|| Value is Valuable ||
|| Value is Valuable || Great values are built on a very strong foundation. Any human being born on this earth will be great when they allow these values to take their roots within their own souls and believe in it and live by them. Wow, what a statement! When I was analyzing this statement I was just thinking what do we believe and what do we value? In today's time, to live on this earth we humans believe that we need to have good education. I feel having just education is not enough, we need to value our education. We are born on this earth then we grow and become an adult, its a process, but how do we believe we were kids once upon a time? Nowadays, we have a facility of taking photos and memories and the whole social media which proves that we were kids at sometime. In earlier days, we had to just believe that we were a kid. All beliefs were on imagination and value of the person. We still have great imagination about our freedom fighters and today also people who supported the...