Age is Just a Number...


Age is Just a Number...

We get many senior citizen clients in our clinic, and they come with a variety of perspectives. Some say, "Now that we are retired, it's time to communicate with our friends and especially with our grandkids, so please correct my hearing." One client was so lively that she said, "I live alone and do a lot of spiritual activities, so to participate in that, I need to hear well. Please do your best to make me hear." Some say, "My age has advanced, and I have difficulty, but I don’t want to be a burden to my kids, so it’s okay if I can hear a little; one-on-one communication is fine." Others say, "I can hear a little; people around me speak loudly to me, and I can manage." Everyone who comes to us has a different perception of hearing. For some, age is precious; for others, age is a burden. For some, age is a celebration; for others, it is pain. When I meet such senior citizens, I remember our legendary singer, the late Shri Lata Mangeshkarji, who, at the age of 92, was singing melodiously until her last breath. For her, age was just a number. She lived her life fully with her passion. You rarely get to see such humans in this universe.

I have seen thousands of pictures of Lord Krishna and also Radhaji, and in none of them is Lord Krishna depicted as an old person. According to the scriptures, he lived for 125 years, but even at that age, he looked as smart and good-looking as he did at the age of 15. I don’t think you’ll come across any god or goddess depicted as aging. They too came to this universe, performed their karma, and left their stories for humankind, but none of them provided data or more information about aging. I believe that according to the dharma and karma they taught, age is just a number. Your age is in your mindset, shaped by how you feel in life and how you act in life.

On the lighter side of life, a well-educated lady recently visited us with significant hearing issues that had persisted for the last five years. Due to her multiple health problems, she hadn’t been able to focus on her hearing. This led to a lot of miscommunications between her and her husband. Despite this, her husband was very cooperative and managed the difficult situations well, though she hadn’t fully appreciated his efforts. When they came to us, she had rejected many hearing aids because they were noisy, didn’t meet her needs, and weren’t helping her. We carefully fitted her with hearing aids that suited her requirements, taking into account all of her medical issues. She was thrilled to finally hear well. After experiencing comfortable hearing for some time and feeling hopeful about the future, she made a light-hearted comment to her husband, saying, "I will now compensate for the five years that have passed without me hearing you well." She was around 50 years old, but both she and her husband were very positive and vibrant.

Many times, our negative thoughts can overpower our physical and mental health. I’ve especially noticed this in women going through menopause, who often experience significant hormonal changes in their bodies. These changes can lead to mood swings, feelings of depression, physical and mental exhaustion, or loneliness—particularly at a time when their male partner may be busy at the peak of his career and focused on earning money. During this period, having positive thoughts and receiving mental and moral support in a qualitative way can make a couple feel more comfortable in life. When they support each other, age truly becomes just a number, and they can enjoy every bit of their life together. It is said that it’s important to keep your energetic frequency elevated to welcome more love, bliss, and all the things that bring happiness into your life.

Recently, we met a mother who has two sons. She is a working woman and delivered her second child 10 years after the first. During the intervening years, she went through a lot of health issues, and it was with great difficulty that she delivered her second child. She was very worried and conscious about her second child’s growth, constantly thinking about it.

Nowadays, with advances in science and more women being career-oriented, some choose to have children later in life or undergo various treatments to conceive. Of course, late delivery, changes in routine, and the many responsibilities and commitments at work and home can sometimes weaken your mental resilience. However, this doesn’t mean it will negatively affect the child. A child will grow at their own pace, and with your support and stimulation, their development will be healthy. Parenting can be a smoother and more enjoyable experience at any age, as long as you approach it with love and care.

I read somewhere that when you have negative thoughts affecting your life, you should replace them with gratitude for what you have. If negative thoughts disturb you, learn to set them aside and take actions that help you grow positively toward the future you want. I often tell my patients who stammer that, while they may struggle to speak well, they should acknowledge this thought and then practice replacing it with positive actions of speaking well. This empowers them to overcome the situation. In this way, you can make a change at any time if you decide to—age doesn’t matter.

My positive affirmations, both for myself and my loved ones, have helped me grow internally. Every morning, my affirmation to help deaf children has allowed me to assist 1,900 underprivileged kids so far. My affirmation to improve my mental health has enabled me to make firmer and clearer decisions. It has also helped me grow as a writer and spread more positivity. My affirmation to improve my physical health has led me to learn kickboxing, which has helped me release aggression and become a person with a stable mind. Additionally, my mental health has been empowered by my love and passion for dancing, which I enjoy and which brings happiness to my life. You can change, analyze, and take action at any age to become a better human being—age is just a number.

Research suggests that physical activity is an incredible way to overcome unconscious, unnecessary thoughts and emotions. Whether it’s meditation, yoga, running, walking, dancing, or sports—whatever you enjoy—engaging in physical activity disrupts the flow of these unwanted thoughts in your mind. Physical activity at any age, whether it’s a baby learning to crawl or walk, or anyone learning a new physical activity naturally, produces endorphins in the body. These endorphins signal the brain to relieve stress and pain. Just imagine, if we engage in such actions while being mindful of ourselves, age truly becomes just a number. You can be happy and create happiness at any age.


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