You always Gain by Giving Love

 || You always Gain by Giving Love ||

Lord Krishna, the creator of our universe, in his eighth incarnation, depicted that the love in our hearts is the best medicine to heal the world. For our physical health, we run, walk, exercise, and eat nutritious food. For our mental health, we may express our emotions and feelings for our loved ones or the environment around us. However, if our souls do not release love into the universe for ourselves and for others, then our efforts toward physical and mental health will be in vain. I was reading a poetry book about Lord Krishna that narrates how one can become lost in Krishna's love. In it, I read that Radha, who was closest to Lord Krishna, channels her vibrant energy through her imagination to support him in all his endeavors, whether it be running the kingdom, feeling alone, or helping others. Such vibrant energy exists in this world, but we humans, in this scientific revolution, are losing it every day. Radha never loved Lord Krishna or this universe to gain anything; her love has spread so much positive and vibrant energy that even today, people remember their love as Radha-Krishna's love, which is unconditional and immortal.

Love is precious, and there is no single definition of it. However, if we recognize the opportunities to express love at every stage of life and understand how we can miss these opportunities, then spreading love becomes much easier. Recently, I met a mother with a hearing-impaired child who is now around 25 years old. She also has an older son who became an engineer and is currently working. She worked hard for both children, but unconsciously, her love, affection, and effort were more focused on her hearing-impaired child. Today, both sons are working, but the elder son, who is fully abled, got married and decided to live separately, showing no willingness to support the family. The hearing-impaired son is working, but he has limitations. The mother was crying, feeling unloved by her able-bodied son while lamenting that her hearing-impaired child is the one supporting her in her old age.

Many times, we forget to balance situations, and if we don’t pay attention, we end up facing the consequences. Love needs to be the same for all children; the moment comparison or partiality occurs, it affects relationships in the long run. Similarly, women aged 45 to 55 go through menopause while their male spouses are at the peak of their careers, busy earning money and status. This often leads to neglect in giving love and time to their spouses, resulting in difficult situations in their relationships. If they can find balance and provide enough time and love during this phase, when men go through andropause, they too will receive equal attention and care from their female partners. This right synergy of love can resolve many issues in life and in relationships.

My love and passion for my profession have brought me countless blessings. Over the last 33 years of practice, I have guided many hearing-impaired children to lead normal lives. Now, whenever I travel to different places and cities, I inform them, and they eagerly await our meetings. The love and respect I receive from them is truly unimaginable. Recently, I visited Nathdwara, where I met two children: one who has graduated and another who recently had hearing aids fitted six months ago. The parents of the younger child shared that she has started communicating and speaks very clearly, expressing herself confidently. The elder boy proudly showed me his shop and said, “I’m happy to show you how well I have prospered in life.” I was delighted to see their progress. This is a real treasure of life when you love what you do.

Guru Ved Vyas wanted Lord Ganpati (a deity considered auspicious for starting new ventures) to write the Mahabharata in one go. Lord Ganpati sat in one place for ten days without getting up. Despite feeling hot while writing, Ved Vyas surrounded him with sand to ensure he could write comfortably, day and night. This dedication reflected their mutual love: Lord Ganpati’s love for writing and Guru Ved Vyas’s love for portraying the reality of life through the Mahabharata, where Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna how to fight for dharma. After ten days of intense writing, Guru Ved Vyas placed Lord Ganpati in water to cool him down from the heat accumulated during this effort. This is how we celebrate and honor Lord Ganpati, bringing him into our homes to celebrate and triumph over adharma while seeking a better future grounded in real dharma.

I read somewhere that if you have a golden bangle and a gold shopkeeper melts it down to make a necklace for you without charging much, you feel great. If you have spare wood and a carpenter uses that wood to make a chair, you feel fulfilled. If you plant a seed that grows into a tree bearing many fruits and flowers, you feel happy about the wonderful work you’ve done. Everything happens through a process, fueled by good intentions and a positive approach. However, love transcends all of this. A mother’s love for her child provides warmth and security, creating the best life for her kid. A child learns to navigate the world and grow in the universe through the love of their parents.

The love and respect Lord Ganpati showed for his parents is beyond words. When Lord Shiva asked his two children to do a parikrama of the universe, Lord Ganpati chose to circumambulate his parents, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, as he received immense love from both of them. Just imagine: their love for their children equated to the vastness of the universe. In our own lives, we work hard at home and at work, giving our best, but sometimes those around us don’t recognize our efforts, leaving us feeling restless. Similarly, when our loved ones expect love and care from us, and we don’t reflect that back, how do you think they feel? If we do show them love and care, just imagine how beautiful our lives and theirs would be.

The best understanding of love is that it needs to be genuine in order to triumph. Love is the art of life; where there is love, there is life. Love protects you and helps you overcome the hurdles of your own life, as well as those faced by the people around you. Through loving positivity, I have gained a lot. Recently, one of my readers met me; she was sitting next to me. She is older and had recently experienced a small accident that shook her up, leaving her feeling alone and scared. However, her love for positivity and her enjoyment of reading articles helped her overcome that fear with surprising ease. So, love yourself and the people around you to the best of your ability, and watch the change unfold in the world. I assure you, you will receive love far beyond what you can imagine!


  1. Bahut sundar जय श्री राधे कृष्ण


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