|| Revolution Involves Resolution ||

 || Revolution Involves Resolution ||

We've all heard the phrase, "Try, try, try again until you succeed." You have heard about many crazy scientists, and I have a new thought process: "Keep setting resolves till you succeed," or you might say, "till you cause a revolution." They have lived a life of constant experimentation and trying. Even if they fail, they still manage to do the task they set out to complete. like the development of the telephone, which formerly took days to connect people but today just takes seconds. To connect, all we need to do is think. With transportation, we may now travel a great deal further than ever before in a short amount of time. Everything around us is the result of extensive study and consideration. How about making the resolution to be optimistic in all we do every day? I was just wondering. Do you not believe it will one day spark a good revolution?

Many of us make the resolution to get up tomorrow morning and exercise or go for a walk. Then, we might make the same resolution two more times, and maybe one day it will stick. We might be motivated by the company of intelligent, attractive, or beautiful people, or our health might deteriorate to the point where we have no choice but to exercise and work out in order to stay healthy. Even though there are frequently ups and downs in both physical and mental health, a person's positive attitude about their own health has the potential to bring about a revolutionary transformation in their life. I recently met with a kind man who looked to be in his mid-seventies. He is quite distinctive in both his work and his line of employment. I learned about his gorgeous family while conversing with him. All of his children are bright and excel in their fields. He had voice issues for a long time. After speaking with him, I learned that he suffers from vocal problems as a result of hearing problems. He was astonished when I first described it to him, but he quickly asked, "Okay, so what comes next?" I told you to take your hearing test tomorrow, and we'll see you there at 11 a.m.

I asked him the following morning, when he arrived at 10:30 am, "Why are you so early?" He responded, "I'm a highly disciplined guy, and I love to arrive early." I leave early if I need to get somewhere where I need to look for a place. Aside from that, I was interested in what challenge I face and how I must overcome it. I was really moved by such a strong character putting such faith in someone who is much younger than him. I admired how positively he approached every situation. He stated that while I had reached the age of 75, I still felt like I was learning something new every day. I must acknowledge whatever challenges I may have in order to move forward with overcoming them. I am positive and confident that you have a solution for me. I'm appreciative that my friend led me to the proper person and thinks highly of you. Despite the fact that he has a very large personality, I was left speechless and unable to articulate how much his humble and upbeat mental process had inspired me.

Contrary to that, I've met a lot of well-known people, particularly celebrities, who had me wait for hours to meet them—obviously because there was no commerce discussed. I have so many well-known celebrities that my clinic is empty, making them invisible to passersby. I am aware of numerous persons with strong personalities who, in times of need, have requested help for their cook and other staff but have never bothered to inquire as to how much money is required. I recently helped a well-known individual whose father needed my assistance. He promised to pay whatever amount was requested in exchange for my assistance. However, two months after our assistance, there was no call, no payment, or any other form of contact. Now that the moment has come, I've vowed to only assist those who are truly in need. It will be difficult for me to help people who are unable to help themselves, even if they have sufficient resources. This type of resolution is required at every stage of life because only this would lead to a larger revolution.

Lord Krishna created the magical wand known as the "Bhagwat Geeta" for us while he was a human being on our planet. All of the lessons for learning about life are contained in the Bhagwat Geeta. He has helped people comprehend several little life decisions that they ought to adopt in order to revolutionize the survival of dharma in this universe. Lord Krishna was raised exclusively according to ethical principles while having the same biological make-up as every other human being on the planet. That is our life's work and our dharma. He explained that if we perform karmas, the dharma will endure. As a great psychologist, he could read people's minds with his eyes and guide the lost to the right path. A friend, guru, and fighter who supported the war for the dharma. A guide, teacher, fighter, reader, and lover are all possible, but they all need to operate on pure consciousness. We can become closer to our Lord Krishna by making a tiny commitment each day to act morally and work with a positive attitude and clear consciousness. We can also revolutionize this fast-paced, highly scientific world by making these small but significant commitments.

Our bodies continue to undergo numerous modifications every day. We are unaware of how many cells regenerate and how many die; it simply takes place. These changes may be beneficial to us on occasion or not. Positive changes make us happy, whereas negative changes make us feel down or sad. Sometimes the negative things that happen in our lives just stay in our minds. If we truly become conscious and aware of ourselves, we will always have that knowledge and attention within ourselves. This awareness only helps us learn about or exert control over the things we are unable to manage. When you make the resolution to make your own home, you put a lot of preparation into it, think about how well you can build it, consult with your family and your architect, look, search, and travel to make sure you have everything, and it turns out to be beautiful in your eyes as well as others' eyes. But what about making resolutions for your own mental home? Are you actually working on it?

I once read of a girl who offered fruits and lit candles for God. Her voice was recovered after it had been lost. She believed that the ultimate source for helping to revive her voice so she could continue singing was God. She practised all rituals, fasted, and made specific offerings since she had a simple faith. She was able to train her mind to believe due to her faith. Her subconscious mind aids in her self-belief. Our subconscious mind will be assisted in believing in positivity by our daily modest resolutions, and when this occurs in every single person on the planet, a major revolution will be sparked. 

My subconscious mind will always be inclined toward positivity if I am positive, have confidence in Lord Krishna, and think that I am capable of bringing about change. The subconscious minds of many of my close friends and family members had changed as a result of my daily practice of waking up with happy thoughts and attitudes, sending morning uplifting messages, and disseminating articles of positivity. I sent a smiley emoji to a friend who frequently panics and becomes unhappy after sending me a very good message. He replied that my positive friend was the sole reason this happened. It's simple to say, "Be positive," and hard to put into practice, but if one puts up the effort, one can succeed, according to another aunt of mine who I recently met. I've made a new daily commitment to be more positive as a result of all the positive reactions I've received from people. How about you all? Join me in bringing about a better revolution!


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