|| Kindness makes us Humans ||

|| Kindness makes us Humans ||

We humans have a brain with a unique ability to think. We listen, understand, relate, comprehend, and then express. If there is a gap in transmission somewhere in the system, everything becomes disturbed, which leads to problems in communication. If there is a break in communication at the extreme, you become vegetative. And if you are simply interested in gaining money, you will grow agitated. And if you are active in communication to live with purpose, you will be active in kindness. Vegetative and agitative both necessitate communication, but kindness does not. Agitative demands to increase attention and vegetative demands to increase communication.  However, it has been proven over time that "kindness" is just an electrical spark of life that runs through all kingdoms and has a reciprocal action when used in communication. I've seen paralytic patients with brain stroke heal faster than others when they receive the best communication of kindness from their support system of family or professionals, and I've seen people who have a lot of money but don't share even a thought of kindness with others. Kindness, I believe, is simply the language that distinguishes us from other animals, birds, and other beings on this planet. Kindness helps us to feel like real human beings.

कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि।।
In one of the shloks of the Bhagavad gita, Lord Krishna very clearly explained to Arjuna that, "You, as an individual human, have to do good karma and not think about the results; It is my duty to reward you for your good karma." In the same krishna leela, he narrated "dan leela '' to all the brijwasi that-The value of kindness is highly valued because it is the only thing that will help dharma exist and survive human life on this planet. He used the story of the Dan Leela, in which he demands dan (donation) from others, to teach people that there are good people and bad people who give dan, and that just dahi in dan, which everyone can afford to give. He was aware that there are some who give dan with love and kindness and those who give with force without heart. Just imagine, asking dahi for dan; he desired equality for everybody. Even though they had little with them, the gop-gopis and brijwasi gave the dan to Lord Krishna without hesitation since they knew Lord Krishna was with them.

Lord Krishna and even the people who were our ancestors have left us with a wealth of teachings that help us comprehend the importance of kindness as a trait that all people should acquire. Kindness must be felt from the heart in order for it to have any lasting effect on our survival and the hearts of others. I read a book by a young author who asserts that we should accept our life's mission. Many times, because of certain situations or difficulties, we may lose our sense of purpose. In these situations, our Polaris connectedness causes us to look for help from others, like family, friends, or professionals, to believe that kindness exists inside ourselves.

If you ask yourself, what are some of the behaviors you have witnessed in leaders that you would like to replicate? Alternatively, when do you feel the most fulfilled and satisfied? You may have credibility, drive, determination, or tenacity as an individual, but what is that one trait that makes you feel accomplished? What is one attribute that makes you feel unique? I can only think of one answer: kindness. I recently visited a politically motivated medical camp. Everyone was preoccupied with their own agenda. There were a large number of individuals there who had no idea why they were there. Some went because they noticed others going there. I visited there as well. Some came looking for answers, such as if they could be cured or whether there was any hope. Some doctors came because they had to, others came to help their co-professionals, and yet others came because they had to fulfil their duties.

I saw so many people from villages who came in groups, you could say with their neighbors' company, in front of these educated so-called doctors. There was one lady who finished her check-up and needed to head toward the bus, which was leaving soon, but her friend had not finished her check-up yet. She promptly said to her, "no worries, let the bus go, we will complete your check-up with the doctor, we will go together walking or search for transport to go to our village." I was amazed to see how much they cared for one another. Another old lady came running to her group member and said, "Let's go and take this medicine for you with your paper; your hair will also improve." I mean, those impoverished rural people had so much love and affection for each other. Sometimes I think it's wonderful that they're innocent and loving and kind to each other, because the instant they're educated or learn to be more educated, they'll lose what they have.

We were doing our work, and our purpose was very clear: to show people with hearing difficulties the right path. We were unable to help further because it was a generic camp, but we are satisfied that we were able to guide a few people to become better than they are. At the very least, being informed will allow them to look forward. Reality and today's fast-paced world, people running from pillar to post to grow, we saw few professionals who came from busy schedules to serve in this medical camp, their behavior was so awful with us professionals as well, and no wonder what will be with patients who have come a long way with a ray of hope. The professionals there were extremely rude, as if they were only physically present but their hearts were elsewhere; I wondered why they were here and in this profession if they didn't have a heart. I felt compelled to explain to them that if you are hungry and there is food in front of you, but an accident occurs and you are unable to eat it, how will you feel? The Lord, who gave you birth in this universe, understands when to serve you and when not to.

In our fast-paced lives, we are losing the value of humanity, and in our fast-paced scientific revolution, we are losing the values of our environment and our own nature. Where will we end up? Previously, natural disasters occurred once every century, and God was ready to take rebirth and come to help humans survive. However, now disasters occur once every decade, if not sooner. Do you think God will consider rebirth after witnessing such human behavior? Or will he simply declare that there is no need for humanity on this planet because kindness no longer exists in humans?

“Simple kindness may be the most vital key to the riddle of how human beings can live with each other in peace and care properly for this planet we all share.” —Bo Lozoff .
Kindness can be found in feeding and parenting your own child, being in a profession you enjoy and helping others, being with family and friends and fellow citizens in need, nurturing nature around us, taking care of and protecting other creatures around us, being good to your community and country, and being kind to yourself. This will not only help us to survive as humans, but it will also help us to survive this planet. It will also make us feel that God is still around. Jai Shree Krishna! Do bless us humans.


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