|| Clarity Enhances Focus ||


|| Clarity Enhances Focus ||

We all live in a fast-paced world today, and sometimes that causes us to lose sight of our life's purpose. As the saying goes, "You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want." When the time comes, the ability to realize our dreams causes us great stress. Recently, we have met numerous high achievers who have chosen to end their lives due to extreme frustration. They lose their life and disappear from this world, but they fail to see that by doing so, they contribute to the tension of the members of their own family who were in their close surroundings, creating a vicious circle. The most important thing here is clarity of positive thought, which will greatly improve life focus. I'd like to share a quote by Swami Vivekanand Ji that says, "Take up one idea." Make that one idea your life. Consider it, fantasize about it, and live your life around it. Allow your brain, muscles, nerves, and every other part of your body to be filled with that thought while leaving every other notion alone; this is the path to success. Now, he expressly states that when you live your own thoughts, leaving others' ideas means you live without comparing yourself to others, and that clarity will only lead to success. 

From the standpoint of spirituality, it is said that if you focus on praying and thinking about meeting Lord Krishna, then clarity in your prayers would help you meet Lord Krishna. Humans must consider thoroughly that if we all talk about God being there, we must all want to see him. Those who have been trained in spirituality, those who pray from their heart, mind, and soul, those who get lost in the purpose of life with God's blessings, those who have clarity that we exist because of God, do experience the presence of God. Their goal is to seek and become lost in the search for God. Every person on this planet has the potential to feel closer to God, but doing so requires clear devotion. A very logical and nice narration given in one of the books that I read stated, "The person who repairs the car sees it differently; he goes in depth with the machine and as his focus is very clear about the car, he notices defects and repairs it and makes it work with dedication." So, to understand anything, be it difficulties in life or searching for God, what you need is just clarity with dedication.

The keys to being clear about your own focus—which, in today's world, the majority of people lack—are POSITIVITY, ENTHUSIASM, and HAPPINESS. I recently saw two people who were both approximately 80 years old. One of them said to me, "I have some hearing; why don't you improve it with hearing aids so that I can spend the rest of my life happily reciting bhajans and poetry for God? If I can hear my own voice properly, then God will also hear my voice properly." I don't want to compromise while praying to God. On the other hand, they had similar kinds of hearing loss but did not want to spend money on it because it would burden their children, and life is short, so why waste money on it? Though she wished to be better, she buried her wish because of life circumstances, but sometimes I just think that we only create such situations, and we are just unclear about what we want from ourselves and the people around us. Sometimes our own optimism and enthusiasm can help to influence the conditions around us. Simply think about it.

I believe that having a growth mindset in our own lives is possible because our brain muscles are working with this clarity of attributes. These qualities include being mindful, grateful, positive, and genuine to ourselves. I can learn to do anything I want, obstacles enable me to progress, and I'm very inspired by other people's achievements, so I like to try amazing things. My failure is my opportunity to grow. I've used this optimistic perspective and approach in my life, and my friends will attest that it is effective. I recently lost my mother-in-law, who for 29 years was just like my own mother to me. She was a housewife, and her priorities in life were to pray to God, maintain the happiness of her own home, and make sure that all of her family members were taken care of. She wanted a daughter-in-law who was also a stay-at-home mom and not as career-focused as I was. She and I both implemented the growth mindset principles, and it just worked; we had a good relationship despite having distinct cognitive processes. I learned from her spirituality and how to handle family, and she saw how kindness brings blessings for family. She left this world peacefully, leaving so many memories for us.

The best thing is learning to be in this world, and comprehending the world only comes by understanding clearly with emphasis a term called "love," which is something we learn about in our education by reading history, geography, math, physics, and even social science. Love who you are, what you do, the people around you, your time, and your self-assurance. To survive in this world, you must appreciate and adore the good things that are all around you, as well as the world that God has made for you. I picked up these positive traits and my clear focus from the special kids I've worked with. In addition to studying all the courses required for their education, they also love the god who created this planet and gave humanity the strength to overcome its difficulties. They just know that when you keep believing in yourself, certain dreams can come true.

If you look closely, you will notice that God has made us learn in such a simple way: Trees grow in one direction with enough soil and water (growth). After they grow, they give warmth to others in their shadow (kindness). They also give oxygen to humans so that humans can survive with a good breathing system (Love). They also spread the fragrance of flowers to others (happiness), and even when the flowers are crushed, it does not diminish their purpose, rather it spreads more fragrance (forgiveness). They also grow fruits for humans to get nutrition(donor)and when tree leaves fall from trees in autumn, it teaches us or shows us how lovely it is to let things go. Our God has given clarity about pursuing our nature through our nature.

Warren Buffet says you must have this clarity in life that, "You don't have to be smarter than the rest. You have to be more disciplined than the rest." This clarity, we have learned from so many good leaders in our own country, especially those soldiers who live a disciplined life. Their focus is on working for and protecting our country. I salute the clarity of their life. I wish we could all have such clarity!

One must quit complaining and concentrate on being grateful and also stop being pessimistic and start being optimistic. Give up worrying and have faith in God's provision. Turn away from resentment and follow the path of forgiveness. Renounce hatred and turn back to goodness to fight evil. Be positive and patient and let go of your wrath. Be mature and stop being petty. Stop being depressed and embrace the beauty all around you. Give up being jealous and pray for trust and stop gossiping and restrain your tongue (language). Turn yourself away from sin toward virtue and never give up.

The focus of my positivity stories will continue with the blessings of God (almighty). My clarity is very clear, which is to not give up.


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