|| Why is clear, How is easy ||

|| Why is clear, How is easy ||

When a young kid approaches a pail of boiling water, parents typically warn them, "There's hot water there; don't go there." " Why can't I go?" the kid will ask. It's a pretty straightforward notion that if you simply ask why and how to interpret, it will be much simpler. They will be eager; they won't listen; they'll still approach that boiling water and attempt to touch it, and then they will understand. A young child has an open, curious mind, but the more you force them to consider why, the simpler it is for them to understand how in the long run. It was World Thinking Day on February 22, 2023. We need to consider why and how in order to provide profound answers to any questions we may have. As an audiologist, I would add that we also need to consider why safe hearing is important. Living well depends on your hearing. Consider it.

It's World Hearing Day on March 3. It's crucial to ask yourself why and how your hearing affects your overall way of living. Because of this, raising awareness is important. One of the most common issues in the community is ear and hearing problems. In order to improve ear and hearing health around the world and prevent deafness and hearing loss, we need to know how to do so. A connection requires clear hearing and effective communication, and maintaining a connection is more important than ever. Protect your ears and keep your loved ones close.

Some of the parents and grandparents lately say that it is bad for kids' health to eat more salty or spicy food. These days, women who only have one or two children should focus solely on them. They shouldn't let children do this or that, encourage them to eat well by using technology or other media, and provide them with all the facilities, and then suddenly, after some years, ask them to grow fast. Why so? And how is it even possible? By constantly telling a child they can't do something or think for themselves, you're preventing them from developing. Today's parents pay attention from a very young age, so why not help them understand why they can't do something on their own? How can they possess the ability to succeed? Only then the quality of their lives will change.

I connect too strongly with Lord Krishna's philosophy, according to which there are no shortcuts to success in anything. Every part of life, whether it be education, philosophy, psychology, emotions, feelings, cognitive thought, or spirituality, simply involves asking, "Why did this happen to me? Why is it vital to apply this in my life?" From there, one might consider "how to make it possible." It could be philosophy to fight for one's rights, to sustain relationships, to love oneself, or to follow one's dharma. Perhaps throughout time, our ancestors continued to adhere to the same philosophy, but we, the so-called "new generation" of scientists, have begun to wonder why our ancestors did what they did rather than adopting their ways. Indeed, we are all intelligent robots! We are to the point where we need to take stress, medication and deal with so many other mental health issues. We must seek happiness since our ancestors led joyful lives.

I just travelled to Jodhpur, where there are several forts built entirely by humans. The guide was telling tales of two communities in Jodhpur that used to discuss the necessity of building a fort so that residents could defend their homes from enemies, and another community that used to work meticulously on its construction. They used to lock in a way that allowed them to remain for a longer period of time and transport large rocks. These forts were constructed a century ago and are still composed of solid rock. Nevertheless, as we create bridges, buildings, and other structures using modern technology, how quickly do they fail or collapse? Asking why will help you understand how to apply Lord Krishna's philosophy.

We have dealt with a lot of stammering patients, and most of them exhibit the same patterns and systematic disfluency. Recently, a boy in the adolescent stage who stammers with sudden disfluency was the subject of our attention. He was narrating a movie's plot to me and was well aware of the motivation behind it as well as the strategy used to get viewers to begin believing in magic and energy. His English use was quite bad, and we could see that he was struggling to find the right words when narrating stories. We learned through conversation that he reads a lot and is quite literate, but he doesn't express himself using words. He seldom converses with others since he finds speaking stressful. I simply stated to his mother that he is having trouble speaking and feels extremely lazy, so why don't you check his blood for hemoglobin, vitamin B12, and vitamin D3? If the results are low, consider giving him a supplement. 

He will become more focused and active with the help of those supplements. The boy immediately said, "I get very scared of needles, therefore I won't do the test. I can't see mom taking any injections; it makes me feel nervous. I am unable to control my fear and my parents and grandparents prohibit me from going anywhere because they become scared and worried. If you like, I'll just use the medication without having to do any tests." As I've mentioned before, doing this and doing that in childhood develops characters like these, and then you blame your kids. This explains how this young child's sudden stammering came to light accidentally, and how to handle it has now become a lot simpler for us. Even when a child is intelligent, emotional fears like these might stunt their development. We should consider it.

Like everyone else, I occasionally run out of time to write owing to social obligations, travel, or a busy schedule, and I become frustrated that I can't present my writing on time as previously. I've often questioned myself, "Why?" You cannot be a perfectionist; you need to know your priorities and deliver with concrete thinking, so it's ok to take time. Additionally, I feel that writing with a purpose and writing things that help others learn and grow helps me feel less stressed and makes my task of learning "how to easier." I believe that every time I present a piece of writing, it should be significant and positively impact others. By adopting the mindset that, as Steve Jobs rightly points out, in life, you need to trust something—your intuition, your destiny, life, and karma. Understanding why never let you down and its how which has made difference in my life. 


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