|| Keep Growing ||

 || Keep Growing ||

A plant represents the right symbol to grow if it is given enough water and soil. Our human chain is the best example of growth; we grow from baby to adult to human beings. It grows and also only goes in one direction physically. Give it a thought: can we go the reverse way? from human being to growing adult to growing child? physically no!! but mentally, yes! if you want or you can! I have seen many clients or many senior citizens who, though physically growing like human beings, develop mental behavior like a child. After working their whole lives and growing, they keep doing things to grow but forget the emotions of childhood and the best happy part of their lives. By the time they realize this, it is too late, and people around them find it difficult to digest their behavior of being small. Growth, or keeping growing, is possible if we are physically and mentally growing equally and growing with a positive attitude and mindset. Keeping growing is the only and best formula for any human to survive in this universe now, with happiness or sorrow, depending on the individual's choice.

Lord Krishna has very well narrated through his behavior in life that we humans need to grow, and we need to grow in such a manner that our karma and dharma are both taken care of. Somewhere I have read that "every success story is a tale of constant adaptation, revision, and change, and Lord Krishna's stories are one such great example. We have seen him, or you can say we have imagined him as an innocent child, a romantic adult Krishna, and a responsible guide and mentor to Arjuna. One other prime behavior of his is to always keep smiling, however difficult the situation may be, and think about how to make all situations so positive that none of the other factors hamper our day-to-day and important lives. to keep growing, keep smiling formula given by our Lord Krishna. He also predicted through his life journey that you cannot grow if you are comfortable; you can only grow if you face challenges and work towards them with a smiling face and positivity.

Recently, while on a flight, I met a girl of marriageable age, and we sat next to one another for a few hours. We introduced ourselves and had various chats about life's issues. She was telling me about her positive and terrible experiences. However, I overheard in conversation that her negative life events weighed more heavily on her. Because of those negative life events, her career, relationships with others, and life ambitions were all disrupted. I got the impression that she was hesitant to make any decisions because she was insecure and worried that if she had any more excellent life experiences, she would not share them with others because they would not work. I was silently listening to her when I suggested that why not concentrate on what you've achieved in your life? You have obtained such fantastic outcomes as a result of your education.

At home or work, sometimes we get people to work, but some may work longer or for very little time. We get connected to people until they are destined to be with us. Life is like that. Many people will come and go, but those who have real soul connections and are meant for you will be with you forever, as they believe in you. Those who are meant for you will be there with you through it all, whether you go through good or bad experiences in life. They will be standing thick and thin for you. Those who are not meant for you, no matter how hard you try, will break and will find a way to be away from you. So many bad experiences should not shake up your trust in yourself and your other loved ones. Have confidence, believe in yourself, and make the right decisions with a positive attitude toward growing. Your confidence will never stop you from growing.

I have also had numerous life obstacles, but my trust in Lord Krishna and following his path of doing good karma have enabled me to overcome them in a much smoother manner. When I watch particularly disabled children overcome obstacles, it makes my own challenges seem insignificant. They are the true god devotees because they accept that it is the god who has predestined their lives and that on the other side, we have everything, but we grow in a direction where many external factors affect us, and we also lose the true path of dharma. These kids face challenges from birth to old age with disease and reach death in a natural manner. However, they grow with suffering in this scientifically advanced world but with a totally positive attitude. Therefore, developing tremendous commitment is crucial, as I have learned and will continue to learn from these wonderful children.

According to one philosopher, when you decide to be your own person, you discover the meaning of apologies and no excuses; you don't have time to blame others, and you don't have to rely on anybody. When you, as a person, decide to provide yourself with a better quality of life with good direction, that is when you truly begin to grow. I believe that one must develop in such a way that one does not have to look back. You grow with your own positive vibration; you believe in yourself and practice gratitude; you invest in making yourself better; you practice meditation so you can connect easily with God; you are also present in situations and know what to do; and you love life, which will help you grow in the right direction.

Many natural phenomena, such as sunsets, sunrises, and moonlights, are said to be permanent; however, many micro-level changes have been occurring since ancient times as a result of human behavior, such as littering, killing animals, cutting down trees and plants, using technology to control one's mind, body, and soul, and being influenced by others' actions. In addition, there are numerous mental health problems caused by comparison and competition that have stifled our ability to advance, and I use this practice, which consistently produces positive results. Sometimes, though, new, dependable business partners, fresh air-filled settings, and fresh perspectives on life are needed for progress.

The human eye is supposed to be so sensitive that, if the world were flat, a candle flame might be seen from 30 miles away at night. This is the same eye that does not have any muscles but has the flexibility to observe. It is a fact that any object, ritual, or law created by the human world for the functioning of humanity is subjective, not permanent, and can be changed. Why not change it so that it helps us grow? I believe growing with faith in God, having flexibility and a positive attitude, and having confidence help you keep growing. Let's just work for it. I have tried, and it just works.


  1. Very well written

    1. Very well written, excellent writing 👍👍👍

  2. Extremely mature thinking and very well expressed too 👍

  3. Excellent, very well written


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