborn about our approach that we forget about our age and experience but we only act according to the mindset of our life. And on the other side, the deaf kids or other uniquely challenged kids, we teach them the right approach and they follow it with focus and concentration and they achieve results much faster. Maturity comes with experience, not with age. One should always keep their mind active and enjoy every moment without taking stress. One should enjoy challenges too in their life if they want to be happy in life. It is wisely said, age is just a number, living life our perception towards things comes through our mindset. 


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