
Showing posts from August, 2024

Age is Just a Number...

  Age is Just a Number... We get many senior citizen clients in our clinic, and they come with a variety of perspectives. Some say, "Now that we are retired, it's time to communicate with our friends and especially with our grandkids, so please correct my hearing." One client was so lively that she said, "I live alone and do a lot of spiritual activities, so to participate in that, I need to hear well. Please do your best to make me hear." Some say, "My age has advanced, and I have difficulty, but I don’t want to be a burden to my kids, so it’s okay if I can hear a little; one-on-one communication is fine." Others say, "I can hear a little; people around me speak loudly to me, and I can manage." Everyone who comes to us has a different perception of hearing. For some, age is precious; for others, age is a burden. For some, age is a celebration; for others, it is pain. When I meet such senior citizens, I remember our legendary singer, the late

Fight for your Rights and Dignity

Fight for your Rights and Dignity  When we talk about the dignity of an individual, it means that we, as individuals, need to respect each other. Dignity means not compromising on your human rights. Today, in a fast-paced world, and being so fascinated by social media, we have actually forgotten what our rights are, what our dignity is, and what we, as humans, stand for. We use all our energy on comparison, jealousy, negativity, and many other unconscious crimes. Take a very small example: every child, whether normal or special, deserves to enjoy innocence, warmth, security, and love to see the beauty in the world. What is happening these days is that they are being forced into a rat race. Innocent children are required to fulfill numerous social commitments, and in some cases, we witness cruelty in how kids are treated. Over the years, due to changes in the human chain—or you could say devilish senses—people are not capable of handling humanity, and anger and frustration have reached


  Independence?? We recently celebrated our 78th Independence Day. Our freedom fighters worked hard and did their best to make us feel independent. But do we really experience the essence of independence? People say independence is a state of mind and a spirit beyond categories, yet even today, we fight over religion. We continue to divide people by religion, caste, and community. Our minds talk about independence for every Indian citizen, but do we truly feel it or mean it? We speak of a scientific revolution through social media and electronic media, but is it reflected in our actions toward others, without regard to caste or religion? We talk about revolution, evolution, and technology, yet we are still considered a developing country, not a developed one. We are still 10 to 15 years behind many developed countries, despite having so many intelligent minds, scientists, researchers, and others who can work for our country as our freedom fighters did to win us our freedom. I'll ta

The impact of positive relationships.....

  The impact of positive relationships.... It is said that relationships are made in heaven, but we on Earth need to feel and nurture them. Parents give birth to a child, and then an unimaginable and everlasting bond develops with their kids. Once they bring a child into the world, their emotions, love, and feelings for that child just flow—there is no looking back. If this flow is nurtured with a positive approach, the growth and impact of the relationship become unmatched. I've observed that when both parents work together with their child, feeling equally responsible, the child grows more confidently. The warmth and security provided by both parents enable the child to achieve seemingly impossible things. I've also seen many cases where parents of special needs children, or parents of typically developing children working with a special needs child, achieve great results when they maintain a positive relationship. The impact on the child in these cases is remarkable.

Idealism : a way to Perfection or Fantasy.....

  Idealism: a way to Perfection or Fantasy.... A small intellectual brain starts functioning once we begin absorbing language through verbal stimulation from the environment. Depending on the environment and parental support, we start absorbing every piece of information. Every parent who brings a child into this universe has certain fantasies about their child. Most parents dream of having a beautiful or smart-looking child with all senses functioning normally, and who is physically and mentally fit. Nowadays, parents even take measures to ensure that their child does not contract any infections or allergies after birth, so that the child can grow normally. Parents control their food habits to prevent their child from falling sick. In the past, parents would read religious and spiritual books during pregnancy. Today, parents read about how to become the best parents, striving to be perfectionists by following the ideologies of other parents. But is this really practical, considering e