The Impact Of Positive Language

The Impact Of Positive Language

The language of an individual has a great impact on society. I was born into a Gujarati family, and my mother tongue is Gujarati, and Gujrati is one of my favorite languages. If I have to speak, address, or write for someone in Gujrati, I just feel great doing that. Even if I'm traveling overseas and I meet individuals who speak Gujarati, the influence of the language makes me feel at home again. Recently, I had to give a lecture for 45 minutes in Gujrati at one of the international platforms. I felt so thrilled to do that. Especially in our country, we have so many languages, including our official language, Hindi. Wherever we are, if people try to talk in our language or try to imitate it, we feel so connected to our roots and all the memories that have passed by. That positive impact on someone who tries to connect with you makes you feel so satisfied and complete. Language plays a very big role in connecting, and adding positivity to that creates miracles and happiness. It says that if you talk to someone in a language that he or she understands, it goes into his or her head, and if you speak to someone in his or her own language, it goes into his or her heart.

We had one 25-year-old boy come to our clinic; he was smart, good-looking, and from a good family. He had come with the complaint that he can't hear properly, especially since he has a grocery shop, and in the shop, people ask for something in a noisy area that he can't hear. We did his hearing test, and we found he has absolutely normal hearing. Sometimes, in some patients, we do see that they hear normally, but they can't interpret sounds sometimes. So we did the speech discrimination score, and he did 100% correctly. I did that test in three different languages, and he did 100% correct in all three languages. When I started conversing with him, I found that he has a habit of thinking a lot. If he makes a mistake or does something he doesn't like, he goes into the mode of passive listening. He does have a history of recurrent colds, so he does get a blockage, but it's more because of his difficulty being with people at the right time.

After discussing with him I realized that he was very fond of playing cricket and he was poor in perusing education but they had a family business of groceries he was forced to be involved in it. his family has sufficient money to live life so he was lacking the inspiration to do something better. he said I don't feel like doing anything. I decide every day to go for physical training and then I give up. I said why don't you analyze yourself if you are lacking any vitamins or energy please work on it. understand yourself. If the time you overthink and start diverting your mind to things that you like you don't hear others because you don't feel to hear them. With work, you can always play cricket, travel, and explore the world you wish to know. The moment we discussed he felt so nice he said your positive approach to talking about my attitude had opened up my mind to look at things differently.

He said, "All this time, I was thinking my drum was ruptured and I needed medical treatment, but now I realize I need more psychological treatment. If I analyze myself, I will find a solution to my problems and difficulties. My concentration is only not there in my work, and I don't like how I will hear or listen to others." The best part he liked is that apart from medicine to remove his block edge, he got the correct positive direction for his life, and that only happens when we use positive language while listening to them. When a child comes to us crying with pain or having had a fall, what we immediately do is comfort the child, try to listen, and give a positive approach while dealing with them. The same thing happens when a child becomes an adult. Why do we not get to do that? I feel we need to use positive language to console other people at every stage of life, especially those who are our loved ones. Your positive language in the form of warmth can create miracles in your relationship.

Any relationship, whether it be between doctor and patient, parents and kids, manager and employee, boss and employee, teacher, and student, or between two loved ones, works best if you use language that has a positive impact on the other person. The way we use our language is a roadmap of our culture. Most of the time, we can tell from their language where the people are coming from. With their soft-spoken language, giving respect to others, whatever their age, and waiting to listen to others, those people create the maximum positive impact on other people's lives. I told that young boy, You have enough money, so don't feel like earning more, but you can think more and earn money to help others. That way, at least you will have the desire to listen to others and will have the desired impact other people's lives in a positive manner. He left the clinic with a deep smile. I felt that my positive language to deal with his problem had a good impact on him.

Music melody with flute is a language of music our lord Krishna used to create a positive impact on all the people who were around him, and till today, his language of music mesmerizes all the people living in this universe. It is said that different languages have different visions of life. You have a language, which can be verbal or nonverbal; it may be the language of music, the language of love, or the language of appreciation and gratitude. Unless and until it does not create a positive impact on others' lives, it doesn't have any value. While Arjuna, his best friend, needed help to fight with his own cousin Kauravas and his own family, Lord Krishna, rather than discussing the past and present, used the language of positivity, saying, Don't think about what has happened or what will happen; just think that you are doing your own karma to help survive dharma, and by doing that, you will change and impact so many lives. So just fight for the rights of your dharma and others.

We have seen those parents who have special kids or have kids who have difficulty learning languages; those parents who invest time and energy to encourage language learning in kids with positivity; parents who use strategies with natural, easy, and fun opportunities; they achieve better results than those who use methods of forcing them, begging them, or bribing them. We believe that for a special child or normal child, if parents feel that their child is a superhero and has the superpower to be flexible in facing any situation, then language learning has a real and great impact. After reading this, analyzing it, and thinking about it, I feel every individual has their own superpower to understand their own language of learning, understand it similarly, and then express what they have learned. Positive language helps to create a better impact.

In today's fast-paced world, we only understand the language of social media. It has made us closer to getting connected but far in understanding the language of feeling. We are fascinated by the outer beauty of language but are not trying to know its depth. Many times, even if we are nonverbal, if we can create a positive impact with our language, it will have a greater impact than being verbal, which I have learned from my deaf kids. Let's create positivity in our nonverbal and verbal actions every day to create the best positive impact on our society.


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