|| Evolving involves Eliminating ||
|| Evolving Involves Eliminating || God gave us seasons so we might better understand life. It exclaims in the spring, "YOU CAN CUT ALL THE FLOWERS BUT YOU CANNOT STOP SPRING COMING!" And in the autumn, it whispers to the wind, "I FALL; BUT ALWAYS RISE AGAIN." This serves as a reminder of the true beauty of change. God's creation of nature serves as a constant reminder to us that no matter how difficult your circumstances or bad days are, you must learn to let go of some aspects of life gracefully, like the leaves that fall in the autumn, and then rise again with a smile, like the flowers that bloom in the spring. I read somewhere that "all of our lives, past and future, are like a forest full of trees and changing leaves." In autumn, the leaves fall to the ground, but they fall with love. They gracefully accept that they must fall for reasons. Flower seeds fall everywhere, sprouting from the ground and blooming to beautify our environment. How dif...