|| Everything you deserve will be yours || BE PATIENT ||

|| Everything you deserve will be yours|| 


We are born as human beings on this earth. We come with an empty mind, and then slowly, as our brain gets activated, we start thinking and develop our life journey with our thoughts, experiences, and exposure to the environment around us. Like when we travel, we treasure so many memories of life. In a similar manner, on the journey of life, we gather sorrow, happiness, and many more emotions. The first few years of life after birth are the happiest years of our lives because we don't need to have patience since we can just express our emotions with our innocence. When ideas become knowledge, that is when we must practice extreme patience in order to understand the world around us. If you look at nature, you will notice that the sun likewise patiently waits through the entire night to shine once more in the morning. The moon has the patience to wait until nightfall to shine throughout the night. The plants wait patiently for the soil and sunshine to be absorbed by the tree as it grows. Do we humans still have the patience to build a better future for ourselves in this quick-paced scientific world?

In one of the books I read, I learned that we are not born in this world as human beings having spiritual experiences; rather, we are born as spiritual beings having human experiences. If you go through the mythology books, it says even Radha, Rukmani, Sudama, and Arjuna, who were deeply connected with the god, Lord Krishna, were also born humans, but their patience, their prayers, and their divine feelings for dharma made them connected to god. Our ancestors or spiritual gurus spent so many years patiently, through chanting and prayers, seeking closure with God, having faith, or feeling spirituality. Recently in our world, we have started talking about yoga and meditation in search of happiness, which is nothing but having patience. Do we really practice these in our lives? In the world of robotics, we are also losing patience with our emotions and feelings.

It is said that there are three ways in which we can establish connections in life: through relationships with those around us, through networking on social media, and through expanding our professional networks. However, when we engage in these activities unconsciously, we can lose patience, experience a loss of fear, lose our sense of balance, and fall prey to comparison and persuasive behavior. We must ask ourselves, "Do we really need to do that? Does it need to be?" Losing patience might result in the loss of many valuable things in life. Other connections we make are inside ourselves, apart from our everyday routine lives. We search for solace, or we search for books that help us overcome the struggles of our lives. There are people who work within themselves to conquer the world or are curious to learn about their own inner world, but all this requires patience. If you develop that patience within yourself then you are quite closer to searching for happiness for your own self.

Recently, I met a child's parents, who came to meet me. Their child developed stammering and now it's so difficult for the child as it has become a habit and parents feel that what magic can be done to solve the same problem. While counselling and talking with parents, I realized that more than children, parents needed therapy. There was no coordination between parents to handle the child. Mother was struggling to compete with other mothers, and father was always looking for miracles and needed the child to learn everything on its own. I told parents that if you really want your child to overcome this struggle of talking, you need to work in synchronization. You need to have patience to understand each other, and you also need to have patience to understand your child and his feelings. Their child is so intelligent that they need to direct his intelligence in the right manner with patience rather than let intelligence lead to frustration. As I have learned from parents of special kids and special kids: for him, patience is simply to be positive, parents' united efforts and patience in dealing with a child's obstacles provide the greatest outcomes with delight.

In my 31 years of professional experience, namely in my work with hearing-impaired children, I have developed a great deal of patience. This has also helped me realize that having patience while dealing with others does contribute to a brighter future. Your activities and efforts do produce outcomes for you. I recently travelled to the UAE for a conference, where I accidentally crossed paths with an audiologist. After graduating, she practiced for a while in India before moving to the UAE and starting a job with one company. She was curious and eager to see me as soon as she learned I was around. To meet, she continued calling. I was eager to meet her as well. After we met, I learned that she had met one of my deaf students who I had been working with, and now that student speaks normally. She had been impressed by the progress of that student, who had become more confident and had improved to the point where he was speaking like a normal person. The boy had also mentioned that whatever he is today is a result of his parents' and my efforts.

I felt that patience pays off because I felt happiness when my deaf student was being appreciated and when the girl showed interest in meeting me. One day, people will take note of our objective to eliminate hearing impairment from society by using technology to help those who have it and enjoy normal lives and become national assets rather than a burden. Change does take time, and patience is the only virtue that can help. I see so many people spending so much money on social media, aggressively and generating their followers all around the world, especially those celebrities who believe they do wonders. But do they really have the patience to see that their impact on things getting instantaneous is causing so much damage to society? For me, having my efforts recognized by my student, whom I worked with, and by that curious girl was more important than having a million followers because that one ripple of positivity will create change in society tomorrow.

My connection with so many beautiful beings in my life has been enhanced by my faith in Lord Krishna and my passion to work with deaf children. Such unexpected life occurrences give me the impression that when we focus on and connect with what is often referred to as "beyond ourselves," we are restoring our relationship with the one true God. By connecting with our god, the light of positivity is connected to the entire powerhouse of positivity. In the same way that a bulb with a filament and an electric charge experiences light and imparts it to others, so too can our patience in cultivating a relationship with something greater than ourselves allow us to receive the love we so richly deserve in life and to offer it to others.

Our fast-paced children, who are our future, need to understand that many things in life are free, but there are also things you must work for, such as family, sleep, laughter, happy memories of deeds of kindness, memories to treasure, and hugs from people who believe in providing warmth whenever you need it. To achieve this, you must be patient, but once you are, you will have everything you want in life.


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